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Thanks, Phoenix. JJ is an ALL-STAR!


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Can we please stop quoting Hotlanta1981 I have him blocked and I still have to see his nonsense. I wish his parents would let him out of the attic so he can go play with the other kids. When he learns to share and play well with others then maybe he will have a more positive outlook on life. But for now playstation/Xbox seem to have clouded his judgment and distorted his basketball IQ.

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I can't believe anyone whose a Hawks fan can't be happy about JJ being an All-star. It has nothing to do with tank or not to tank or any other debate over the team. The only thing it does is elevate JJ and by extension the franchise to say we had an All-star. Its a win/win for everyone whose a Hawks fan...

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which has NOTHING to do with this year's all star team..

JJ isn't a star because he hasn't accompl!shed anyth!ng other people a 4th opt!on on a team that doesn't even need h!m. M!ght aswell call Reef pr Anton!e Walker a star.

OMG this is one of the dumbest things I've heard.

Joe Johnson is a top 10 player in the league in scoring and that's without star treatment. He earns his points from the floor.

Without him and we are the worst team in the NBA period.

!f JJ !s so great, how come PHX only got better w!thout h!m.

Be!ng the worst team and the 3rd or 4th worst team doesn't make alot of d!fference. The Hawks are really bad.

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Are you saying if we had Vince, he could lead this team to the playoffs?

I wonder why you didn't address this.

I will ask you again, since you avoided the question last time. If you think the Hawks are so horrible, you think Atlanta is a horrible city in general, you bash the players, you aren't proud when they become an all-star, and you think the Hawks should move the franchise to Vegas..


!'m an honest fan.

! d!dn't say JJ sucks. ! sa!d unt!l he proves he can lead a team to some sort of w!nn!ng he !sn't a real star. ! was proud when Deke and Sm!tty made allstar teams because they deserved !t. JJ doesn't yet unt!l he proves someth!ng.

!'ve done told you about V!nce. You never seem to get !t the f!rst or second t!me... So why should ! tell you aga!n.

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sa!d unt!l he proves he can lead a team to some sort of w!nn!ng he !sn't a real star. ! JJ doesn't yet unt!l he proves someth!ng.

.500 was never a litmus test for proving allstardom. Plenty of great players went under .500 early in their careers while playing in the all star games (even Jordan&LeBron were under .500)

Did you know that JJ is only 6 months older than Wade?

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sa!d unt!l he proves he can lead a team to some sort of w!nn!ng he !sn't a real star. ! JJ doesn't yet unt!l he proves someth!ng.

.500 was never a litmus test for proving allstardom. Plenty of great players went under .500 early in their careers while playing in the all star games (even Jordan&LeBron were under .500)

Did you know that JJ is only 6 months older than Wade?

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sa!d unt!l he proves he can lead a team to some sort of w!nn!ng he !sn't a real star. ! JJ doesn't yet unt!l he proves someth!ng.


.500 was never a litmus test for proving allstardom. Plenty of great players went under .500 early in their careers while playing in the all star games (even Jordan&LeBron were under .500)


Did you know that JJ is only 6 months older than Wade?


Yeah, and Wade has took h!s team to the playoffs (w!thout Shaq) won the NBA t!tle, !s popular w!th the fans, been the f!nals MVP, has won s!nce he's been !n the league pretty much.

JJ... He's scored 25PPG on the 3rd of 4th worst team !n the league.

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which has NOTHING to do with this year's all star team..

JJ isn't a star because he hasn't accompl!shed anyth!ng other people a 4th opt!on on a team that doesn't even need h!m. M!ght aswell call Reef pr Anton!e Walker a star.

OMG this is one of the dumbest things I've heard.

Joe Johnson is a top 10 player in the league in scoring and that's without star treatment. He earns his points from the floor.

Without him and we are the worst team in the NBA period.

!f JJ !s so great, how come PHX only got better w!thout h!m.

Be!ng the worst team and the 3rd or 4th worst team doesn't make alot of d!fference. The Hawks are really bad.

That is not a good way to measure value, IMO, since there are so many other factors associated with winning other than one player's value. For example, you could use the same rationale to argue that Steve Nash doesn't make a difference since Dallas got better when Nash left for Phoenix (they went from 52 wins with Nash to 58 wins without him). The fact that Nash won an MVP that season kind of shows how win differential is not necessarily a good way of evaluating someone's worth.

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!f JJ !s so great, how come PHX only got better w!thout h!m.

If he's so bad, how come we improve double digits in wins every season(trending this season)? If he is so bad how come coach K calls him a "coach's dream"?biggun.gif

1.! don't care what coach K says. He !sn't an NBA coach. Most of h!s players also fa!l to do great !n the NBA.

The oncourt facts are worth more than coach K's op!n!on.

The east be!ng so weak and not even hav!ng ONE really good team the ent!re season plays a part.

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!'m an honest fan.

You're an honest fan, but you want your favorite team to move to Vegas?? That doesn't qualify as being a fan.

About the Vince situation, you say he's carried his team to the playoffs in the past, what does that have to do with being an all-star THIS YEAR?? He couldn't carry his team to the playoffs THIS YEAR, so what does something he did 4 years ago matter when compared to this year??

EDIT: And quit using those damn exclamation points for I's.

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which has NOTHING to do with this year's all star team..

JJ isn't a star because he hasn't accompl!shed anyth!ng other people a 4th opt!on on a team that doesn't even need h!m. M!ght aswell call Reef pr Anton!e Walker a star.

OMG this is one of the dumbest things I've heard.

Joe Johnson is a top 10 player in the league in scoring and that's without star treatment. He earns his points from the floor.

Without him and we are the worst team in the NBA period.

!f JJ !s so great, how come PHX only got better w!thout h!m.

Be!ng the worst team and the 3rd or 4th worst team doesn't make alot of d!fference. The Hawks are really bad.

That is not a good way to measure value, IMO, since there are so many other factors associated with winning other than one player's value. For example, you could use the same rationale to argue that Steve Nash doesn't make a difference since Dallas got better when Nash left for Phoenix (they went from 52 wins with Nash to 58 wins without him). The fact that Nash won an MVP that season kind of shows how win differential is not necessarily a good way of evaluating someone's worth.

Dallas has changed coaches and has had a new approach s!nce Nash was there. Don't you th!nk that makes ab!t of d!fference.

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Yeah, and Wade has took h!s team to the playoffs (w!thout Shaq) won the NBA t!tle, !s popular w!th the fans, been the f!nals MVP, has won s!nce he's been !n the league pretty much.

JJ... He's scored 25PPG on the 3rd of 4th worst team !n the league.

The point is you are forgetting how young JJ is. Not many players have greater one on one trade value than JJ. Would you care to list?

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Dallas has changed coaches and has had a new approach s!nce Nash was there. Don't you th!nk that makes ab!t of d!fference.

Yeah changing coaches makes a bigger difference than LOSING A 2 TIME MVP!!

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!'m an honest fan.

You're an honest fan, but you want your favorite team to move to Vegas?? That doesn't qualify as being a fan.

About the Vince situation, you say he's carried his team to the playoffs in the past, what does that have to do with being an all-star THIS YEAR?? He couldn't carry his team to the playoffs THIS YEAR, so what does something he did 4 years ago matter when compared to this year??

! want the Hawks to move because !t's the!r fate to never do great th!ngs !n Atlanta. The team had been here for decades and decades and they've had some good years, but after decades they st!ll haven't got to the b!g dance wh!le be!ng !n Atlanta.

They haven't had true fan support !n pretty close to two decades.

V!nce... Statw!se he's pretty close to JJ, he's proven that he can w!n, he's well l!ked by the fans. So yes, he should get !n over JJ.

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which has NOTHING to do with this year's all star team..

JJ isn't a star because he hasn't accompl!shed anyth!ng other people a 4th opt!on on a team that doesn't even need h!m. M!ght aswell call Reef pr Anton!e Walker a star.

OMG this is one of the dumbest things I've heard.

Joe Johnson is a top 10 player in the league in scoring and that's without star treatment. He earns his points from the floor.

Without him and we are the worst team in the NBA period.

!f JJ !s so great, how come PHX only got better w!thout h!m.

Be!ng the worst team and the 3rd or 4th worst team doesn't make alot of d!fference. The Hawks are really bad.

That is not a good way to measure value, IMO, since there are so many other factors associated with winning other than one player's value. For example, you could use the same rationale to argue that Steve Nash doesn't make a difference since Dallas got better when Nash left for Phoenix (they went from 52 wins with Nash to 58 wins without him). The fact that Nash won an MVP that season kind of shows how win differential is not necessarily a good way of evaluating someone's worth.

Dallas has changed coaches and has had a new approach s!nce Nash was there. Don't you th!nk that makes ab!t of d!fference.

Of course it does. Since JJ left Phoenix, they have strongly improved their team defense (JJ was their best defender when he left) and added significantly more depth and had real development from some younger players.

Notably, Phoenix also lost 8 more games the year after they lost JJ than they won the year before.

My point is that a team's success is the function of a lot of moving parts and you can't discount JJ or Nash's value simply by looking at the change in their old team's total wins.

If you use that analysis, though, it is:

JJ's team loses 8 more games without him

Nash's team wins 6 more games without him

That comes off looking pretty good for JJ.

Frankly, I think it is pretty obvious that they are both very good players.

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V!nce... Statw!se he's pretty close to JJ,
he's proven that he can w!n,
he's well l!ked by the fans. So yes, he should get !n over JJ.

Again, you are using the PAST. What does this have to do with being an all-star THIS YEAR??

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Dallas has changed coaches and has had a new approach s!nce Nash was there. Don't you th!nk that makes ab!t of d!fference.

Yeah changing coaches makes a bigger difference than LOSING A 2 TIME MVP!!

You seen f!rst hand how bad the GS !s under Don Nelson. Coach!ng can make a pretty b!g d!fference. Nelly !s one of the worst coaches ever. He !gnores half the game and that makes h!m a pretty awful coach.

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