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im hoping for a call out


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someone in the hawks orginization like the human entertainment system(Josh smith), joe johnson OR somebody needs to call out BK. thats the only way BK will understand.

BK will never get it. His ego is bigger than any call out. Just fire him.

Some fans here will do everything in their power to avoid calling him out even here. What does he have on you guys? Naked baby photos?


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Who are these "chicken ****" fans you're referring to? I look on these boards and I see plenty of people calling out BK and his crew. I also see a few defend some of BK's moves, but for the most part I see a lot of BK hate. So who are these "chicken ****" fans?

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Who are these "chicken ****" fans you're referring to? I look on these boards and I see plenty of people calling out BK and his crew. I also see a few defend some of BK's moves, but for the most part I see a lot of BK hate. So who are these "chicken ****" fans?

To name a few. Lascar insists he still doesn't like BK and that we need a GM who will make a bold move to get a legit Pg but writes glowingly about an insignificant deal for what amounts to our 3rd best BU Pg by BK that hampers our ability to do so. KB loves everything BK even if it means his own flip/flopping credibility and when the question is AJ or not AJ he says "thank goodness we didn't get Ridnour". That's not only not the point it's wrong. JerryWest hasn't seen a BK move he doesn't like either and thinks that a season ending injury to Dwayne Wade speaks well of this fatally flawed Hawk's team. It's like a chorus of apologists and dissolusioned fans.

And no, I don't have any problem calling people out for this.


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Who are these "chicken ****" fans you're referring to? I look on these boards and I see plenty of people calling out BK and his crew. I also see a few defend some of BK's moves, but for the most part I see a lot of BK hate. So who are these "chicken ****" fans?

yes apparently some think the fans need to call out BK because that will make all the difference in the world. so far i see a lot of calling out BK from fans and oddly, strangely, and completely baffling, he doesnt listen. maybe if three more people on a messageboard agreed, yes, yes, that's it. we get three more people (4 if you include DocHawk) to call out BK publicly on the board and agree with Walter and he'll make a big move! HURRAY!! OUR PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED!! why didnt we think of this before?

And yes oh yes, the best way to describe someone who doesnt agree about with you about how the general manager of a basketball is doing, is truly the word chickenshit. scared. scared of disagreeing with BK. scared that if we do, he might spank us, send us to bed with no supper. yes oh yes, chickenshit and afraid he may beat us up after school. yes, that's sounds right, chickenshit is a good word. much better than phrases such as "having their own opinion,""different point of view," and god forbid words such as "disagree."

i mean that's right, right? otherwise it may appear that someone may have used it as a pisspoor segue to again insult those that disagree with them. whoops, there's that word again, "disagree." oh silly me, here i go again verbally owning these folks.

would you like to see a cool little gremlin in my post too? i do, i think they're neat. here ya go!


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JerryWest hasn't seen a BK move he doesn't like

I have called out on BK for drafting Chillz over Deng but given him credit for Smoove although I wanted someone else at that time.

You just 2nd guess after the fact that you always picked the right players. In reality, you actually like 10 players, and bring up the only guy who end up performing the best. The second guessing legend in his own mind.

I am willing to wait and give a time to MW and SW and I never trash players too early because I have seen players like J O'Neil bloom late to become superstars. You shift from Sene to O'Bryant to Roy to Foye to whoever helps you [censored] at any point of time.

I understand BK took a gamble at Speedy and he lost. He should be blamed for it. Absolutely. Speedy's injury may have been underestimated by him and his team. If Speedy comes back and plays injury free for the next 3+ years, I'll gladly eat crow. You'd just shift to your next bitching subject.

You keep claiming you wanted Diaw when I showed in your previous posts that you wanted Outlaw more than Diaw. You also wanted to trade up for Hays with the Diaw pick. You would have cost us several 1st rounders for Hayes. However, you keep on screaming you wanted Diaw. Pathetic 2nd guesser.


and thinks that a season ending injury to Dwayne Wade speaks well of this fatally flawed Hawk's team.

I clearly said on my post that I am sorry for Wade's injury.

However, it opened up a space for the Hawks to sneak into the playoffs and give our young studs some smell of the playoff blood.

You don't want that. A playoff appearance would decrease your bitching opportunities.


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What have you been right about?

I really don't know either way, but I don't recall you being right about anything relating to the Hawks. Enlighten me. Feel free to link if you wish.


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You just 2nd guess after the fact that you always picked the right players. In reality, you actually like 10 players, and bring up the only guy who end up performing the best. The second guessing legend in his own mind.

Jerry West, I would have picked Diaw (a minor mistake I have stated as Howard is better), Deng over Iggy for trade value reasons...Childress originally way down the list but he's better than I thought, JS, Deron, and Roy of the players available. Those aren't 10 players and I cite specific criteria for other players such as "I would most prefer a trade up for Bargnanni". As far as Diaw goes I showed you an entire year absent of my posts about the subject as I left this forum for Real GM prior to the draft that involved Diaw. Perhaps if there is a realGM poster who recalls and is inclined they will support this. Regardless, you are a sore loser who won't even acknowledge that I got it right with a consistency our GM could only hope to someday approach. That's sad for both you and BK.


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For the people who claim some are just second guessing I am indeed calling you out. Go look back at old threads on this site and over at realgm.com on the Hawks board there to see how many people were hoping for 2-3 guys that turned out be great and instead we got stuck with who BK drafted. I distinctly remember it being 50/50 between Deng and Iggy and Chill not even being remotely considered. I distinctly remember it being 50/50 on Bogut or Paul and Marvin mildly talked about but not really. I remember people being very much being Foye or Roy and instead we get Shellhead.

So honestly alot of people have been saying names well before those drafts. Its not true that Walter and others simply stay quiet until after the fact and then attack teh drafts and Knight.

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How would you have picked Diaw when you liked Outlaw more? You also had many other bums ahead of them but they were also drafted ahead of Diaw which saved you greater embarassment. Outlaw got you caught red handed.

You have no proof of Deng and Smoove. You probably liked 10 guys, like you always do, and now you only claim the one that came successful. I have seen you do that over and over again. I bet, if I research there, I can see the same pattern as you pulled with Diaw.

You are just a Sene/OBriant loving lier who wants to trade up for Bargnani now. I have figured out your thinking pattern.

Doc, he is asking if you were ever right. Just make up anything like he always does. It doesn't have to be true.

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nevermind, i took you off ignore so i could see what your question was....

well you see, the reason you don't know of anything i've been right about Walter is because I use phrases such as "I beleive this will...." and "I think that he can provide..." or maybe a "I'm not so sure about this..." As opposed to your method of "THIS GUY SUCKS!" and "I AM RIGHT!", and my personal favorite, "YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS!"

i don't get into an emotional mission to make everyone beleive what I beleive or ATTEMPT to make them feel bad for disagreeing with me. because i realize that i'm not a general manager of an NBA basketball team, no matter how much basketball I've watched or played or how many times i read an article from a sportswriter who is trying to get me to beleive what they beleive.

do i agree with BK's every move? hell no. but i realize something very important: 1)the circumstances around a move even if it does not pan out and 2)what BK has been trying or not trying to do because i'm not him or the GM's he's called.

i actually understand why he took Marvin. because i also understood that almost every GM would have done the same. and people on this board just did not like Paul because of his size. does hindsight tell me we should have taken Paul? sure, who doesnt. but i'm not going to go all out to attack BK for doing something most GM's would have done.

he should have not picked Shelden with that pick. he should have attempted to trade down and not shut down his workouts. that was stupid. but then again, we don't know if he DID try to trade down but was rejected (much like the attempt to get Jarret Jack and Marcus Williams). his error was getting too narrow focused on who he wanted and was not open to backup choice possibilites, so he shut down the workouts. i blame him for that part of the pick. we needed a big(attempted to move up but again was rejected), and we got one.

and i've seen your past criticims of him not being able to get a point guard all going back to the marvin pick. criticize him for getting speedy when he offered the world to cassel and was rejected and went after the 2nd best one. becaue you say he should have never been in that position in the first place. i've seen your past criticisms of not being able to trade up to get Marcus Williams/Jarret Jack again, cuz should not have had to if he had drafted Paul or Deron Williams. Actually from what I've seen, other than passing over those two for mr potential superstar, i've seen BK consistently giving major effort to bring a point guard in in any way he can. this past year the only one who was considered a point in the draft in the 1st round was marcus williams (and again, he tried to get him). basically every criticsm that BK gets somehow leads back to that draft of Marvin and I find that ridiculous (again given the circumstances that most GMs would have taken Marvin).

i also understand that the ownership situation sucks and there was a distinct ruling that was talked about over and over here about the limitations of the contract of a player we can bring in. BK is bound by that.

i criticize Woody. I think his offensive coaching abilities are SEVERELY lacking. I beleive he's a good defensive coach for a half court set team and I beleive he's a good developer on that side of the ball. He is best to do what he did in Detroit, an assistant to help develop certain skills. ESPECIALLY with the type of athletic running team we have, he isnt a good fit. This is a mistake that BK made. Not matching the type of coach with the type of players he was drafting.

Bk has made mistakes definitely. But I see the things that transpired for these things to happen. But I am not on a mission to prove to everyone that he sucks. AKA, when a move is made that is underwhelming(bringing in AJ), taking that opportunity to blast him more. Each move BK makes, I will judge it with neutrality and not base it on hate or love of the guy, I base it on circumstances. Speedy is constantly injured, Lue is still injured and has an injury that can reoccur(as it already has) and Ivey blows. He tried Ridnour, rejected. I'm not upset we got AJ, I'm more upset we didnt trade Speedy or Lue away for depth at the big man position or 3 point shooting after we got AJ.

i'm not going to waste time (more time that I already have explaining what everyone else has tried to get through to you) researching to link my old posts to see if i'm right or wrong because you won't find much anyway where i'm claiming to world that this the way it will or should be (you can spend the time to do that if it pleases you). but if you would like a few examples of me having an opinion that turned out pretty decent, i guess you could say calling for Alexander Johnson in the 2nd round of last year, JJ being a good trade, saying smooth would be a fine powerforward, saying Bogut would be a good pro, Hakim Warrick would be good, David Lee would surprise people, and Gerald Wallace would be a good pickup for Charlotte. there are also plenty I have been wrong about. Dan Dickau, Kris Humphreys, Dee Brown (so far), Luke Jackson, Chris Paul, and the mess of BigDog Shareef and Terry to actually do something.

this is a messageboard to discuss the Hawks. it's not a I HATE BK messageboard. ok i'm done typing now.

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Take your ball and go home you sore loser.

I posted Diaw, Deng, JS, Deron, and Roy at both Hawksquawk or RealGM (where I use to post exclusively) as my players to draft if others available. RealGM has a max recall of 90 threads so I cannot go back in history to demonstrate it to you but Sothron supports my claim and in fact I wanted Diaw the year prior when he was rumored to have entered the draft (but he did not enter the draft that year but rather the next year).

You weren't there but like A COMPLETE IDIOT JACKASS you try to "call me out" (snicker) on not picking Diaw over Outlaw when your draft record is pathetic. Fact is I said I would have MANY times at realGM and this again is supported by Sothron. But frankly, you are such a COMPLETE IDIOT JACKASS so continue being a COMPLETE IDIOT JACKASS for all I care COMPLETE IDIOT JACKASS.

What kind of man are you? What a weakling.


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