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Well I guess its over, Walter says SW is a bust


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might as well hang em up big fella, the great Walter says you have "NO potential" so why even keep trying? Its not like players ever have a really average rookie season and then end up having good, great, or spectacular careers, right? Shelden, I'm sure that you are going to keep trying but unfortunately Walter knows all and you will never be better than you are today. That's right big fella, you have maxed out your potential in the NBA after only half a season. You will NEVER be any better than you are today ... just like in most careers, you never get better than you were at your 6mo mark.

It's a good thing that Chillz, Smoove, Marvin, and even our resident superstar JJ didn't hear any of that bullsh*t after their 6mo mark in the league or God knows where they would be today.

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Very. very true. When Walter gives the ol' thumbs down, I'm afraid it's all over but the crying, baby. I mean Walter is undoubtedly the end all and be all of NBA talent evaluation (which of course explains why he's currently employed in an NBA head office), so his declarations are about as definitive as anything can possibly be. And if he's this sour on Shelden....then man oh man that poor kid may as well just hang it up right now and go get a job at Walmart or something somewhere. tongue.gif

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Guest Walter


It's a good thing that Chillz, Smoove, Marvin, and even our resident superstar JJ didn't hear any of that bullsh*t after their 6mo mark in the league or God knows where they would be today.

...or EVER say anything remotely derrogatory about JS or JJ? EVER?!? When? I mean if you are going to personally attack ME as a means to defend

1) BK's not working out SW,

2) his not working out any of the top players,

3) his promise to get SW,

4) his reach for SW at 5,

5) and SW's sorry play

...it would seem easy enough to pull out the many "facts" and "quotes" where I have done as you said. I post here enough.

I didn't like the Childress pick (and still don't) over Iggy and Deng. I feel I've been proven right, that he wasn't as good of a prospect nor did he have as much trade value, but I've also admitted that while not as good as these two drafted after him who play at essentially the same position (I would expect that to be the standard), Childress is better than I thought he would be.

I've also been proven right about the MW! He will never be as good or important to us as Deron (or CP). I was very careful to not call him (or Childress) "busts", but I have NO PROBLEM comparing them negatively to their draft counterparts. THAT is an indication of BK's complete and utter inability to do his job at all well!

I have simply never said anything derogatory about either JJ or JS and have always defended them. I said JJ was not a Pg. That's neither derogatory or wrong.

However, Dolfan, I am about to say something derogatory about you. It takes a certain type of ignorant ass-hole to make up such lieing personal attacks and consider it argumentation. Frankly, if SW had much merit as a #5 draft pick one would defend him and BK for picking him citing such merit. The simple fact that YOU DO NOT suggests that even for you there isn't anything about SW or BK that is defensible here. Instead you are forced to ad hominem and lie as part of it. That makes you as much of a bust as Shellhead.


P.S. One last thing. Donfan, given you have been wrong about at least MW or SW being the right pick over Paul/Deron or Roy (don't know your position about JJ or JS at the time but if you thought JJ a Pg...wrong), shouldn't you be personal attacking yourself?

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I NEVER supported picking Marvin over Deron. I did support taking him over Paul but I was Deron's #1 fan or damn close to it when it came to us drafting him ... so try and get that straight. However, I have been a proponent of Marvin because I believe he has enormous potential and I believe that he will someday be our best player.

I also wanted us to draft Roy, not SW. Again, I am defending SW and giving him some time to develop. My point to the original post was simply sarcasm based on your NEVER ENDING whining about SW and BK and Woody and blah blah blah f*cking blah. You are like a tired old record that EVERYONE here is tired of hearing. Unfortunately you cannot seem to understand that so you continue on spewing your hate.

Finally, I never said that you put down JC, Smoove, JJ, etc, did I? If you can find anywhere in my post where I said you said those things, please show me. Allow me to quote what I said ...


It's a good thing that Chillz, Smoove, Marvin, and even our resident superstar JJ didn't hear any of that bullsh*t after their 6mo mark in the league or God knows where they would be today.

Does it make more sense reading it this time or will you simply hit reply without reading it like last time?

Oh and I LOVE this next condeming quote of yours ...


He will never be as good or important to us as Deron (or CP)

Really? NEVER? I didnt realize that you could see the future but with your latest statements about MW and SW I am beginning to think that you might be some type of fortune teller. You are a piece of something, I was going to say work, but I don't think that is as fitting as the real piece of something I think you are.

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I go to over 20 message boards, mostly non-sports related. I've never seen any posters any where who has more selective memory than Walter.

He conveniently forgets the other 9 of his 10 choices and picks the 1 that worked out. He liked so many players more than Diaw but now he harps about his prophecy of Diaw. He wanted to trade up for Hayes. Don't know how many 1st rounders he wanted to give up for that. We surely didn't have any other asset to trade up then.

This board has a lot of people with obsessive compulsive disorder. What makes him unique is that his narcissism is peerless.

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Guest Walter


I NEVER supported picking Marvin over Deron. I did support taking him over Paul but I was Deron's #1 fan or damn close to it when it came to us drafting him. However, I have been a proponent of Marvin...

I also wanted us to draft Roy, not SW. Again, I am defending SW and giving him some time to develop.

So, we agree about Deron and Roy, you just make an ass out of yourself and insult me because you don't like how we agree. GET OVER YOURSELF!

I don't see how "supporting" (whatever in hell that means) MW and SW is the issue. I'm in it to see BK FI-RED! Get it?!? The guy deserves the ax and until he gets it all the support in the world for what you admit were bad decisions does not help this franchise.


Finally, I never said that you put down
JC, Smoove, JJ
, etc, did I? If you can find anywhere in my post where I said you said those things, please show me. Allow me to quote what I said ...


It's a good thing that
Chillz, Smoove
, Marvin, and even our resident superstar
didn't hear any of that bullsh*t after their 6mo mark in the league or God knows where they would be today.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA...I bolded the players you said you didn't say I put down. Do you have a synapse missing or doesn't "put down" = "It's a good thing they didn't hear any of that bullsh*t...". Fact is I YOU were AND STILL ARE lieing and you accuse me of it but don't even try to make a case for it.

Oh and I LOVE this next condeming quote of yours ...


He will never be as good or important to us as Deron (or CP)

Really? NEVER? I didnt realize that you could see the future but with your latest statements about MW and SW I am beginning to think that you might be some type of fortune teller.

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I go to over 20 message boards, mostly non-sports related. I've never seen any posters any where who has more selective memory than Walter.

He conveniently forgets the other 9 of his 10 choices and picks the 1 that worked out. He liked so many players more than Diaw but now he harps about his prophecy of Diaw. He wanted to trade up for Hayes. Don't know how many 1st rounders he wanted to give up for that. We surely didn't have any other asset to trade up then.

This board has a lot of people with obsessive compulsive disorder. What makes him unique is that his narcissism is peerless.

this place is like an alternate universe for some.

funny isn't it?

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Guest Walter


I go to over 20 message boards

We are all impressed with your appeal to your own authority Al Gore. Please invent the internet while you're at it.


Jerry West, You don't have a [censored] shred of evidence. You just hate yourself so much for being wrong all the GD time you must take it out on someone.

Now, to the facts, even Sothron, a former fellow realGM resident, said "


So honestly alot of people have been saying names well before those drafts. Its not true that Walter and others simply stay quiet until after the fact and then attack teh drafts and Knight.

This was in response to your's and other's baseless insinuations. Post # 198792

I've been highly consistent and largely correct. That is not a boast but fact.

Now, if I'm not highly consistent or largely correct then given the amount of posts I've made one who would make such a ridiculous claim as yourself would be inclined to simply dig up the posts that demonstrate such. You don't. You've found ONE post where I considered both Outlaw and Diaw, rather than just Diaw, before I went to realGM. Frankly, I'd say, if all you can find is one post in 4 years of posting here where I was right, just not decided, on who to pick, you are making me look even better than I am.


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Frankly, I'd say, if all you can find is one post in 4 years of posting here where I was right, just not decided, on who to pick, you are making me look even better than I am.

Oh my word, the ego..... it's really quite insufferable. It would be laughable but for the fact that you're so overbearing. You're the type who probably cuts a fart and thinks it both sounds like Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and smells like a bed of roses. banghead.gif

Tell ya what, buddy.... once BK finally gets the axe, why don't you go ahead and submit that incredibly impressive resume to the ASG (or Belkin) for that vacant GM position. I'm sure they'd all get a big laugh- which if the ASG group is still in charge at that point, is something I am sure they could all really use.

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Frankly, I'd say, if all you can find is one post in 4 years of posting here where I was right, just not decided, on who to pick, you are making me look even better than I am.

Oh my word, the ego..... it's really quite insufferable. It would be laughable but for the fact that you're so overbearing. You're the type who probably cuts a fart and thinks it both sounds like Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and smells like a bed of roses. banghead.gif

violin-1.gifzombie.gif I wouldn't be surprised if that picture is the real Walter, although he'll claim he looks like Brad Pitt.

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Guest Walter


he's all over this board


Walter is seen here taking a break after a Hawksquawk spamming session

Don't hate on a face like that. He looks like one of the "troubled teens" I used to work with before becoming a physical therapist. Now that I think about it, it scares me.


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NOWHERE did I say that Walter said negative things about JC, JJ, JS ... I SAID its a good thing they didnt hear that kind of stuff. Get over yourself you arrogant prick. Perhaps you should have more time in school learning to read.

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Guest Walter


Oh my word, the ego..... it's really quite insufferable. It would be laughable but for the fact that you're so overbearing. You're the type who probably cuts a fart and thinks it both sounds like Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and smells like a bed of roses.

...off base.

My believing I've been consistent and largely right about the Hawks, particularly draft decisions, in the last 4-5 years does not forgive my mistake in wanting JJ and JR Rider for Smitty (although, in my defense I just wanted to get rid of Smitty for someone younger with what I consider significantly greater upside O-R just to gut and rebuild), my "hopeful" support of Babcock until the DJ draft, or my want of the SAR trade (while I wasn't 100% behind it because I thought Babcock would draft Battier, it still was in error). I also admit the extent to which I was wrong on Childress, although, he's not better than either Deng or Iggy.

My point? I have two. I have been right more often of late somewhat out of the same luck that everyone including GMs have but also a better, clearer understanding provided me from my past mistakes. While I never had a blind faith investment in Babcock, I did HOPE that he would make the right decision and I did support him making the decisions as I saw him adept at trades and the steward of a relatively, however moderately successful stretch in Hawk's basketball. Frankly, that was a mistake on my part as my "hope" clouded my critical thinking. I believe that is the same mistake, often to even FAR greater degrees, that some still and many once did, make with regards to BK.

My second point is precisely that I would rather many Hawk fans choose draft picks than BK and that that is an example of the extent to which BK failed. My first preference would be CBAreject after his picking Roy and Milsap. Now that was sweet. And yes, I wouldn't be and don't believe should be far behind. As much as you may dislike me for whatever silly reason, I don't think you have reason to based upon my "draft record". But again back to the point. BK sucks so badly as a GM and drafting that at least 75% of you, whether you "supported" the picks or not, would not have screwed up both the MW and SW picks. It goes to 90% if you tack on JC. Even KB wouldn't have picked SW! Imagine that! Even KB would draft better than BK, whom KB flip/flops for. Worse than all that, with this last draft we had as much information as BK did. BK didn't even try out SW or Roy or Foye or any of the top prospect. Anyone in this forum could have made just as educated a decision as BK and most of us would have gotten than one decision right.


Tell ya what, buddy.... once BK finally gets the axe, why don't you go ahead and submit that incredibly impressive resume to the ASG (or Belkin) for that vacant GM position. I'm sure they'd all get a big laugh- which if the ASG group is still in charge at that point, is something I am sure they could all really use.

I don't want the job but I do want it open.


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As much as you may dislike me for whatever silly reason, I don't think you have reason to based upon my "draft record".

Dude, this is literally about like talking to a wall. You just don't get it, or don't want to get it. Either way, it's the same result. And for the record, I don't give a crap about your "draft record". If that's something you take a measure of pride in, then bully for ya...but I simply don't care about it. It's just something that is completely irrelevant to me, like fantasy basketball.

No, I don't dislike you. That's silly. You are just another guy on a message board, just as I am to you. I'm not meaning to disparage you or attack you personally, because you're right- I don't know you. For all I know you could be a combination of Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King in real life, I mean just a prince of a guy. So I'm not attacking you, I am merely commenting on your behavior on this forum as I perceive it. And it's annoying, Walter- it really is.

That's just my opinion. You or anyone else are entitled to agree, disagree, or not give a toot about it either way. It's all good by me.

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Guest Walter


you know I love you Walt

but I can never get it to respond to your emails. Won't let me. So don't think I'm dissing you privately AND dissing you publically. THAT would be too much.


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