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Woody, BK, Solomon and The LAndlord!!


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I sit and watch game after game and I am telling you guys he is holding our young talent down. Every time it looks like we take a step forward we take three back. He refuses to change things up and go with what is working. For instance Marvin was hot last night but he stopped getting the rock I have noticed this on other nights as well. Why was Speedy taking jumpers when he can't shoot. Why wasn't we taking the ball to the post when they had their small lineup. Our guys appear to be respectful to the coach and the only one that checks him is Salim and you see where he is. I am telling you guys if we had a veteran coach we would be in the playoffs right now. Woody would be more effective with older players and not young guys.

Another thing that I don't understand is the every time Solomon plays he is productive but in the article where Woody calls out Shelden he says that he needs to do the dirty work but yet Solomon does the dirty work and doesn't get many minutes. I think BK is probably in his ear telling him not to give Solomon more minutes than Shelden even though he is playing better because he selected him 5th in the draft and was NBA ready. We are the lowest scoring team in the league but yet we start an offensively challenged pg while we have sure fire offense (Salim) riding the bench. This [censored] has got to end because I am getting to the point where I may no longer be a fan because of all the losing. The worst part is that we are alot better than our record reflects but as long as that bumbling idiot is on the sidelines we are never going to do anything. There will be no playoffs this year guys!!!

If Shelden isn't playing well what is the justification of keeping Batista on the bench when he can give us what Shelden is giving us right now. I am not saying the Shelden is a bust but We need all the big man help we can get and we cant's afford to have anyone on the bench because we are not that good yet.

What are these guys (Salim, Batista) not doing that is so bad that they can't get playing time??

I feel better getting this rant off of my chest.

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Guest Walter


If Shelden isn't playing well what is the justification of keeping Batista on the bench when he can give us what Shelden is giving us right now. I am not saying the Shelden is a bust but We need all the big man help we can get and we cant's afford to have anyone on the bench because we are not that good yet.

What are these guys (Salim, Batista) not doing that is so bad that they can't get playing time??

If Woody wants a physical player to do the little things so much he's willing to call Shelden out publically for not doing them, then why in hell is he not playing Batista? That guy would do all the little things and donate an opposing player's kidney to the cause of winning. It makes no sense to me. Again, this criticism goes to Woody and BK, both for picking SW 5th and for not looking for what they want on the team when it appears there and ready.


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I have been scratching my head along with several others here wondering why lorenzon wright is getting more minutes than solomon. It sure has nothing to do with on the court performance. Someimes solomon misses a rotation on defense but Zaza basically pull his Ole defense every play. At least solomon would interfer with shots and get rebounds. Also how many easy baskets have zaza and lorenzon wright missed that solomon just would have dunked. Last nights game zaza missed about 5 wide open lay ups. We would be in the playoffs with a better coach for sure!

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How many games were we struggling to score and Salim just sat the pine?

The thing about Salim that differs him from Solomon (at least in my opinion) is that, while Salim is capable of winning a game for you, he's every bit as capable, if not more, of losing it. What he gains in offense he is torn apart in defense, and it's much harder for a player to pick up the defensive slack than the offensive. Solomon doesn't have that glaring weakness in his game - He's raw, so he fouls a lot, but he plays reasonable defense (in comparison to his contemporaries) and has a decent offensive game.

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If BK really told Woody to not give Solomon more minutes because of where he was picked, he should be fired immediately. That is absurd.

I know you're speculating but maybe that is the case because I don't see how any coach could possibly be dumb enough not to play a promising player like Solomon Jones when what you have celarly isn't working.

Then again, the Falcons didn't use Norwood last year under the Mora regime.

Maybe some coaches really are that dense.

Guess Solomon won't see time till next year. I really hope he adds at least 15-20 pounds over the summer.

Actually with as few minutes as Solomon gets, he could start his workout routine right now so he could be jacked by the start of next season.

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I think you have to look at the whole picture:

Neither Shelden, Solomon, or Batista is getting any time. The reason is because Woody is trying to go with what is working.

Last game, in OK City (Shelden's Home)... Shelden played 4 minutes. Solomon = 0 minutes. Batista = 0 Minutes. Smoove played 44 minutes. I understand that Smoove had a monster game. What I'm saying is that down the stretch, we saw less production from Smoove and JJ. While Bryon Scott showed us how to rotate players correctly and keep his money guys fresh.

Woody should be at a point where he gets some development out of Shelden, Solomon, Batista, and even Salim...

I'm for the removal of Woody because now, the game is over his head.


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Totally agree that Woodson game management / substititution patterns are awful. That was so evident vs. the Hornets. Smith kept ripping him for not getting JJ any rest. Smoove only had like a 30 second breather in the 4th quarter.

Granted Smoove is young but he plays at such a high energy level that 43 minutes is just too much. Then to lean on JJ in the 4th quarter to bail you out every game without giving him any rest earlier in the game is simply asking to much. JJ played every minute of the game. Again, Steve Smith called Woody out on this.

It was evident Paul had fresh legs in the 4th simply b/c Coach Scott knows humans need a breather. (Granted he has a good option in Bobby Jackson off the bench)

I am not a Woody basher (in the past) but he simply runs JJ in the ground too much. Smoove needed to find 5 minutes more rest that could have gone to Shelden of Jones.

(The great Jrrry Sloan never did this, he limited Stockton and Malone's minutes their entire career. The result was 2 of the longest carreres in history, neither ever having a significant injury with the Jazz.)

Side note:

Did any one notice when Shelden came in the 4th to give Smoove 30 seconds of rest, Shelden got 2 fouls back to back in 30 seconds. It was almost like in your face too Woodson for calling him out in the paper for not giving dumb fouls. So Shelden comes in and gives 2 quick dumb fouls to kind of show out the coach. That made me chuckle. After playing for Coach K, Shelden knows Woodson is an inferior head coach.

Wow, I have never bashed Woodson like this but the last game was absurd vs. the Hornets.

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i agree that woody needs to go this summer

no point in doing it now since it's mid-season and u can't get a decent coach at this point anyway ( tho i wouldn't be against smitty taking over the rest of the year smile.gif )

we would be around 6th seed or so right now if we had a coach who would run us and make proper rotation moves

i don't think woody will ever get it (at least not anytime soon) based on his actions and comments this year

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