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Well what do you think a team should do - down 1 with 29 seconds to go you idiot?

Go for the last shot?

and yes - I watched the whole game in the chatroom

Oh Pardon me. You can actually see the game in the "chat room"? I didn't know you can. bigeyes2.gif

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Well what do you think a team should do - down 1 with 29 seconds to go you idiot?

Go for the last shot?

and yes - I watched the whole game in the chatroom

Oh Pardon me. You can actually see the game in the "chat room"? I didn't know you can. bigeyes2.gif

Oh phuck you and the horse you rode in on pal...I watched the whole game...like it or not.

I don't like to dislike people but you are getting close to my threshold. chairs.gif

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OK, Swat, I'll tell you where Woodson screwed up because it's damn obvious. EVERY TIME we are in that situation, where we need a last second shot, we do the exact SAME THING. What is that you ask?

We go right for JJ. Other teams know that we are going right to JJ. Guess what? They take JJ out, or they put so much pressure on JJ that even if he gets a shot off it is low percentage. Last night they made him give it back to lue because they had him hemmed in...Eddie Jordan told his team that JJ was going to come off a screen and they needed to be ready with a double team.

JJ is not Michael Jordan. He is not Kobe. He is not D-Wade. If we would use JJ more as a decoy we would score a lot more often in those situations. Woody is a one trick pony.

And any reasonable smart player doesn't throw the ball out that high on the floor with that little time left...and a timeout in his pocket. That play unraveled before it got started. We needed to re-group. Childress is a dummy. I want him as far away from the rock as possible in that spot because he has done some really stupid things in the past. ANYBODY who has played a reasonable amount of ball doesn't throw that pass with a TO in his pocket because that just invited a 35 foot heave and 2.8 seconds is plenty of time to get off a good shot.

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I might be wrong, but I thought the Hawks used their last timeout before the play. I'm not sure how Childress can be blamed for the play, when he did his job. He found an open man with 2.8 seconds left on the clock, which is plenty of time to catch and make a move. Unfortunately, Lue stumbled which screwed up the entire play.

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Uh, again, JJ got the rock with an excess of 12 seconds. When JJ was trapped, he swung out to Lue. Now I can believe JJ got the ball at that time (at 13 seconds or so) to enable more than one option (Not as a "one trick pony").

After Lue got the ball, he set up for a last shot (option 2) where after 7 seconds he found Marvin (object in option 2) for the jumper.

I also believe Chillz had two options, JJ and Lue. Those two are the best catch and shoot guys on the team. Chillz saw JJ covered, found Lue open.

I no longer expect you and the insulter to understand these things. munching_out.gif

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Don't blame Chill he had no timeouts left and the 5 sec count almost expired. T- Lue should of went immediatly after recieving the pass, but instead he held the ball for about a 1.5 seconds and than shot it over Jamison.

Why is Lue in the game, when he was injured the past 15 or so and he was 0-4 from the field? Who's fault is that?? Why do we have a nba d-leaguer taking the last shot? That was a huge mistake by Woody as well.

Why wasn't AJ in the game at the end? Isn't he the Wizards killer?

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I'm referring to the last 2.8 sequence which you would understand if you would read more carefully. If you think its wise to throw a lob pass that has no choice but to lead to a 35 foot heave...good for you. If Chill had a TO it was the time to use it.

Swat, most good teams who have the ball under their own goal down just one with almost 3 seconds left want to get a good shot. Three secs is plenty of time. When the play breaks down you call TO. You don't throw a long pass that leads to a 30 footer. Period. Call TO and regroup.

The fact you don't get this tells me plenty. And no, I'm not a racist.

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WTF is wrong with you? HE HAD NO TIMEOUTS LEFT!!!

The problem with Pete is like Most HSers he has his favs.. and he wants to make Chillz to be the scapegoat by hook or by crook. The truth is that there were no magical timeouts left. Chillz didn't do the Chris Webber. He just passed it to the only open man there was. Stevenson got a good jump on Lue's shot. I was hoping Lue would have time to swing it to Smoove but Lue stumbled...

My problem is "what was Lue doing in the game?" Where was AJ? We needed somebody who had played in a game over the last 10 days.

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WTF is wrong with you? HE HAD NO TIMEOUTS LEFT!!!

The problem with Pete is like Most HSers he has his favs.. and he wants to make Chillz to be the scapegoat by hook or by crook. The truth is that there were no magical timeouts left. Chillz didn't do the Chris Webber. He just passed it to the only open man there was. Stevenson got a good jump on Lue's shot. I was hoping Lue would have time to swing it to Smoove but Lue stumbled...

My problem is "what was Lue doing in the game?" Where was AJ? We needed somebody who had played in a game over the last 10 days.

LOL @ this coming from you. (( referring to the Marvin is Improving thread ))

But you did tell the truth. If someone likes a player, they tend to defend him no matter what. If they hate the player or coach, they'll try to find everything possible to show him in a negative light.

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I know people have already explained it, but here is the last play, as I saw it. And since I RECORD all Hawks games on SportSouth, even when I'm seeing the game live at a sports bar, I've viewed the final 2.8 seconds over and over by now.

The Play:

- Play is obviously designed for either Marvin or JJ, diving toward the baseline toward Chill. With the way Marvin broke toward the ball, I think he was actually the 1st option in that play. If he catches the ball at point blank range, he probably gets fouled, goes to the line, and hits 2 FTs.

- If not, JJ was the 1st option, seeing that he was coming hard toward Chill from the wing to the baseline. He would've had a chance to either make a move and take a 15 footer, or get the ball to someone else . . possibly even Childress . . if multiple defenders came at JJ to disrupt the shot.

- But by looking at the play, I think Marvin and JJ were the two options ONLY if the Wizards decided to play everyone man-to-man. But they didn't. They played zone on that play, with Lue's defender ( Arenas ), slacking off of him to help to the middle in case JJ or Marvin got the ball. All 5 Wizards defenders were below the dotted circle in the lane. So Lue was obviously the last option. And he ended up being the guy who was wide open.

Inbounds Pass:

- Childress threw the ball in at 3 seconds, not 4. You could see the ref counting down. And his count was relatively slow.

- Before Childress inbounded the ball, you could see one of the Hawks assistant coaches pointing toward Lue. Chill then threw the ball to Lue about 1/2 second later.

- Lue, who was all alone at the top of the arc, was waving his arms to receive the pass. But for some odd reason, he drifted about 15 feet back, maybe so Chill could see him better.


- Deshawn Stevenson. LOL . . and I slowed this down and watched it for about 5 minutes. Deshawn actually breaks toward Lue, a split second before Childress even started his motion to throw the ball to him. I don't know if Deshawn saw the assistant coach pointing toward Lue, or if he saw Lue by himself behind the 3 point line.

- But when you look at this play over and over, he was the ONLY Wizard player that was looking at his man, Childress, and what Lue was doing. Arenas was closer to Lue, but his sole focus was on JJ. Same with Haywood and Butler looking at Marvin. If Deshawn doesn't break toward Lue, Lue could've comfortably taken one dribble, and shot a wide open 3 to possibly win the game.

What could the Hawks done differently?:

- If anything, Lue should've just slid to the left side of the 3 point line about 10 feet, instead of drifting so far backwards. If he just drifts to his left, and not back and to the left ( LOL . . that sounds like Kevin Costner in the movie JFK describing Kennedy's head being blown off . . back . and to the left, back . . and to the left, back . . and to the left ), Stevenson may still get to him, but he's about 15 feet closer to the basket. And it may have enabled him to make a pass to an open man.

- One other point. By the time Lue caught the pass and landed on his feet, Deshawn was all over him. At that time, the guy who was immeadiately open, was SMOOVE, not JJ. JJ didn't break open until after Lue took that first dribble. But Smoove was open at the 3 point line, the minute Deshawn left him to race out to Lue. So if anything, Lue could've caught the ball, and immeadiately swung it to Smoove, who would've had Haywood running at him, but may have been able to get off his 3-point attempt before Brendan could disrupt his shot.

Verdict: Childress is excused of all blame on that play. Blame Stevenson for having great defensive awareness, to destroy that play.

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I am sorry but you are wrong and if you watch ESPN you can clearly see and they Highlight where JJ is open with a lane to the rim. Not sure what you watched, but they even took the time to draw one of those arrows on the teleprompter thing and point it out He did score points down the end however JJ was open. Espn did take the time to point out the foul call on chill when Josh Smith Swatted him was a BS call and they pointed out on more BS call on us down the end. So i will give ESPN the appropriate praise for actually pointing all this out tonight.

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