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Can we get JO for:


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Marvin, Lue, Lo, and a first??

I firmly believe that JO is on the express train out of Indy. Indy will look for young talent and ending contracts.

Now, the package I have put up is pretty good, but Indy would prolly be in the market for a SG...

Even money, do you think we can involve another team say: Charlotte and send Marvin to Charlotte for them to send Indiana Morrison.

or Marvin to Philly for them to send Korver to Indy.

So the trade would be:

Marvin to Charlotte.

Morrison, Lue, Lo, and a first to Indy.

JO to Us!

Would that work:


Law, JJ, JS, JO, Zaza!!

Oh My!

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I don't think anybody would fire BK for trading Marvin for an Allstar. In fact, he did the same for Diaw and everybody applauded.

I think the thing that Hawks fans do too much is get attached to potential. Yeah, Marvin has the potiential to be a 20 ppg player.. Well, JO is already that and at a position that we really need. What's the problem?

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Guest Walter


lol, where r we getting another 1st to draft law?

I pointed it out to Diesel but he keeps trading back (then keeping somehow) the Indy pick. It's slight of hand GMing. Makes it look alot better than it otherwise would. Hell, I say we trade JS/MW for Dwight Howard and then lineup:







Anyhow, I don't think that gets JO. Maybe if it's MW, SW, ZaZa, and the pick (boy our former draft capitol is worth nothing now thanks to BK). I don't know what exactly it will take but certainly more. I used to think JO was "available" but after Indy invested so much in GS contracts I can't see them giving up on him, rebuilding, AND paying out all that money to Muprhyand Dunleavy. In otherwords, until someone comes along willing to take on another large contract with JO I don't think they do it.


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lol, where r we getting another 1st to draft law?

I pointed it out to Diesel but he keeps trading back (then keeping somehow) the Indy pick. It's slight of hand GMing. Makes it look alot better than it otherwise would. Hell, I say we trade JS/MW for Dwight Howard and then lineup:







Anyhow, I don't think that gets JO. Maybe if it's MW, SW, ZaZa, and the pick (boy our former draft capitol is worth nothing now thanks to BK). I don't know what exactly it will take but certainly more. I used to think JO was "available" but after Indy invested so much in GS contracts I can't see them giving up on him, rebuilding, AND paying out all that money to Muprhyand Dunleavy. In otherwords, until someone comes along willing to take on another large contract with JO I don't think they do it.


If you look historically at the trading of superstars, very rarely does the former team get a better return than a MW, Lue and a first.

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Guest Walter


If you look historically at the trading of superstars, very rarely does the former team get a better return than a MW, Lue and a first.

But I'd love to see what history you are looking at and how much value you really think MW and Lue have?


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Guest Walter


Take the Allen Iverson trade for example. AI is a 1st ballot hall of famer who got traded for Andre Miller, some pics and the second biggest #1 overall bust in NBA history in Joe Smith.

...and I guess he's a superstar, but he's also a problem child of sorts and Philly was tanking with the move. Thus, it's AI for Miller, picks, and a move up from likely a 12-15 pick to a top 5 pick.


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Vince Carter was traded for Alonzo Morning and 2 first round picks.

Shaq was traded for Caron Butler, Lamar Odom, Brian Grant, and a future first.

Baron Davis was traded for Speedy Claxton and Dale Davis...

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Guest Walter


No, Actually, I was considering a future first of ours and not this year's first from Indy.

Prolly either 2008 or 2009.

It's just funny. I can't imagine a team with their pick already mortgaged to us, not simply wanting their pick returned now vs. waiting on our pick later (after they traded us JO). Doesn't make any sense assuming that was your intent at all.


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You can't?

Think about it.

If Indy thinks that we will be worst in next years draft than they are this year, why not??

And as for my intent.. go back to the thread the first time YOU mentioned it and I said.. OK, well, I would offer them one of our later picks... IF you doubt the validity of what i say?

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