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Listen you guys I'm faxing a 4-page document of reasons Billy Knight should be fired right over to Bruce Levinson and the Atlanta Spirits office. This is no joke!! I have a exclusive fax number right to the hawks office! This could make a huge difference in the success of the team for year to come. All I need you guys to do is take literally 30 seconds of your time and sign this online petition that will be attached to the letter thats going right to the Atlanta Spirit. Go to

This is a HUGE deal !! Make a Difference!!!!!!!!!

Make your voice heard!!!! Just sign. This can really make a huge decision if we get a good amount of signatures this letter will really have alot of power to it. Team up with many of the hawks fans from Myspace and Hawksquawk.net that I messaged giving them the same oppotunity. Come on it only takes 30 SECONDS!!! You dont have to be a Hawksquawks member to sign just click on the link!!

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What General Manager and or Coach would come to this team with the team's current ownership pending court.

I hope there are enough reasonable people out there to realize this.

Plan A is fine but not without a Plan B to follow.

That is like going to war without a plan of what to do once you hit the ground.

Why would any one sign anything without reading the 4 pages the signatures say we agree with ?

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Why would any one sign anything without reading the 4 pages the signatures say we agree with ?

That is my question, too. A small portion of a 4 page letter is not enough, IMO.

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Alright fine I will give you the unfinished product very undone all Im gonna here is crap on it cause its not finished or spell checked but whatever here:

Please listen, I am a dedicated Hawks Fan. And I as well as many other hawks fans I hate to see the team being so poorly run. I think the team has great upside and potential, and with a great off-season in the summer of 2007 I think the 4th seed in the playoffs can be reached. But personally I don't see our General Manager Billy Knight able to provide us with the great off-season we desperately need. Please give thought in firing Billy Knight. He has not done a good job and is turning alot of fans away from the team with his horrible decisions. I have compiled many supporting reasons to back up my disbelief in Billy Knight's capabilty as the young and upcoming Atlanta Hawks general manager.

1. Billy's obsession with 6''8 - 6''10 players.

The idea of a long athletic team is not bad idea to a point. But when it takes the passing of finding a good point guard or other player, it's not worth it. I absolutely love the Josh Smith pick and even the other draft choice Josh chilldress. But after getting such a future stud like Smith is, many fans and league insider pondered the choice of Marvin Williams, who is another nice player to have, but as I said earlier it's not worth passing on a need like a point guard. And in that particular draft, there were many great point guards to be easily had. This past year Shelden Williams and Soloman Jones were the next pair of 6''10 and 6''8 players to be chosen. I'll get more into Shelden next but Soloman Jones was a very uncessary pick. I could understand his pick if he was a steal in the second round but he has shown nothing special or anything to look forward to in the future based on his play this season. Also if we already had a logjam at Small Forward with Marvin and Josh Smith, and to play both studs one will have to move to power forward, why draft two Power Forwards that make playing time hard to figure out?

2. Billy's promise to Shelden Williams

Shelden Williams was a decent prospect out of college, at best. But in the opinion of many league insider's, fellow general manager's, and fans at that time he was not worth the fifth pick. And at this point in time he was not worth the fifth pick. As stated in reason one about the playing time problem's it would of created if Shelden wasn't such a bust, Shelden's playing time just would of taken away time from our growing stars (Josh & Marv) that have much more potential. Even if he was brought in for a specific role he has not done that unless the role I benchwarmer. He is too undersized to play Center, and didn't have the upside or intangibles to play like a undersized bruiser like Ben Wallace. Also to promise a guy that you would pick him that you didn't even workout. That in my opinion is just laziness and not doing the job to the best of your abilities. (that was according to what I've read, If it's not true please do pay attention to that last statement.)

3. Billy's horrible trades

Billy often has the right idea what players to try to get, but he often gets cheated by other General Managers and thinks he's done a good job. I as well as many liked the idea of Joe Johnson coming to the Hawks in the summer of 2005. But in order to obtain him the hawks had to give up a huge piece of their future. Those three draft picks that we lost came back to haunt us. There is a very deep and talented draft as we all know and because of Billy's horrible reputation percieved by others we as a francise were able to be cheated out of trade transaction and unless we either tank (which Im ashamed as a fan to even mention)or get very lucky we will have to miss out on a huge step to becoming a winning team and winning city.

4. Billy's Free Agent Signing's

For a young growing upcoming team like the hawks are, signing an often-injured, point guard that can't shoot, that came off the bench for practically his whole career is not good for a young team that needs to save it's capspace for a permanent solution at one of it's big position needs. I'm talking about Speedy Claxton. Speedy nice for a team that is already on it's two feet and is ready to get a good point guard off the bench. He is too often injured to waste a large part of a growing teams capspace to sign to a 4 year deal. That was a huge block of money, that Billy threw away. Speedy is now probably another big useless contract that we will have to force feed to other General Mangers in future trades to get rid of him. Also another bad signing was Lorenzon Wright for two years. This signing just like speedy's eats up a chunk of are money for free agency this year. I can fully understand signing Speedy and Lorenzon to 1-year deals, so that they are not hurting us if we want to sign a great player to match with Joe, J.Smith, and Marvin. But once again Billy's poor judgement of talent and money spending have hurt this franchise.

Look at the Raptors with a simple change at General Manager they are almost a lock to win the Atlantic Division we must do this. I would love to buy season tickets soon but I can't with Billy Knight as the General Manager. It's time for change, please get rid of Billy Knight. GO HAWKS!

There are alot more reasons that Im going to send. And Im re-doing the whole beginning as well as adding on to the closing. There now please sign.

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OH MY GOD AHF can you just sign your name as anonymous then. I just explained that Im sending a letter to the owners your making things so difficult either sign or don't sign. If you dont want to sign just backoff and dont sign thats it I DONT NEED YOUR OPINION ON EVERYTHING its a simple question DO YOU WANT BILLY FIRED? Thats it just sign if you do. Damn. SO fu**in difficult

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lol, calm down dude seriously.

AHF is one of the most reasonable posters on this site, there's no reason to attack him. All he's saying is that people may be hesitant to sign a petition if they don't know most of what's said inside it.

I, on the other hand, don't give a damn what's in it, as long as it's against BK, and I signed it FYI.

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OH MY GOD AHF can you just sign your name as anonymous then. I just explained that Im sending a letter to the owners your making things so difficult either sign or don't sign. If you dont want to sign just backoff and dont sign thats it I DONT NEED YOUR OPINION ON EVERYTHING its a simple question DO YOU WANT BILLY FIRED? Thats it just sign if you do. Damn. SO fu**in difficult

Is it really that unreasonable to suggest that people should know what they are signing before they agree to something?

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Im just pissed cause I expected alot more from the hawks fans. And after working so hard on trying to get this petition up and informing the realgm hawks forum, messaging basically everyone from the Hawks official myspace, then you guys. Im tired as hell and expected everyone to support me fully. Thats why im so angry right now

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