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Are Woody and Billy Finished?


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Although the ASG clearly don't appear very astute when it comes to judging the performance of their coach or GM, it is becoming very clear that both of these gentlemen need to hit the road. Although Smith's actions were not very professional, it was the result of Woody calling the same garbage for T-Lue all night. The fact that Lue had a "good" game is beside the point because the dude monopolizes the ball and we became stagnant. Smith was frustrated because of our offensive stupidity. I think last night sealed Woodson's fate or it should have anyway.

We all know that BK has never drafted the best player and the Shelden pick was just stupid. So, is BK fired as he should be?

Taking into account the entire ownership mess what is the general consensus on BK and/or Woodson getting fired?

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I have no problem with him being diciplined. He has to respect the coaches. He needs to be careful before he develops one of those bad reputations. He got on pretty childish before with AJ. I hope he is not getting a big head from his recent strong play.

I still think we need a coach with a different philosophy but while Woody is in the drivers seat, he is in charge.

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I agree that Josh has to learn more self control. But I also think that the owners are likely to look at seriously firing Woodson and getting a different coach in here.

BK should be fired as well although I'm not sure they can convince another GM to work for them especially now.

The one thing they can do is offer any new coach or GM a full 4-year deal so even if Belkin wins they get paid. We need new leadership in here desperately. Woody should never let Lue monopolize the ball over and over either. That isn't how basketball games are won. Woody doesn't know how games are won...

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Let's not forget the Terry for Walker trade, and subsequently Walker for a trashbag. Also killing any cap we had by those stupid signings and the completely pointless AJ trade.

Both should go, but BK is worse.

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This year or next, not sure. I'm not even sure Woody is being paid like an NBA coach.

I agree that Knight should go before Woodson although Woody needs to go no question.

Even Woody would have been better with Deng, Deron, and/or Brandon Roy. BK is just a lousy GM. If the ASG still retains these two knuckleheads that would prove their own incompetance.

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Frankly i think BK deserves the axe more. At least Woody can say he didn't have much to work with.

I agree. Woodson was a first time head coach asked to take on the youngest team in the league and in all these years not ONCE has he had a real starting point guard or a roster that doesn't needlessly duplicate the same 2/3 position.

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Let's not forget the Terry for Walker trade, and subsequently Walker for a trashbag. Also killing any cap we had by those stupid signings and the completely pointless AJ trade.

Both should go, but BK is worse.

You do know that the Terry for Walker trade enabled us to not only get about 14 million off the books, but also gave us an extra 1st round pick.

The money and the pick was used to get Joe Johnson here.

If it wasn't for the prospect of paying him that extra 8 million to give him that first year salary of 20 million, Phoenix probably matches the deal. But because we pulled a "jack move" like that, Phoenix blinked, and we got JJ.

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Bk has already had 3 or 4 offseasons to get this team a starting caliber pg and center.And what has he done?

Drated 5 fowards in the last 3 years,

No centers ,and 1 crappy d-league pg (Ivy)

Im tired of BK saying that postions don't matter. and let's just put 5 good basketball players on the court.

That style has given us a record of 67-173 the last three years. 105 fricking games under 500 banghead.gif

The Mavs can win more games this year, than we have in 3 years combined!!!

That alone, shows that it's time for a change.

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To draft MW when the entire world KNEW that you needed a point guard in a point guard loaded draft should be grounds for dismissal. That's a draft where we'll be looking back on it ten years from now and wonder why he wasn't fired the second after stepping off the podium. We wouldn't be waiting/praying/hoping for MW to come out of his shell and become a player; we'd already have one. If BK would've had his ish together, the Hawks wouldn't have $13 million commmitted to FOUR BACKUP POINT GUARDS NOW banghead.gif. And that's just ONE of his picks, folks. I would go down the SW road but its too congested with traffic right now for me to bother. As for Childress, he is a good role player and 6th man but as I've stated a million times, you don't draft role players to come off the bench with the 6th pick; you draft for starter material (i.e. Deng/Iguodala).

If given the choice to fire just one of them, the first one off the island would be BK by a landslide.

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