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Could we aquire Barbosa?


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First of all, Smoove is not on the trading block. Second, Barbosa is not a true PG like we need. He is a very good SCORING pg, but not a distributor.

I like his game--he is hard to stop off the dribble and a serious outside threat. However I don't think he fills a need.

Quit making sense. So long as BK is the boss ANYTHING can happen. He is incapable of making any reasonable trades occur, but this is exactly the kind of screw job that BK might make. "To relieve the logjam at forward" "To give the future star SW more time" "To rid the team of a troublemaker" and "to finally get that backup PG that we really need" I think we are in trouble.

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No, when someone is putting up those numbers as a 21 year old, especially considering how much improvement he's shown from last season, you don't trade a player with superstar potential for a backup or even average PG, ESPECIALLY for an already ailing franchise such as this one.


BTW since what you're saying makes so much sense, why does EVERYONE in this thread disagree with you?? Because we're all idiots and you are Miss Cleo??

Unfortunatley, Smith is not part of our future, as much as I would like him to be. The reason for this is because we drafted Marvin Williams. If we had drafted Paul that year, Smith is ours, and I am happy with that combo. We would certainly be able to build around that.

But we're stuck with Williams - who I feel can still emerge as a very good player. Now we could always trade away Williams too, but like I've said the return won't be as good as what we would get in Smith.

Trade Smith for Calderon or Barbosa........ Can't rationalize with insane people who think they have vision.

Dude, every one has "vision" as you call it that the Hawks need a PG. You are not different then any of the others on the board. The Hawks have been looking for a true PG since Mookie. All that this means is that you are not blind and not totally insane nad have been reading the squawk for a while.

However, only a blind person trades away an upcoming 21 year old on his cheap rookie contract for player who does not start. Next year Smoove will average close to 20 points, 10 boards, and 3 blocks at the age of 22, and you want to be taken seriosly when you would trade that away for older players with less upside.

All of this stuff is plan B any way. If Law or Hibbert are on the board they are ours at (11-15). If there gone we move on to plan B and trade spare parts.

2008 Draft will be loaded with PGs:

Conly Jr., Lawson, Augustine, Collison, Crittendon.

I would hate to have to wait until then but I would be happy to wait before I trade Smoove for bench scrubs or combo guard like Barbosa. Barbosa is just a 6'3'' shooting guard.The best he will ever be is Ben Gordon and that is not as good as Smoove now.

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Unfortunatley, Smith is not part of our future, as much as I would like him to be. The reason for this is because we drafted Marvin Williams.

Not sure that is true anymore. BK will not trade Marvin - that would be like admitting he made an error. But if BK is gone, then his replacement can be objective and do whatever he thinks is right. Personally, I like Smoove and Marvin - I think it will be a great combo in the future, but a new GM might have a different image for the team and really move folks around.

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Do you think Phoenix would be willing to trade him straight up for Josh Smith?

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Phoenix would run in the Arizona summer heat in dogdoodoo costumes on one leg while being chased by rottweilers to do that deal.

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And he uses the Ford/Villanueva trade as justification for this trade, than calls me a homer.

You don't trade 21 year old players who are on the verge of stardom for a backup PG, rediculous.

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Trade Smith for Calderon or Barbosa........ Can't rationalize with insane people who think they have vision.

Maybe not straight up for those two, probably get another small piece along with them. Maybe Garbajosa and someone else. Those two have good chemistry playing for Spain, and on the Raptors. But mainly, we get a traditional PG that is still relatively young.


Dude, every one has "vision" as you call it that the Hawks need a PG. You are not different then any of the others on the board. The Hawks have been looking for a true PG since Mookie. All that this means is that you are not blind and not totally insane nad have been reading the squawk for a while.

However, only a blind person trades away an upcoming 21 year old on his cheap rookie contract for player who does not start. Next year Smoove will average close to 20 points, 10 boards, and 3 blocks at the age of 22, and you want to be taken seriosly when you would trade that away for older players with less upside.

I'm still not sold that Smith will be able to average 20/10/3 next year, and even if he does, we still are going to suck barring we don't make any significant moves this summer. Secondly, Smith is going to be in his contract year and you can assure his agent will be talking to GMs about having him move teams.

If there is ever a good time to move Smoove, it's this summer.


All of this stuff is plan B any way. If Law or Hibbert are on the board they are ours at (11-15). If there gone we move on to plan B and trade spare parts.

What part of trading spare parts to get spare parts don't you understand? Let's see, Denver trades Allen Iverson and gets Andre Miller. What makes most Hawks fans think they are going to get some stud for trading Smith?


2008 Draft will be loaded with PGs:

Conly Jr., Lawson, Augustine, Collison, Crittendon.

Wow so we are going to wait till 2008 to get a rookie PG, and have to wait a few more years before our "core" starts to click? Come on man, get outta here. I want to win, and win now, it's been too long. I think we need to address our PG situation via free agency, or trade. Ideally it's got to be trade, because you can target any player you want in a trade. With free agency, not only does that player have to want to sign with us; that player has to be available that year. Like I said, if we had drafted Paul, my stance would be different than it is right now, but that one error is what's killing our team, and unfortuantley Smith is going to have to be moved if we want to effectively patch up that mistake.


I would hate to have to wait until then but I would be happy to wait before I trade Smoove for bench scrubs or combo guard like Barbosa. Barbosa is just a 6'3'' shooting guard.The best he will ever be is Ben Gordon and that is not as good as Smoove now.

Bench scrubs? Who suggested bench scrubs? Toronto and Phoenix are two of the deepest teams in the league. I would say those two players I suggested could start on most teams. They both play a fundamental role on winning ball clubs. Secondly, look how much Calderon has developed since last year, and Barbosa too. I think Barbosa can be a 23 + ppg scorer in his prime, and Calderon could likely average 8 + assists, on a good team.

So the way I break it down is like this...

Trade Lorenzon Wright/Tyronne Lue for a servicable 7-8 million dollar a year starting center. Jason Collins comes to mind. Save a bit of money in a trade like this too.

We then flip Zaza for Marquis Daniels

Good PG who we extend right away(via Smith)/Speedy

Joe Johnson/Daniels

Marvin Williams/Daniels

Draft PF (Horford)/

Collins/Sheldon (while he is developing)

We will also be under the cap, so we can sign another free agent and use our MLE if need be where we could address our other needs.

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If you want Calderon/Barbosa or a similar PG of the like, we could get them without giving up Smith. Marvin/Shelden or Childress/Shelden and even Zaza along with one of them would be enough, ESPECIALLY considering PHX isn't going to want to give Barbosa a big contract with all their others. AND Barbosa might want to start somewhere, so far Nash has shown no signs of slowing down.

Smith doesn't have to be offered in a deal for an average PG.

Even something like Childress/future protected 1st, or Shelden/future protected 1st would be enough.

You really need to stop posting on this matter, you are killing your credibility with every post.

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If you want Calderon/Barbosa or a similar PG of the like, we could get them without giving up Smith. Marvin/Shelden or Childress/Shelden and even Zaza along with one of them would be enough, ESPECIALLY considering PHX isn't going to want to give Barbosa a big contract with all their others. AND Barbosa might want to start somewhere, so far Nash has shown no signs of slowing down.

Smith doesn't have to be offered in a deal for an average PG.

Even something like Childress/future protected 1st, or Shelden/future protected 1st would be enough.

You really need to stop posting on this matter, you are killing your credibility with every post.

So then I ask you this - Do you want to build around Smoove? You think he can be the cornerstone of our franchise?

I think where we get our lotto pick this year is going to determine a lot of things. If we can suck out and get a nice pick and not have to give Pho our pick, then it changes a lot of things, probably for you too. Imagine we got the #1 pick?!?!? woohoo.gif

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