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Most hated guy in Sports?


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Even still...

according to the leaked Sworned testimoney, the alleged Steroid took, Bonds didn't know...


Bonds testified that he had received and used clear and cream substances from his personal strength trainer, Greg Anderson, during the 2003 baseball season but was told they were the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a rubbing balm for arthritis, according to a transcript of his testimony reviewed by The Chronicle.


"Greg and I are friends," Bonds told the grand jury. "I never paid Greg for anything. ... You're going to bring up documents and more documents. I have never seen anything written by Greg Anderson on a piece of paper."

Bonds testified he had never discussed steroids with his trainer -- not even after federal agents kicked in Anderson's door to serve their search warrant. That was out of respect for Anderson's privacy, Bonds said.

To the prosecutors, the substances Bonds said he was using sounded like "the cream" and "the clear,"
two steroids designed to be undetectable in laboratory testing that Victor Conte, founder of BALCO, is accused of marketing to elite athletes, sometimes with Anderson as middleman.

Oh, oh....I am so sorry. He didn't know he was taking steroids. Just like everyone else who is busted with them. My bad.

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He's 42 years old, and is certainly not taking steroids...So, why is he still hitting HR's???

I believe he hit another one today...


He could easily still be taking steroids given number of tests each year; the scheduled nature of the testing periods; and the ease of beating tests.

Here is part of the taped recording from his trainer and buddy who has done jail time to protect Bonds:


"The whole thing is, everything that I've been doing at this point, it's all undetectable," Anderson said on the recording of the drug he was providing Bonds. "See the stuff I have, we created it, and you can't buy it anywhere else, can't get it anywhere else, but you can take it the day of (the test), pee, and it comes up perfect."

There was another reason the trainer was confident that Bonds' drug use would escape detection: Anderson said he would be tipped off a week or two before Bonds was subjected to steroid testing.

"It's going to be in either the end of May or beginning of June, right before the All-Star break, definitely," he was recorded saying. "So after the All-Star break, f -- , we're like f -- ing clear."

Plus Bonds has obviously been using human growth hormone which isn't tested for by MLB and for which MLB does not keep blood samples for when a test is developed.


Spring 2003: Greg Anderson tape. In a secretly taped conversation, Anderson acknowledged he provided Bonds with an "undetectable" performance- enhancing drug in 2003.

June 1, 2003: Bonds endorsement. In a Muscle & Fitness magazine article, Bonds praised Conte and Anderson for getting him into the best shape of his life. Of BALCO, he said, "I'm just shocked by what they've been able to do for me."

Sept. 3, 2003: Victor Conte statement. During a federal raid at BALCO, Conte allegedly said that he had provided Bonds with steroids and that the outfielder had used the drugs regularly, according to a government document obtained by The Chronicle. Conte has denied making the statements.

Sept. 3, 2003: Anderson statement. During a raid on his home, Anderson admitted he had "given steroids to several professional baseball players," according to court records. The players were not identified.

September 2003: Another statement. BALCO investigators who had been told by Conte about Bonds' alleged use of steroids were told by a second source that Bonds got steroids and human growth hormone from BALCO via Anderson.

Nov. 6, 2003: Tim Montgomery testimony. The sprinter told a federal grand jury that Conte claimed he provided Bonds the steroid Winstrol in 2000 or 2001. Conte later denied the allegation.

Feb. 27, 2004: Calendar and schedule. Bonds' name was on "a calendar and a schedule" seized at Anderson's home, Anderson's lawyer acknowledged outside court. Authorities claimed in court records that the documents tracked steroid regimens. The lawyer said they were for a legal substance that Bonds declined to use.

March 2, 2004: An Anderson source. A source familiar with Anderson said the weight trainer obtained steroids and human growth hormone for Bonds dating back to the 2001 season, The Chronicle reported. Michael Rains, Bonds' attorney, said his client never received any drugs from Anderson.

Sept. 24, 2004: Bonds tested. Bonds told MLB.com that he had just been tested for steroids under the program agreed to by Major League Baseball and the Players' Association, adding, "I'm glad this is finally happening. They'll get the results and it will clear my name."

Oct. 2004: Gary Sheffield interview. The New York Yankees star told Sports Illustrated that Bonds introduced him to Conte and Anderson. From Anderson, Sheffield said, he got a BALCO cream that he said he later learned was a designer steroid.

Oct. 16, 2004: BALCO's toll to date. Since the 2003 raids, 14 elite athletes with ties to BALCO have either tested positive for banned drugs, admitted using them or been formally accused of doping violations. They include four Oakland Raiders football players, nine track stars and former Giants outfielder Armando Rios, who, according to a government document, admitted buying human growth hormone and testosterone from Anderson.

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Lmao @ Bonds still taking steroids.

As much as they want to catch this guy you think he would get away with that?

Using your logic anybody could be taking roids since the testing is weak.

The testing is 20x stronger in the olympics. Ever see any olympians using steroids? Oh, you do every olympics...that can't be true because they test. You mean people cheat for personal gain? That can't be true after they have been accussed of cheating. What??? Cyclists, olympians, and many other are repeatedly busted for using performance enhancing drugs even when subjected to much more effective random testing than used by MLB? This is so hard to understand since I deny the reality of doping in sports!

The MLB testing is a joke compared to olympic testing. Anyone could be using steroids in MLB today. It is fact that some are - the masking agents are always ahead of the game and the testing is predictable and relatively easy to avoid in MLB since there are much stricter limits on testing under the applicable collective bargaining agreement. I don't know if that group of steroid users includes Barry but the mere fact that MLB tests wouldn't stop anyone who can afford a top steroids guy (like maybe the guys Bonds has surrounded himself with for years). Either way, he sure as heck is still using performance enhancers like HGH that MLB doesn't even test for.

For background reading here is one of many, many articles on the subject:

Testing Expert - Baseball’s drug policy at it exists lacks teeth — and credibility


Barry Bonds is the most dangerous hitter of all-time. Get over it.

While on performance enhancing drugs he has some of the best seasons of all-time.

Still not the best collection of seasons but in that realm:


Bill James

Top 15 Win Shares Seasons by a Hitter (including both Batting and Fielding)

1. Honus Wagner 1908

2. Babe Ruth 1923

3. Barry Bonds 2001

4. Babe Ruth 1921

5. Tris Speaker 1912

6. Babe Ruth 1920

7. Mickey Mantle 1957

8. Ted Williams 1946

9. Barry Bonds 2002

10. Mickey Mantle 1956

11. Ty Cobb 1915

12. Mickey Mantle 1961

13. Nap Lajoie 1910

14. Ty Cobb 1911

15. Rogers Hornsby 1922

Top 15 Win Shares Seasons by A Hitter (Batting Only):

1. Barry Bonds 2001

2. Honus Wagner 1908

3. Babe Ruth 1923

4. Babe Ruth 1920

5. Babe Ruth 1921

6. Barry Bonds 2002

7. Mickey Mantle 1957

8. Ted Williams 1946

9. Barry Bonds 1993

10. Mickey Mantle 1956

11. Mickey Mantle 1961

12. Rogers Hornsby 1922

13. Babe Ruth 1928

14. Babe Ruth 1926

15. Stan Musial 1948


Lee Sinins, creator of the Sabermetric Baseball Encyclopedia's List

# Name Year Age Tm BA HR RBI RC

1 RUTH 1921 26 NYY .378 59 171 243

2 BONDS 2001 36 SFG .328 73 137 228

3 RUTH 1923 28 NYY .393 41 131 227

4 RUTH 1920 25 NYY .376 54 137 216

5 GEHRIG 1927 24 NYY .373 47 175 215

6 RUTH 1927 32 NYY .356 60 164 211

6 FOXX 1932 24 PHA .364 58 169 211

8 RUTH 1924 29 NYY .378 46 121 209

9 BONDS 2002 37 SFG .370 46 110 206

10 BONDS 2004 39 SFG .362 45 101 204

10 GEHRIG 1936 33 NYY .354 49 152 204

10 HORNSBY 1922 26 STL .401 42 152 204

His numbers through his athletic prime (or rather the athletic prime of basically every MLB player in history before the doping era) are HOF-worthy but pedestrian compared to the truly elite HOF in the game.

Your deliberately blind hero worship of Bonds is pretty amazing. It recalls the onion's story on Bonds:


"It is unfair to judge Mr. Bonds based solely on the fact that everyone says he has taken some sort of performance-enhancing drug for the past five years," Selig said. "I myself think Bonds has been taking steroids—I'm not blind, after all—but nothing, even an admission by Bonds himself, can conclusively prove that he took steroids, as he has not tested positively in an MLB-sanctioned drug test. Unless that is somehow made to happen, we must all accept his recent unfathomable accomplishments as one of the truly exciting and continuing storylines of this great sport."

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Guest Walter

Having been a former personal trainer in a muscle head gym, there is not a speck of doubt that Barry Bonds I-S juicing and has been juicing for some time. For anyone to suggest he wasn't or isn't is frankly someone whose judgement I wouldn't trust in any circumstance because it's so misguided in this instance.

JDU...don't be a fool. You KNOW the guy is "1/2 man, 1/2 testosterone". If you don't, you are the most gullable fool. I don't mean that to be mean, just frank. The fact that you insist his age (42) is why he couldn't be taking steroids is no better. Really, don't immortalize the least clean player in America's major professional sports.

AHF, good response. My favorite line?


Feb. 27, 2004: Calendar and schedule. Bonds' name was on "a calendar and a schedule" seized at Anderson's home, Anderson's lawyer acknowledged outside court. Authorities claimed in court records that the documents tracked steroid regimens. The lawyer said they were for
a legal substance that Bonds declined to use

Not only was it legal but Bonds didn't even use it. Now that's distancing one's self from the painfully obvious.


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