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Wurider Speaks to the Hypocites and Haters???


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As much as I dislike BK you cannot say that he doesn't have an eye for talent. I can not think of one player that he drafted that you can call a bust. He knows talent. The problem is that in the 2005 draft the consensus was that Marvin and Bogut were without a doubt the best players in the draft and that they would go 1 and 2. All he did was follow the general consensus. If MArvin would have went 1 then we would have drafted Bogut. Having said that even though we need a point guard and a center half of you guys would love to draft Durant even though his position replicates one that we have. Samething this year either he or Oden will go first and that is the general consensus. For all of you Marvin haters how can you guys not see the talent that he possess and the improvement that he has made. I never recalled anyone saying that he was going to come in right away and produce 25ppg and 12 rpg. You guys are entitled to your opinions but how can you watch the hawks and say that he is a bust. Are you guys even watching the games!!!

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Couple of things:

1) Your point that "all BK did was follow the consensus in the 2005 draft" does not support the case that BK has an eye for talent.

*I've made the same point several times, but it more supports the case that BK does not make these outlandish selections of "projects" as people claim. If he'd "seen through the hype" and

I wish we had drafted Paul, and I even had a dream before the draft that we did. I cannot claim that I could have made the selection (as I can with Roy and Millsap). I probably would not have been able to go against such a widespread consensus to get a player who I thought could be special but might be a little too small to be great. I am not an NBA GM, though, and I do not get to watch hundreds of hours of film before making a choice, nor do I get paid 7 figures to do so. As such, I can fault BK for not making the correct choice, even if I wouldn't have.

2) Marvin is not "bust". You are exactly right. Andrew Bogut isn't a "bust" either. However, both players have been a disappointment. Bogut has been less so because he is a fairly decent center, which is rare. Bogut is more likely to be an all-star at some point in his career, since 14/10 as a

I'm not sure anybody expected him to put up 25/12 at any point in his career. I don't think we expected even 20 ppg at this point. The problem is that he has only shown flashes of potential to be the 2nd option. As of now, he looks like he'll eventually be a solid 3rd option SF. We kind of wanted a franchise player at the #2.

Also, the fact that we so sorely need a PG now and 2 franchise PG's were taken immediately behind him, followed by a third PG that we'd probably trade him for (Felton). It's even been suggested we trade him for a 4th PG taken 20 picks later (Jack).

That's not all hindsight because we had Childress, Josh Smith, and Al Harrington at the time (and no PG). That doesn't mean you can't take another SF, but if you do, he needs to be head and shoulders above the ones you have. LeBron James or Carmelo Anthony would be. BK's pick of another SF signified that this SF was so good that we could just worry about a PG later. He's not supposed to be just solid.

People will say, "Yeah but he's young". Trouble is, I'm not saying he's solid now. I'm saying he projects to be solid. I'm accounting for his age when I give him credit. He still needs work to be a solid starting SF.

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As much as I dislike BK you cannot say that he doesn't have an eye for talent. I can not think of one player that he drafted that you can call a bust. He knows talent. The problem is that in the 2005 draft the consensus was that Marvin and Bogut were without a doubt the best players in the draft and that they would go 1 and 2. All he did was follow the general consensus. If MArvin would have went 1 then we would have drafted Bogut. Having said that even though we need a point guard and a center half of you guys would love to draft Durant even though his position replicates one that we have. Samething this year either he or Oden will go first and that is the general consensus. For all of you Marvin haters how can you guys not see the talent that he possess and the improvement that he has made. I never recalled anyone saying that he was going to come in right away and produce 25ppg and 12 rpg. You guys are entitled to your opinions but how can you watch the hawks and say that he is a bust. Are you guys even watching the games!!!

Exellent post, right on.

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That's not all hindsight because we had Childress, Josh Smith, and Al Harrington at the time (and no PG). That doesn't mean you can't take another SF, but if you do, he needs to be head and shoulders above the ones you have. LeBron James or Carmelo Anthony would be. BK's pick of another SF signified that this SF was so good that we could just worry about a PG later. He's not supposed to be just solid.

People will say, "Yeah but he's young". Trouble is, I'm not saying he's solid now. I'm saying he projects to be solid. I'm accounting for his age when I give him credit. He still needs work to be a solid starting SF.

Don't forget that we also had Boris Diaw and Donta Smith, to go along with Childress, Smoove, and Harington.

So ,BK had to believe that Marvin is gonna be a superstar, for him to draft another swingman.That's why when people say, Marvin played just well as Chill ,or Smoove in the first two years. I say he's not supposed to do just as good.

He is supposed to do better than them.If not why is he here, instead of a pg??

Now I will admit that 90% of the "Hate" for Marvin on

this board is unjustified, it's not Marvin's fault.It's Bk's fault for, picking him.For some of people, Marvin is gonna have to be as good as Carmelo and the high lottery sfs to be accepted.Because alot of us truly believe that, if we had drafted a pg, we would have been in the playoffs this year. Instead of adding to the longest playoff drought in the NBA

.... You, know... i have never been to a playoff game.

and it's killing inside, to watch other playing in after our season is over.

And, i know some guys will say...

"that draft was 2 years , just let it go"


But, when you have been losing this long, It's hard to get over things that u see as taking a step backward, instead of moving foward.That's what i think happened when Bk drafted Marvin,

it added a few more years to the rebuilding process, that we would have to deal with, if he had made the right choice.

But, i have to say that if we come out of this draft with

one of the top pg's,then all of the Marvin haters will


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People always leave out the fact that:

1) There was no JJ in the discussion, at the time we drafted Marvin. That means the best player on the Hawks at that time, was Al Harrington.

2) It was pretty much assumed that Harrington would leave us at the end of that 05 - 06 season. That means we probably needed to DEVELOP or go out and get a young talent that could be a superstar.

3) We failed to get the 2 guys who we were really going after, Michael Redd and Ray Allen, who were SUPERSTARS or an emerging one at that time.

I think the Marvin pick was solely made by BK, because he was the guy that most people projected to be a SUPERSTAR in 5 years. Not Bogut . . not Paul . . definitely not Deron . . but MARVIN. And if that came to pass, he'd be the guy that the team would be constructed around.

I think after a year of wathing Smoove and Chill, BK was probably uncertain about how good these guys could potentially be.

If we'd picked #1, Bogut would be the choice. At #2, BK was going for the superstar talent. And that was Marvin. Period.

If we'd landed a guy like Redd, I think BK definitely takes Paul. But because we didn't, BK wanted that superstar talent first, then go out and get his PG.

And if everything didn't work out, he always had an unsigned Tyronn Lue in his back pocket, to man the ship until we obtained a guy that could take his place.

Then the JJ deal started to develop. That pretty much changed everything for Marvin and the impact he could have with the Hawks in year 1. Now, JJ became the "future" of the Hawks. That potential superstar player that we could build the franchise around.

Young players need the opportunity to showcase their skills, in order to improve in the long run. After we acquired JJ, the decision was made to bring Marvin along slowly. This year, it was about taking the "wraps" off of him, and see if he could develop at a faster rate.

Then the injury happens, and derails that process for a full month. And because it's a hand injury, it took him 2 - 3 more weeks to get comfortable enough in the strength of the hand, to not worrying about it getting banged around.

People have to keep this all in mind, when talking about Marvin and his development as a player. If healthy, there should be no excuses for Marvin. And if he plays up to his potential, people shouldn't have to make any, because he'll be a good and consistent ballplayer.

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Back then, I told you that it makes no sense to draft a Sf when we had 5 on the roster. Back then I told you that MW was not heads and shoulders better than the two proven PGs. Back then I told you that we were making a mistake by not filling a need.

I think it's silly to believe that BK is this great talent scout when he has made so many talent mistakes.

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Now, let's start to reveal the facts about MWill..

KB will be quick to point out that he shot the ball very well. 50.9% from the field to be exact.

I am quick to point out that this number is just a product of the style of play UNC Played. They played run and gun uptempo basketball which normally caught their opponents off guard and led to many uncontested layups. As proof of this fact, look at the FG% of the guy who shared a spot with MWill. His FG% was 54.2%. Much higher than MWill's. He also scored more than MWill while only playing 2.4 mpg more than MWill...

KB will be quick to point out that he has a high basketball IQ

What does that mean? Does it mean that he can catch the ball and finish.. If so then he does. However, I haven't seen him outwit anybody on the court. I haven't seen him overcome his shortcomings the way that Kidd overcomes his lack of explosion (Deron too) or the way that Bird overcame his lack of athleticism. So give me an example please...

KB will be quick to say that He's a good ball handler and passer.

I have seen MWill handle the ball. On the fast break and 6 feet from the basket he's good. However, he's not a guy on the perimeter with the ball blowing pass anybody with his first step. Sir, I have seen Worthy play and he is no Worthy...

About being a passer. he average 0.7 apg. Over the season he had 26 assists in 36 games...

Jawed Williams had 51 assists in 36 games playing on 2.4 minutes more.

Tim Thomas had 66 assists in 32 games and the funny thing is that Marvin Williams had more people to pass to.

KB will mention Defense and he shouldn't.

There is nothing remotely defensive about MWill. He doesn't block shots even though he's athletic and has all that reach. He doesn't get many steals.

KB will try to boost MWill's 3 pt shooting

He hit 19 of 44 3 pters. At Villanova, Thomas hit 47 of 140 3pters... There's really nothing to brag about with these three pointers. He shot one or 2 per game. Most of the time when I saw him hit one, he was wide open on the kick out.

KB will try to bring up MWill's leadership

Sorry.. The guy rode the bench. Then he did not show up for big games. Say what you want about Deron/Paul, but both of these guys played in and showed up in big games. Both of these guys were their teams leader. Without Paul, WF would be Nothing. Without Williams, there's no way ill goes 27-1. Without MWill, UNC is probably still cutting the nets down. MWill did not show up in those last two games. I was so mad at him in the ill game because he committed a few dumb turnovers.

I will stop there. I'm sure there will be responses from guys who don't consider these facts. However, I don't see much difference in MWill and Tim Thomas. Actually Thomas is probably better coming out...

In fact, Jawed is probably better coming out.

Mwill is just potential with a lot of hype behind it.

verse 2:


Here's the main problem. I don't think anybody is saying that we need the PG to make the team a playoff team next season (although that very well could happen).. I think what you miss and what you try to deny is how good these guys (Paul, Williams) are. KB, you spend a lot of time talking up and making up stuff about M. Williams BUT the truth is that he's not as good as you say. When you look at the PGs, they are more than a temporary fix, these guys could be the top 2 PGs in the league in 3 yrs. So you're talking about a leader for the team. Also, Sfs will come and will go, but a PG has the capability of making a team a championship team. That's why it's so interesting that you would continue to trumpet that Williams is a better pick for us.. Because mainly..

1. We have a developing star at Sf.

2. We have a serious need for a PG or C.

3. These PGs are top of the line.

It was so embarrassing reading the article on Bogut this morning. He named off what the team could be if he came and he said.. "Tyrone Lue at the PG"... or whatever the Hawks can do at PG. Everybody knows that Lue is BU material that shouldn't be starting. To grab one of these guys would be the start of what could be a dynasty.

Click 2

v. 3


Did I say he was not good?

Marvin Williams Certainly has potential. A lot of which is UNKNOWN to us all.

What I am saying is that We know for sure that both Deron and Paul were team leaders. I have watched enough of all three to tell you that Deron and Paul fits our need.

Now, you tell me where can we find another PG who will be one of the top 2 PGs in this league in three years??

It's just that simple.

To answer your question...

Joey Graham...Taj Gray...

Point is that come next season there will be another good Sf. There might not be another PG.

v. 4


No Sir.

Deron is not a less talented player. IN fact, can you find any weaknesses in his game? Any questions about his game?

However, there are several questions about Marvin...

Can he play defense? - He should be able to, but hell, so should Al! The answer is you don't know. IN the UNC system, you can't say definitively if any of them can play good man to man defense. Because their style of play really doesn't allow you to be caught up man to man much.

Can he handle pressure? He should be able to... But as the rounds of the NCAA tourney went on, so did his composure on the court.

Again... Tell me the difference between Marvin Williams and Tim Thomas. If you are honest, you will admit that all you really know about Williams is based on HOPE.. Not on actually talent. You hope that he can make the transition. You hope that he becomes a good defender. YOu hope that he doesn't break under pressure. HOPE.

However, you know a lot more about Deron. YOu know that he's a team leader. YOU know that he's a good defender. YOU know that he's a top PURE PG... YOU know all these things so quit LYING and Making up stuff about his abilities..

Truth be known, the only reason he's not higher in Mocks is because it's not fashionable to draft a PG that high... Well, I hope that we break fashion.. because Deron and Paul are both special players!

v. 5


Maybe you are biased... Maybe more than a Little...

Because I watched too many heel games. Williams is a good athlete and he has a good shot. Back to the basket game??? I wouldn't put a lot of confidence in that.

However, Saying he has more potential than Deron? Just as a matter of position..

A Good PG is much better for a team than a good Sf. This is easily proven. Phoenix would miss Nash.. Whereas if Shawn Marion missed games, it wouldn't matter as much.

Back to the idea of potential of Deron though...

Deron is certainly the only pure PG that has come out of college basketball since Andre' Miller. He's the best Pure PG to come out since Kidd. And because of his great ability to play man on man defense, he may be better than Kidd. You think MWill has more potential that that??

I say MWill has a longer climb to greatness than Deron, but I would not say that MWill has more potential... Especially not for a team (and NOT JUST THE HAWKS)..

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Back then, I told you that it makes no sense to draft a Sf when we had 5 on the roster. Back then I told you that MW was not heads and shoulders better than the two proven PGs. Back then I told you that we were making a mistake by not filling a need.

I think it's silly to believe that BK is this great talent scout when he has made so many talent mistakes.


I think it's rediculous to make the "We had to take Marvin because he was BPA" comparison with the "We have to take Durant if #2." The talent gap b/t Durant/Oden and the rest of the draft is enormous. The gap b/t Marvin and Paul/Deron was barely even remote, it wasn't so big that you couldn't take need over BPA.

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I think the Marvin pick was solely made by BK, because he was the guy that most people projected to be a SUPERSTAR in 5 years. Not Bogut . . not Paul . . definitely not Deron . . but MARVIN. And if that came to pass, he'd be the guy that the team would be constructed around.probably uncertain about how good these guys could potentially be.

If we'd picked #1, Bogut would be the choice. At #2, BK was going for the superstar talent. And that was Marvin. Period.

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Back then, I told you that it makes no sense to draft a Sf when we had 5 on the roster. Back then I told you that MW was not heads and shoulders better than the two proven PGs. Back then I told you that we were making a mistake by not filling a need.

I think it's silly to believe that BK is this great talent scout when he has made so many talent mistakes.


I think it's rediculous to make the "We had to take Marvin because he was BPA" comparison with the "We have to take Durant if #2." The talent gap b/t Durant/Oden and the rest of the draft is enormous. The gap b/t Marvin and Paul/Deron was barely even remote, it wasn't so big that you couldn't take need over BPA.

BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

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Back then, I told you that it makes no sense to draft a Sf when we had 5 on the roster. Back then I told you that MW was not heads and shoulders better than the two proven PGs. Back then I told you that we were making a mistake by not filling a need.

I think it's silly to believe that BK is this great talent scout when he has made so many talent mistakes.


I think it's rediculous to make the "We had to take Marvin because he was BPA" comparison with the "We have to take Durant if #2." The talent gap b/t Durant/Oden and the rest of the draft is enormous. The gap b/t Marvin and Paul/Deron was barely even remote, it wasn't so big that you couldn't take need over BPA.

BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

That is not true at all pillepalle.gif

If the ASG cared about what espn thought then Bk would be fired by now.

I Do believe that espn murders the hawks and the organization on a regular basis.But Bk will be back for 07-08

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BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and

ESPN BASHED us for taking Marvin, do you just make up stuff as you go? BK did NOT have to take Marvin, it was not an Oden/Durant situation. If he felt he HAD to take Marvin and didn't want to, he could have easily traded down with NO or Charlotte, both of whom wanted Marvin.


BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

Would NEVER get another JOB?? If he took Paul and got bashed for it, after Paul had a great rookie year everything would have disappeared. ESPECIALLY considering how bad Marvin has played, if BK indeed got fired for taking Paul it would make him look like a genius and make the Hawks look like complete blockheads..

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Back then, I told you that it makes no sense to draft a Sf when we had 5 on the roster. Back then I told you that MW was not heads and shoulders better than the two proven PGs. Back then I told you that we were making a mistake by not filling a need.

I think it's silly to believe that BK is this great talent scout when he has made so many talent mistakes.


I think it's rediculous to make the "We had to take Marvin because he was BPA" comparison with the "We have to take Durant if #2." The talent gap b/t Durant/Oden and the rest of the draft is enormous. The gap b/t Marvin and Paul/Deron was barely even remote, it wasn't so big that you couldn't take need over BPA.

BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

That is not true at all pillepalle.gif

If the ASG cared about what espn thought then Bk would be fired by now.

I Do believe that espn murders the hawks and the organization on a regular basis.But Bk will be back for 07-08

they do care what ESPN think, why do you think not, ESPN detroy the Hawks and no one will show up to the game, The Hawks since they suck live off PR and if PR bad no one will come. BK dumb, but this one wasn't his fault.

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BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and

ESPN BASHED us for taking Marvin, do you just make up stuff as you go? BK did NOT have to take Marvin, it was not an Oden/Durant situation. If he felt he HAD to take Marvin and didn't want to, he could have easily traded down with NO or Charlotte, both of whom wanted Marvin.


BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

Would NEVER get another JOB?? If he took Paul and got bashed for it, after Paul had a great rookie year everything would have disappeared. ESPECIALLY considering how bad Marvin has played, if BK indeed got fired for taking Paul it would make him look like a genius and make the Hawks look like complete blockheads..

never means never and BK would have never gotten a GM job again.

ESPN bashed us after it became clear Paul was good, before that ESPN was prasing the Hawks and their new found future.

And that like traded down out of the top 2 that time for the Hawks, they just won 13 games, 13 games!!! and bad wasn't something the Hawks needed.

And people don't talk about bad unpoplar teams during the season like they do in the offseason, BK would have gotten fired. And Paul wasn't gurantee to do what he did in NO in ATL. This team is no where near as good and we don't run a offense or have the personel to run a good offense.

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Back then, I told you that it makes no sense to draft a Sf when we had 5 on the roster. Back then I told you that MW was not heads and shoulders better than the two proven PGs. Back then I told you that we were making a mistake by not filling a need.

I think it's silly to believe that BK is this great talent scout when he has made so many talent mistakes.


I think it's rediculous to make the "We had to take Marvin because he was BPA" comparison with the "We have to take Durant if #2." The talent gap b/t Durant/Oden and the rest of the draft is enormous. The gap b/t Marvin and Paul/Deron was barely even remote, it wasn't so big that you couldn't take need over BPA.

BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

That is not true at all pillepalle.gif

If the ASG cared about what espn thought then Bk would be fired by now.

I Do believe that espn murders the hawks and the organization on a regular basis.But Bk will be back for 07-08

they do care what ESPN think, why do you think not, ESPN detroy the Hawks and no one will show up to the game, The Hawks since they suck live off PR and if PR bad no one will come. BK dumb, but this one wasn't his fault.

Whose fault was it????I guess Espn drafted Marvin. LOL

Espn, said that the hawks should not reach for Shelden

with the 5th pick.That didn't seem to bother BK or the ASG.

They were getting drilled about that promise before the draft, and did it anyway... But it wasn't bk's fault rolleyes.gif

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they do care what ESPN think, why do you think not, ESPN detroy the Hawks and no one will show up to the game, The Hawks since they suck live off PR and if PR bad no one will come. BK dumb, but this one wasn't his fault.


Whose fault was it????I guess Espn drafted Marvin. LOL

Espn, said that the hawks should not reach for Shelden

with the 5th pick.That didn't seem to bother BK or the ASG.

They were getting drilled about that promise before the draft, and did it anyway... But it wasn't bk's fault


It alot easier to talk when your job is not on the line, and ASG had their rep, either at that time could afford to do that. Not to mention they wouldn't have got JJ either, which doesn't bother me but it bothers other hawk fans.
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BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and

ESPN BASHED us for taking Marvin, do you just make up stuff as you go? BK did NOT have to take Marvin, it was not an Oden/Durant situation. If he felt he HAD to take Marvin and didn't want to, he could have easily traded down with NO or Charlotte, both of whom wanted Marvin.


BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

Would NEVER get another JOB?? If he took Paul and got bashed for it, after Paul had a great rookie year everything would have disappeared. ESPECIALLY considering how bad Marvin has played, if BK indeed got fired for taking Paul it would make him look like a genius and make the Hawks look like complete blockheads..

never means never and BK would have never gotten a GM job again.

ESPN bashed us after it became clear Paul was good, before that ESPN was prasing the Hawks and their new found future.

And that like traded down out of the top 2 that time for the Hawks, they just won 13 games, 13 games!!! and bad wasn't something the Hawks needed.

And people don't talk about bad unpoplar teams during the season like they do in the offseason, BK would have gotten fired. And Paul wasn't gurantee to do what he did in NO in ATL. This team is no where near as good and we don't run a offense or have the personel to run a good offense.

We are still bad

People still don't talk about us

Bk is still here.

You say we didn't have the personel to run an offense?

Well if we had a good pg we would.

Espn was 2nd guessing the pic the moment it happened.

I have the draft on tape.Dicky V was interviewed after the pic was made, and said that the hawks would regret not taking Chris Paul.

He said Paul would the Mayor of Atlanta. lol

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OMG man, I hate calling people dumb, but you are just stupid.

ESPN BASHED RIGHT AFTER WE TOOK MARVIN!! BEFORE THE SEASON STARTED. Quit making up crap to try to act like you know what you're talking about, when in fact you have no clue.

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billy's good when it comes to first round talent, but he is more miss than hit when it comes to the second round. solomon might become a good player but he could have gone for craig smith, paul milsap, alexander johnson, or even jstin williams and gotten the same production. salim stoudmire was a no-brainer pick since he was supposed to go in the first and the 04 picks were well...

anyway. i'm kinda glad we did trade away the second rounder, no sense in trying to develop a rookie when 80% of the team is doing the same thing.

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BK did have to take MW or he wouldn't have a job, ESPN was riding hard and if he didn't they would have murder the organization and

ESPN BASHED us for taking Marvin, do you just make up stuff as you go? BK did NOT have to take Marvin, it was not an Oden/Durant situation. If he felt he HAD to take Marvin and didn't want to, he could have easily traded down with NO or Charlotte, both of whom wanted Marvin.


BK would have been fired, now to me and you, cool, but to a man would probably will never have another GM job again and has a plan, that something he wasn't willing to do.

Would NEVER get another JOB?? If he took Paul and got bashed for it, after Paul had a great rookie year everything would have disappeared. ESPECIALLY considering how bad Marvin has played, if BK indeed got fired for taking Paul it would make him look like a genius and make the Hawks look like complete blockheads..

never means never and BK would have never gotten a GM job again.

ESPN bashed us after it became clear Paul was good, before that ESPN was prasing the Hawks and their new found future.

And that like traded down out of the top 2 that time for the Hawks, they just won 13 games, 13 games!!! and bad wasn't something the Hawks needed.

And people don't talk about bad unpoplar teams during the season like they do in the offseason, BK would have gotten fired. And Paul wasn't gurantee to do what he did in NO in ATL. This team is no where near as good and we don't run a offense or have the personel to run a good offense.

We are still bad

People still don't talk about us

Bk is still here.

You say we didn't have the personel to run an offense?

Well if we had a good pg we would.

Espn was 2nd guessing the pic the moment it happened.

I have the draft on tape.Dicky V was interviewed after the pic was made, and said that the hawks would regret not taking Chris Paul.

He said Paul would the Mayor of Atlanta. lol

Dicky V also said Sheldon was good as well as a bunch dumb stuff not to mention JJ Redick and his Morrison ridin.

and to your tyrant

1. duh

2. cause we suck

3. I know, blame that on the owners.

4. we don't

5. A.J. is a good PG, the best PG we had since JT and we don't have the personel to run a offense.

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