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NBAdraft. net has us taking Joakim Noah at #11....


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Not for me. Noah is way too skinny to play center in the NBA. Do I want a future PG for this team or yet another person to compete with Chills, Marvin, Josh Smith, Shelden Williams and Soloman Jones for minutes at the F positions?

Call that a vote for Conley.

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I think Noah can play at least some center. But he's so weak and has no offense to speak of, he's going to get manhandled offensively and defensively in the NBA. I'd take Conley or Law over Noah without hesitation..

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Noah is the classic example of a guy who stayed in school one year too long. Had he come out last year, after that incredible NCAA Tournament performance and with the hype machine running in full gear- he'd have been one of the very top picks, easily. He was as hot as could possibly be, at that time. Now, not so much.

Noah is talented though. He has great court vision and is a phenomenal passer- and not just for a big man, but for anyone. He's a fantastic passer. I saw one website that compared his NBA upside to that of Toni Kucoc. Now I would say that might be kind of a stretch...but passing-wise, I could definitely see it. I really want no part of him though, as he's just not what we need. Give me Conley, please. That's all I ask for.

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I think Noah can play at least some center. But he's so weak and has no offense to speak of, he's going to get manhandled offensively and defensively in the NBA. I'd take Conley or Law over Noah without hesitation..

Al Harrington played the Center spot last night for Golden State. Noah could do it on the right team.....

however you need that penetrating guard like Baron for that lineup to work. That's why you take Conley.

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Noah may never be a star and will likely wind up as a high energy valuable role player for the right team. Still he is far more likely to have a better NBA career than McRoberts. IMO, McRoberts is not a good Defensive player and has no real position on the O end. He is like a less talented version of Googs. In fact, he might be lucky to be drafted in the late 1st round before all is said and done.

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McRoberts was very unimpressive on a pretty weak squad this season. He had every opportunity to help his team overachieve (just like Hansbrough did last season), but he didn't seem capable of putting the Devils on his shoulders and picking up wins.

Noah at least plays with intensity and gives maximum effort. I don't think he's that good (I'd consider him at #11 if the PGs are gone), but I've seen him shine before. I don't ever remember McRoberts doing anything of significance. He has the talent without a doubt, but he just seems soft, both physically and mentally. He's not good enough in the post and he's not good enough on the perimeter. He also whines alot.

And oh yeah, he's a crier too.

(disclaimer - Despite being a big UNC fan I try to have an objective opinion about a player. If it's negative, I then let my subjective bias go overboard in my disgust for said player. McBob was supposed to be one of the very best players in his class, he's shown me that he's another "coulda been".)

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He is like a less talented version of Googs.

I personally don't think it's a matter of "talent. I think God gave the kid enough to be a great college player. But something isn't clicking.

Googs was one of the best ACC players of all time. At this point they aren't even in the same discussion. McBob may actually have more talent than Googs did, but he's not half the player Googs was.

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And McRoberts at least has some sort of offensive game which Noah doesn't have at all. If Noah could put on about 20lb. of muscle he could be effective at center but until then he will get abused. We need to come out of this draft with either Oden or Hibbert with the #1 or #3 picks and then Conley or Law at #11. If we only get one pick we have to take Conley or Law if they are available before we go after another big. PG has to be addressed!

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Get off the McRoberts band wagon.

McRoberts is 6'10'' and can barely jump high enough to dunk. I bet his vertical is no higher then 20'', seriously no joking. He is flat footed and slow. I don't like Noah either but he would run circles around McRoberts and dunk all over him. The irony here is Noah is not a physical player, just high energy, McRoberts is low energy and finess.

McRoberts is only mentioned as 1st round candidate b/c he was on natioanl TV every week playing for Duke. How can you say with a straight face McRoberts is worthy of a lottery pick.

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McRoberts is actually an excellent athlete. He won the the McDonalds All American slam dunk contest. He's added some bulk since then but he's still plenty athletic for the NBA.

But I still think he's soft and a huge underperformer.

EDIT: He actually finished as a runner up to G. Green I guess. But he can certainly dunk.

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