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Still plenty of room on the Belkin Bandwagon!


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Gearon Jr. is a passionate fan. He knows he is not a personell man. What he says is out of family loyalty to the Hawks organization which he grew up watching his father own.

This guy loves the Hawks and has since he was a tot. I like the home town owner who grew up watchingthe team. When Belkin is out of the picture the ASG would be more active in the off season and havethe power to hold people more accountable.

If Belkin was the sole owner we would have still drafted Marvin and we would have never signed JJ since he was "unproven to deserve max money at the time the deal was done." Gearon, Jr. fought to bring JJ here. Now JJ has proven BK knew what he was doing by not being afraid to offer him a max contract. I think JJ is a max player by his performance last year. At 25 he will just get better !

While it is hard to gage the current ownership b/c of court restrictions placed on them due to Belkin; at least Gearon Jr. has the balls to talk tothe media since the GM refuses too. No part owner can bash the GM and coach to the media b/c decisions are made by the ownership group as a whole. His interview was simply politically correct. I would not take any interview seriosly.

Belkin will not say a word to the media. We have no idea what is in this guys head (other than not wanting JJ and wanting to draft Marvin.) I would be very cautious to give this guy any support b/c he has yet to proven anything other then being a total prick, he does not have the balls to speak to the media. He is a snake in the grass.

Belkin has proven one thing: He is a selfish business man who made an investment with a group of people he must be in total control of. The entire group disagrees with him regarding bringing in JJ, and he says just buy me out if I can't call every shot less then a year into the partnership. That is not how a business partner should act.

So if you support Belkin you are saying your against JJ being a Hawk. Belkin is the cheap owner not wanting to spend money...... Belkin is responsible for handcuffing the current ownership b/c he did not agree with bringing in the best player in a Hawks uniform since Nique.

I relate the Belkin issue with a real world business:

Lets say the ASG is a Home Builder with 6 owners.

5 of the 6 owners want to develop a subdivision with quality built homes using the best materials. After all this is a new company and cannot afford to build a repution of shotty work with cheap materials.

One of the 6 owners diagrees and want to use cheaper materials to maximize profits.

He goes to court and tries to buy out the partners b/c they don't see eye to eye. A freeze is put on the subdivision devlopment. No more homes can built that have not already started.

I cannot support a man with the business ethnics of Lord Belkin !

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The day I endorse Belkin is the day I am no longer a Hawk fan with the proviso that if he wins control of the team I will give him a chance to earn my respect.

However, he has joined hands in running this team into the ground by financially strapping the team, legally strapping the team and making it such an unattractive environment that we don't have many options other than the status quo in terms of coaches or GMs who could own this team.

I suspect that if Belkin owns this team we will be fighting to convince him the team should stay in Atlanta while he take offers from Vegas, etc.

what he said with a "be careful what you wish for" thrown in.

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I think that there's really going to be only one timely resolution to this matter... that's if AS coughs up enough cash to Buy Belkin out. I think Belkin probably would prefer money to being the most hated owner in Sports. Because even if Belkin wins, there's still a possibility that he fails in his bid to be an owner because Stern will more than Likely do the "credit check" and find that Belkin doesn't have enough money to own the team. At which point, it will be moot what Belkin has done in court. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Belkin cannot backdoor his way to being a sole owner... The League would have to have him to refile his ownership papers.

That being the case, I think if Buyout is the best resolve, then if the Hawks were to happen upon Oden in this draft, Belkin can charge more! If the Hawks suck, the AS pay less.

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I think that there's really going to be only one timely resolution to this matter... that's if AS coughs up enough cash to Buy Belkin out. I think Belkin probably would prefer money to being the most hated owner in Sports. Because even if Belkin wins, there's still a possibility that he fails in his bid to be an owner because Stern will more than Likely do the "credit check" and find that Belkin doesn't have enough money to own the team. At which point, it will be moot what Belkin has done in court. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Belkin cannot backdoor his way to being a sole owner... The League would have to have him to refile his ownership papers.

That being the case, I think if Buyout is the best resolve, then if the Hawks were to happen upon Oden in this draft, Belkin can charge more! If the Hawks suck, the AS pay less.

I agree the buyout route is the quickest to end this impasse. I don't know if getting Oden would increase or decrease the financial pressure (that presumably would drive the deal), though. He would increase the gate receipts and the performance on the court without really impacting payroll. That might actually make life easier for the ASG to operate under Belkin's yoke. Arguably, it is when we are sucking and desparate to make changes (of any kind) that Belkin's pressence is the worst.

Either way, the rest of us suffer while these guys bicker.

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Good point Diesel !

I'm sure Belkin would have to refile for ownership with the league if he wins the court battle.

The original agreement would have been for the ASG, Inc. or The ASG, LLLP or whatever enitity (LLC, LLLP, Inc.) they decided to use not Belkin personaly.

If Belkin wins as sole owner he would then be a seperate entity from the ASG Partnership, I'm guessing their currently an LLLP or LLP. I know he would not run the risk of running the team in his personal name, then if he sued he stands to loose his personal assetts rather then company assetts. He would have to form a new, seperate, artificial entity (LLC, LLLP, Inc.) and have it approved by the league.

Good point Diesel !

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