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It's (almost) unanimous how much BK sucks

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter


127 out of 128 votes for BK sucking. Tack on the same one vote from unanimous margin the year prior and BK is breaking more dubious records of incompetence than in the history of GMing. He may not be the worst of all time due to a questionable, but generally good deal for JJ and the smart drafting of JS, but NObody has a more pathetic 3 year lottery draft record.

Impressively incompetent when it mattered most. Two consecutive (for all intensive purposes) UNANIMOUS lottery ROY mistakes.


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It's hard for me to say that BK hasn't done a good job amassing talent on this team...He has made a few questionable calls in the past few drafts (trust me, I was the BIGGEST supporter of drafting Chris Paul out there), but I am content with the talent on this team and where we look to be heading.

In this draft, we will, in all likelihood, have the 11th pick in the draft at minimum (and with a bit of luck a top 3 pick as well)...That means that out of our two weaknesses (defensive big and PG) we are going to address AT LEAST one of those positional weaknesses (hopefully PG and sign a defensive big).

We could potential fix BOTH of our weaknesses in the draft, and will almost assuredly fix at least one.

Honestly, in my mind with the young talent on this team, there is no reason they shouldn't win 40 or more games next year...If we don't win 40 or more, it will either be because of very bad luck (injuries similar to this year) or bad coaching.

I think BK has brought in more than enough talent here to be competitive.

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When you have 4 1st round picks in 3 years, including the 2nd, the 5th, and the 6th...let's just say a baboon could have amassed talent. His job was, at least ONCE, to get the BEST talent and he FAILED MISERABLY. He has now missed two rookies of the year and a player in Deng who is an All Star next year at 22.

If you are really impressed with that record then you should enjoy your internship there. Good luck.

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A lot of talent? Joking I hope. Look, I think Woodson is about as poor as it gets on the bench. But, if just one of them had to be fired it's BK by a mile.

We played this season with 4 backups PG's, none of them a distributor, and we had 13M tied up in lousy backup PG's. We also drafted a disaster in Shelden who just this morning they admitted was a better center than PF...problem is he is too short to play the 5 in the NBA.

Think now. BK has drafted a forward with ALL FOUR 1st round picks. We have 2 SF's and 2 PF's. For good measure he drafted another forward in the 2nd round this year. We now have a 5th pick and a 6th pick that can't even start on a lousy team. That sounds like good talent accumulation to you? Is he going for the record for most 6'8 guys on a single team?

There have been few jobs done as poorly as Knight. His unorthodox views have backed us into a corner. We have nobody to man the PG spot after 4 years and the same goes for the post. All those picks and free agent signings and all we have is duplication. You are now among a very small group that thinks BK has done even a decent job. I think were up to 3 or 4 now.

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If we do get it fixed, and sign a big defensive body what's to stop us from winning 40 or more games next year?

JJ has proven he is one of the top SG's in the league, Smoove is a rising star that LOOKS like he's going to average around 17/10/3 blk's next year (maybe even better #'s), Marvin is still developing but is playing pretty damn well for a 20 year old if you ask me, and Zaza is certainly an above average offensive Center ( we need a defensive big), Shelden doesn't look like the right pick right now, but he really came on at the end of the year, and hopefully he'll continue to learn.

TALENT IS NOT OUR PROBLEM ...We have amassed some pretty good players here with whole hell of a lot of potential...It's WOODSON'S job to develop that talent.

Like I said, there are quite a few things I would have done differently if I was GM, but ya know what, the way this team is starting to look, I'm thinking that the players we have could certainly compete in the playoffs in a year or two...And considering how young we are, that's a very good thing.

Babcock had this team REAL screwed up...You can't just expect us to win immediately...We had to blow up that team and COMPLETELY rebuild. That doesn't take one or two years...it often takes 4 or even 5 years with the amount of work this team needed.

I by no means think BK is "great" but he deserves much less blame than Woodson.

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How about Deron Williams? Deng? Roy? If we had taken just Deron and Deng we would be in the playoffs now with Woodson as coach. The GM's job is to get the best players available and BK hasn't done it....ONE TIME.

That is what failure looks like, because when you pick as high as we do every year it is really hard to get a zero...although Shelden is pushing that theory.

I wonder who BK is promising this year?

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Deng AND Deron in a few years?

MW was certainly a pick for the future, not the present (as Deron would have been).

I hated the pick at the time, but the dude is only 20 give him some time.

This team is still VERY young, you honestly can't expect them to be one of the better teams in the league with such a young roster.

With this core of players, the future looks VERY bright.

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I agree with you about the talent that is here, they are ready to put it together, save for PG and coaching. I also agree with Texas Pete in that BK has had some high picks to work with, that he has not maximized.......But, instead of the picks BK had to work with, what if he had had the 2004 5th & 16th picks, 2005 1st, and 2006 4th picks? Choosing: Harris/Snyder/Bogut/Thomas. How would we all feel about that?

Harris is not a PG, and is too small and does not shoot well enough to play SG. Snyder has already been traded how many times? Bogut is considered by some as the worst help defender in the NBA. Thomas has a 'tude that makes you want to puke, even though he was my pick.

My point is that when people quit holding BK to standards of perfection, he has not done too bad. Who knows, he may have done real well, we just don't know it yet.

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I hated the pick at the time, but the dude is only 20 give him some time.

Let me get this straight, you HATED the pick at the time, but NOW you are content with it? WTF????? If you HATED it then, then you should be completely INFURIATED with it now, considering how well Paul/Deron have played, while Marvin looks like a toddler trying to play varsity basketball.

BK's amassed talent, but at all the wrong positions and has acquired LESSER talent than was available DIRECTLY after he selected. ANYONE with a #5, #6, #2, #17, #21, TONS of cap space, and MULTIPLE high 2nd rounders can amass talent.


Deng AND Deron in a few years?

MW was certainly a pick for the future, not the present (as Deron would have been).

Yeah Deron/Paul weren't picks for the future, considering they will both be top 5 PGs for the next 10 years..rolleyes.gif

Oh well, I guess you have to defend him since you're soon to be working for him.

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I hated the pick at the time, but the dude is only 20 give him some time.

Let me get this straight, you HATED the pick at the time, but NOW you are content with it? WTF????? If you HATED it then, then you should be completely INFURIATED with it now, considering how well Paul/Deron have played, while Marvin looks like a toddler trying to play varsity basketball.

BK's amassed talent, but at all the wrong positions and has acquired LESSER talent than was available DIRECTLY after he selected. ANYONE with a #5, #6, #2, #17, #21, TONS of cap space, and MULTIPLE high 2nd rounders can amass talent.


Deng AND Deron in a few years?

MW was certainly a pick for the future, not the present (as Deron would have been).

Yeah Deron/Paul weren't picks for the future, considering they will both be top 5 PGs for the next 10 years..rolleyes.gif

Oh well, I guess you have to defend him since you're soon to be working for him.

Where did I ever say I was content with it at the moment? RIGHT NOW, Paul and Deron obviously look like better picks, but that doesn't mean that they will be better players in 5 years...I am just trying to give Marvin a chance.

I DID hate the pick at the time because I KNEW that we needed a PG and that Paul (I wasn't sure about Deron) was going to be a great player... OF COURSE IT PISSES ME OFF TO SEE HOW WELL THEY ARE PLAYING NOW!!! .

However, what's done is done and we chose Marvin, not Paul. Marvin is a Hawk and he has my full support, whether I thought he was the right pick at the time is irrelevant. He is what we are left with, and now that we have him, I am willing to give him some time to be a successful player rather than calling him a bust at the tender age of 20.

Plus, there is ALWAYS the possibility, like I said, that Marvin turns out to be a better player than either Deron or Paul (MARVIN IS ONLY 20 YEARS OLD!!!!), and in that case, choosing him would have been the right choice in the long-term...HE WAS A LONG-TERM PICK!!!

If BK was choosing between those three and was only taking how they would play their first two years in the league, then he OBVIOUSLY would have chosen one of the PG's, but he chose Marvin because (I'm guessing) he felt like Marvin had more potential to EVENTUALLY be the best player of the group.

I don't agree with him, but I am going to cheer my butt off for Marvin to prove ME wrong.

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When you have 4 1st round picks in 3 years, including the 2nd, the 5th, and the 6th...let's just say a baboon could have amassed talent. His job was, at least ONCE, to get the BEST talent and he FAILED MISERABLY. He has now missed two rookies of the year and a player in Deng who is an All Star next year at 22.

If you are really impressed with that record then you should enjoy your internship there. Good luck.

How many other GM's missed the last two ROY's ? How about the last 5 of 6 ?

You and Walt must have miserable lives. Day in and Day out B1tch1n about someone else life.

Get married, have kids, by a dog or something.

You guys are missing on something important.

Let it go and enjoy life.

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Guest Walter


It's hard for me to say that BK hasn't done a good job amassing talent on this team...

It is when you consider what vast amount of capitol he had to work with and you are blind to the obvious truth.


He has made a few questionable calls in the past few drafts (trust me, I was the BIGGEST supporter of drafting Chris Paul out there), but I am content with the talent on this team and where we look to be heading.

Have you ever kept your job choosing the worst of 3 options while making your 3 most important decisions? I doubt you'd make it to your 3rd decision.

Think about it. Your company relies upon you to pick the best widget out of 3 on 3 occasions. This is your most important within the company and could make or break the company for the next 10 years. In EACH of the 3 decisions you select the most costly, most likely to breakdown, most difficult to acquire widget out of the 3. Your company gets passed by most all other competitors directly due to your decisions. Should you keep your job?


You say "few" then highlight one. EVERY lottery pick he screwed up by getting the 3rd worst possible player there. This is across the board lottery failure at it's absolute worst. TWO UNANIMOUS ROY directly passed over. ABSOLUTE failure.


In this draft, we will, in all likelihood, have the 11th pick in the draft at minimum (and with a bit of luck a top 3 pick as well)...That means that out of our two weaknesses (defensive big and PG) we are going to address AT LEAST one of those positional weaknesses (hopefully PG and sign a defensive big).

You mean the same weaknesses BK created and has simmilarly failed to address in the last 4 years. Great. The 11th pick MAY not significantly address either of these needs even if BK were inclined.


We could potential fix BOTH of our weaknesses in the draft, and will almost assuredly fix at least one.

How both? Again. 4 years. Never yet addressed them.


Honestly, in my mind with the young talent on this team, there is no reason they shouldn't win 40 or more games next year...If we don't win 40 or more, it will either be because of very bad luck (injuries similar to this year) or bad coaching.

Always some excuse for BK I see. Did "bad luck" fail to draft the last 2 ROY or Deng/Iggy? We should fire him immediately. "Bad luck" shouldn't remain on our payroll.


I think BK has brought in more than enough talent here to be competitive.

This is all hogwash and you know it. "Competitive" is an NBA graveyard and we aren't even near there yet (and we're about to lose some of our young talent when we are forced to make the tough decisions whether or not to resign who).


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Guest Walter


A GM's job is to bring talent to a team. We have a lot of talent.

It's to bring the most talent and build the best team. BK has gotten the LEAST amount of talent out of his all-important lottery picks conceivably possible and has built a fatally flawed basketball "team". In otherwords, he's FAILED on both counts.


It is the coach's job to make that talent win, and Woody has not done a very good job of that.

I don't like Woody AT ALL, but indicate to me how Woody is worse than BK. Look at BK's winning %. Worse than Woody's. Look at BK's coach selection history. Sidney Lowe and then Woody. BK's even more horrible at that! 2 consecutive, near (1 vote) UNANIMOUS R.O.Y. passed on by BK. I don't know what the coaching equivalent of that incompetence is but I don't even believe Woody has reached that.


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Where did I ever say I was content with it at the moment?

Here's your words..

"It's hard for me to say that BK hasn't done a good job amassing talent on this team...He has made a few questionable calls in the past few drafts (trust me, I was the BIGGEST supporter of drafting Chris Paul out there), but I am content with the talent on this team and where we look to be heading."

You say that BK made a horrible mistake taking Paul, yet you are "content" with Marvin. It's funny how you HATED it at the time, but NOW you are content with it, especially since Paul/Deron have both proved to be much better prospects, at MUCH needed positions..


RIGHT NOW, Paul and Deron obviously look like better picks, but that doesn't mean that they will be better players in 5 years...

5 years?!? When we drafted Marvin, it was supposed to be 3 years, now it's FIVE MORE years?? So we drafted Marvin to be successful 7 years after we selected him?


I DID hate the pick at the time because I KNEW that we needed a PG and that Paul (I wasn't sure about Deron) was going to be a great player...

And you continue to support BK why??


However, what's done is done and we chose Marvin, not Paul.

This is not a rational basis to support BK. You're supporting his inadequate decisions, yet admitting they were the wrong ones, and then say he's put us in a position to have talent. ALL THREE of BK's picks suggest he's not adequate for this job!


I don't agree with him, but I am going to cheer my butt off for Marvin to prove ME wrong.

So you don't agree with him, and you admit he's a horrible drafter.. yet you continue to support him? I don't get it. icon_ows.gif

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