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Crittenton thread continued


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i'm no expert but If Crit isn't ready to play for two years you have to take Law if he's available at that spot.

You do have 3 vetran PG's in your organization currently, which means you do have a little time to bring Crit along. I have to believe the Hawks can have a better season next year, even if they don't get a PG in the draft, just because there can't possibly be as many injuries. So if you can be patient, waiting on Crit to develop might not be that bad.

I think I'm on the Crittendon bandwagon now. He is the tall team first PG that Billy Knight has been waiting for.

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Here's what Chad Ford had to say on the PG's in his blog today:

"....It looks like a lock that Ohio State point guard Mike Conley will be the first point guard off the board. About 75 percent of the folks around the league I spoke with have Acie Law ranked next, somewhere in the late lottery (he's No. 14 on our big board). Interestingly, there are some NBA executives who have freshman Javaris Crittenton ranked higher as a potential late lottery pick.

"'Law is ready to step in an play right now and Crittenton is another year or two away,' one NBA executive said. 'But Crittenton has the talent to be really special. He's got great size, is a better shooter and more of a team-first point guard. The draft still values upside so I'm not sure how you take Law over Crittenton.'...."

I agree with part of that. Acie Law will pay dividends right away. He is NBA ready and will be good for sure. Crittendon can be great but it will take 2 years at least to find out. Do we want to wait on another player to patiently watch development. We know how patient we have been with Marvin. If he develops like another college freshamn with "potential,( Marvin), everyone will lose patience. Law will produce right way like Roy this did this year. Roy, like Law, is not especially gifted physically but just knows how to play the game.

Whoever BK picks he better not miss. I have seen each play. Saw Law have great games vs. Texas, Kansas, & Lousiville, 3 top 10 programs with good guard play. I saw Crittendon have one great game vs. Fla St, a good game vs. UGA, and alot of sloppy high turn over games vs. the good teams in the ACC. Crittendon did step up his game late in the year showing improvent as Tech finally started winning.

I get scared to project a PG high who has potential based on physical talent yet plays a sloppy mental games at the college level. Every other poistion in basketball physical ability trumphs the mental/ cerebral part of the game EXCEPT AT PG. The PG position is played with the mind. Crittendon mental confidence can be shattered if he goes to the NBA too early. I still think if Marbury stayed a few more years at GT he would have developed more all around PG skills and would have come into the league with more maturity and would have been a better pro.

I would be happy with the safer pick in the next Sam Cassell, oh excuse me, I mean Acie Law.

To say Crittendon is a better shooter then Law is quite a reach. Law shot %50 from the field. Outstanding for a guard. Especially when you consider he was alwayse the focal point of the opposeing teams defense. Law only took smart shots, never shot early in the shot clock. Law has a funny release, nothing real slow like Childress,he gets the ball up over his head where its hard to block so the funny release should not hurt his game the way Childress' low, slow, release affects his own shot when defended. Law is a true a PG who when forced to score makes themat a 50% clip. Not bad. He gets a bad rap from people who have not watched him play as not being a real PG. Texas A&M team was not very talented with the exception of Acie Law. He scored alot only b/c he was forced too. Texas A&M ran a disciplined 1/2 court offense. They were the anti GoldenState if you will. Law can run the 1/2 court offense very effeciently something he is far more developed in the Crittendon. At thee same time Law is very heady on the break rarely turning it over. It seemed Crittendon gotthe majority of his turnovers in sloppy transition play.

I see how 75% of the scouts still have Law #2, b/c they need immediate help. I see how 25% of team would take Crittendon before Law if they have 2 years to wait around while he develops.

I can see us taking Crittendon at #11 while the Clippers take Law at #14. If that happens I bet the Clippers are in the playoffs next year and not us. The whole board will be saying if we had taken Law we would be in the playoffs right now (2008)!

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Good to see more GT fans speak up. It's easier to hear someone critique Crittenton's game when they actually saw him play. It's hard to truly understand this guy's game from just stats or Draftexpress.com's "stock down/neutral" rating on ONE game out of a 30ish game season. I've heard so much mis-information lately that it's starting to sound like the Paul/Deron debates all over again. Nothing but height(or the lack thereof) and turnover talk. Have we learned nothing? The guy's a 6'5" pass first PG who's also athletic and can score when needed to. As far as the turnovers are concerned, I heard the same thing about Jarret Jack. If he could correct that problem then I have no doubt that Critt can do the same. I just hope that we don't over-think this thing again. If the early draft predictions are indeed correct, Crittenton WILL be there at #11. Conley will most likely be gone by that time anyway. That leaves Crittenton and Law. You can guess what my decision would be.

he looked BAD in the NCAA tournament. granted that's just one game. he looked terrible to me though.

that's not what I base my opinion on. I just think Law is ready to step in now. i'm really trying not to be shortsighted here.

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i'm no expert but If Crit isn't ready to play for two years you have to take Law if he's available at that spot.

You do have 3 vetran PG's in your organization currently, which means you do have a little time to bring Crit along. I have to believe the Hawks can have a better season next year, even if they don't get a PG in the draft, just because there can't possibly be as many injuries. So if you can be patient, waiting on Crit to develop might not be that bad.

I think I'm on the Crittendon bandwagon now. He is the tall team first PG that Billy Knight has been waiting for.

and for the most part we can agree all 3 suck. that's why we are talking Crit at #11 here.

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i'm no expert but If Crit isn't ready to play for two years you have to take Law if he's available at that spot.

I like Law but your logic arguing for him is flawed. if they get Law, or get any veteran pg, how good will the Hawks be in the next two years? Will they be title contenders? No. it will be highly unlikely that they can get past the first round of the playoffs, if they make it at all. Smith and Marvin still have a ways to go to become poished players and the Hawks won't be contenders until those two are ready for prime time.

The argument of many here for Crit is that he is the most talented and gives the Hawks the best chance to be title contenders down the road. The Hawks aren't going to contend for a title in the next two years regardless of who they draft, unless they are able to land Oden. And even then they are unlikely to be title contenders in two years.

we know Acie can play. we think Crit can. I think that's a pretty fair statement.

If BK picks Crit and he turns into alot of potential over substance we'll be 2 years plus 2 away from contention as we'll be starting over with no PG again. Sheez, it will be Smoove's 7th year in the league without a serviceable PG alongside him.

i'm comfortable if my logic is flawed. in fact i've gotten used to it shhh.gif

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To be honest, I wouldn't even be upset if we drafted Law or Conley. Any of these PG's would be an improvement over what we've had over the past few years. Law brings immediate help and a potent scorer to play alongside JJ in the backcourt. That's why I really was hoping for Foye last time around. Conley brings poise and great bball instincts and the ability to penetrate at will. I just feel that Critt is the perfect blend of both of them, with great size and athleticism to boot. We're good no matter which way we go here. It's really impossible to screw this draft up. That is, IF we pick a PG this time.

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i'm comfortable if my logic is flawed. in fact i've gotten used to it

You still aren't getting it.

It is irrelevant who will be the best player over the next two years. The fact that Law is more ready now doesn't matter.

The real issue is who will be the best player period.

Personally i don't really have a preferance between the two and would be happy with either one.

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When you root for a team that has gambled and lost as much as this one has, you tend to get the mentality of "what the hell...all-in again".


Maybe we need to quit gambling on potential then if your tired of losing.

In my opinion Smith and Marvin can only reach their potential with the play of a real PG. The longer we wait to fix the PG problem the longer we wait for Marvin and Smoove to hit their stride. Heck doesn't JJ's contract run out in 2 more years, what will Crittendon be by then ? Just 21 ? How long of a rebuilding project do guys want this to be ?

I don't think the youngest team in the league needs to draft another freshman with "potential" It is time to get players in here who are ready to play NOW. This team is not far way from contending in 2008!

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i'm comfortable if my logic is flawed. in fact i've gotten used to it

You still aren't getting it.

It is irrelevant who will be the best player over the next two years. The fact that Law is more ready now doesn't matter.

The real issue is who will be the best player period.

Personally i don't really have a preferance between the two and would be happy with either one.

Apparently I have some issues communicating.

The real issue is who will be the best player. I agree. We know Acie can play, we think Crit can. If Crit doesn't live up to his potential then Acie will be the better player in two years.

Crit, potential pick. Acie, put him on the court and let him play pick. if he can play as a rookie he can play 2 years later.

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I think the Shelden Williams pick last year showed that Knight's priorities have shifted. I also think, yet can't prove, that he has one more year to get this team into the playoffs.

IMHO, Law will be the pick over Crittenton. The tougher question is what will he do if he has the choice between Conley and Law. I've read that scouts think Conley is as NBA ready as a college freshman can be...

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i'm comfortable if my logic is flawed. in fact i've gotten used to it

You still aren't getting it.

It is irrelevant who will be the best player over the next two years. The fact that Law is more ready now doesn't matter.

The real issue is who will be the best player period.

Personally i don't really have a preferance between the two and would be happy with either one.

I think it does matter who is the best over the next years. This team has alot to lose if things don't get better soon.

1. Smoove will get offers from winners when he is a free agent. We better bewinner by then !

2. JJ will stay patient for how long ?

3. Marvin can blossom and leave if the team fails to get a PG

4. Most important - The development of Marvin, Chills and Smoove are being held backl until we get a real PG in here. A PG games directly impacts the foward position. Fowards rely on their PG to get them easy shots more then SGs do. A SG can get their own shot, fowards need a little help from the PG. We know this is not Lue and Speedy's strength. All we need is PG to help Marvin and Smoove get some easy baskets and we are in the playoffs in 2008. A PG who can play now will make every player on the team look better now too. Our offense could actually have some flow to it.

Don't get Crittendon ----So what if Crittendon turns out to be an allstar 3 year from now ...Thats fine. But what if JJ, Smoove, and Marvin give up on the rebuilding project before then and pack their bags ? Then the last 5 years of rebuilding were for nothing.

I think the next 2 years are very very important.

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i know it's one opinion but if Crit is indeed two years away will this squad still be intact?

I really don't think Crit is 2 years away. He's already big, VERY athletic, a decent shooter, excellent ball handler, and REALLY sees the floor, he's a great passer. He may have turnover problems early on, but he'll be a contributor off the bat IMO..

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if they get Law, or get any veteran pg, how good will the Hawks be in the next two years? Will they be title contenders? No.

I really think it's unfair how everyone is claiming Law a finished or even almost finished product. Just because he's a senior doesn't mean he can't improve. Look how much he improved from last year until this year, who's to say he can't improve any further? He took an A&M team that was completely off the map, and turned them into a top 10 team..

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if they get Law, or get any veteran pg, how good will the Hawks be in the next two years? Will they be title contenders? No.

I really think it's unfair how everyone is claiming Law a finished or even almost finished product. Just because he's a senior doesn't mean he can't improve. Look how much he improved from last year until this year, who's to say he can't improve any further? He took an A&M team that was completely off the map, and turned them into a top 10 team..

I like Law and i would bet i was the first one to mention him here. I started a thread about him on the draft board a long time ago and watched quite a bit of his late game heroics. I have no doubt that he will be a good pro.

But if i was picking between him and Crit right now i don't know who i would pick.

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i know it's one opinion but if Crit is indeed two years away will this squad still be intact?

I really don't think Crit is 2 years away. He's already big, VERY athletic, a decent shooter, excellent ball handler, and REALLY sees the floor, he's a great passer. He may have turnover problems early on, but he'll be a contributor off the bat IMO..

if all those things are true about Crit then he is indeed the better choice.

I just hope we aren't getting hung up on Crit's huge height advantage here.

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I don't agree with the characterization that we "know" Law can play but only "think" Crittenton can play.

We know Crittenton can play. It's just a question of how soon he'll be ready to run the show as a starting NBA PG.

By the way, here's a head-to-head statistical comparison of Crittenton as a Freshman in the ACC vs. Law as a Senior in the Big 12:

Javaris: 14.4 ppg, 5.8 apg, 3.7 rpg, 2.0 spg, 3.9 to

Law....: 18.1 ppg, 5.0 apg, 3.3 rpg, 1.1 spg, 2.6 to

So Crittenton's really not that far off. In fact, the way he played in the second half of the season, I wouldn't be surprised if Javaris equaled or bettered Law's numbers next year as a Sophomore if he comes back to Tech.

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I wasn't saying that at all, Crittenton is my #1 PG in the draft, I've said this numerous times. Law is a close 2nd though.. I also think Crittenton will contribute much sooner than people expect.

I just think it's unfair how everyone is claiming Law a finished product.

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I don't agree with the characterization that we "know" Law can play but only "think" Crittenton can play.

We know Crittenton can play. It's just a question of how soon he'll be ready to run the show as a starting NBA PG.

By the way, here's a head-to-head statistical comparison of Crittenton as a Freshman in the ACC vs. Law as a Senior in the Big 12:

Javaris: 14.4 ppg, 5.8 apg, 3.7 rpg, 2.0 spg, 3.9 to

Law....: 18.1 ppg, 5.0 apg, 3.3 rpg, 1.1 spg, 2.6 to

So Crittenton's really not that far off. In fact, the way he played in the second half of the season, I wouldn't be surprised if Javaris equaled or bettered Law's numbers next year as a Sophomore if he comes back to Tech.

well perhaps this will turn into a Paul/Deron issue. you can't go wrong with either player.

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FG%= 45% 3pt FG%= 35%


FG%= 50% 3pt FG%= 46%

Shooting is a pretty important part of the game. Can't forget about this.

With these stats I don't see how any scout can claim Crittendon is a better shooter then Law.

Crittendon may be the better athlete but there is no question who the better shooter is or who's game is more polished.

Acie Law = Sam Cassell.

Law would have averaged 7 assist per game if Texs A&M had anyone over 6'7''. He repeatedly made beautiful interior passes to guys who could not finish and just hoped to be fouled under the basket. Too bad you don't get an assist when a great pass leads to 2 free throws. A & M will be lucky to win 15 games next year without Law. There is no other NBA talent on that squad (No Thaddeous Young for sure)

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FG%= 45% 3pt FG%= 35%


FG%= 50% 3pt FG%= 46%

Shooting is a pretty important part of the game. Can't forget about this.

Exactly, and Conley only shoots 30% from downtown, and only 69% FTs.. This is why I think he's overrated.

I don't think anyone is claiming Crittenton is a better shooter than Law at this point.


Law would have averaged 7 assist per game if Texs A&M had anyone over 6'7''. He repeatedly made beautiful interior passes to guys who could not finish and just hoped to be fouled under the basket. Too bad you don't get an assist when a great pass leads to 2 free throws. A & M will be lucky to win 15 games next year without Law. There is no other NBA talent on that squad (No Thaddeous Young for sure)

I agree with this, although I think Young was WAY overrated. Your right that Law really didn't have help or other players who could finish, thus making him appear a shoot first PG. I'm really split between Law and Crittenton, but I favor Crit slightly more because of his natural abilities and potential. Although at the same time, I still think Law has potential as well.

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