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If the Hawks doesn't get a PG or C this offseason.


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The Hawks should seriously consider trading JJ.

Hear me out.

We're wasting JJ's talents and AS's money keeping JJ if we're not going to build the team right.

Here's how i see it:

We have a definitely window with JJ.

If we wait to the 2008 draft/offseason to address those needs, we've waited too long.

JJ isn't much more than a 2 dimensional SG. That's not bad, but I don't know if that's worth 70 million.

Here's the alternate plan.

Trade JJ for a Good Young big, ending contracts, and a 1st round Pick.

What comes to mind is: JJ somehow traded to get us a guy like Aldridge and a first round pick or JJ for Bosh or JJ for Okafor, pick, and ending contract (Knight)...


we can pick up a 2 from anywhere... get a PG out of the draft... and be the youngest team again.

The thought behind this is that we need to build a team. I like JJ.. A lot.. Don't get me wrong, however, if we're not going to put a team around him or if we're going to cry broke or if we're going to keep a rotating door of young guys with no continuity because of his contract, I say we trade him and see if we can get the big we need and rebuild. Sorta like Detroit trading Hill to Orlando. Same thing.

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We might as well trade Smith too and fully tank the season, because if we don't get help we can kiss resigning him goodbye..

Unless we get Durant, if we don't get a PG or Center this offseason I won't post here next year..

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We might as well trade Smith too and fully tank the season, because if we don't get help we can kiss resigning him goodbye..

Unless we get Durant,
if we don't get a PG or Center this offseason
I won't post here next year..


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How is JJ = Bosh

How does JJ = Okefor + a 1st round pick (likely top 10)

Smokin' crack again !

Just kiddin'. You keep things fun but these trades are pretty far out there.

I do agree 100% on the 2 year window. No way we draft anything other than a PG or C if we are trying to build a real team. We must get better now or JJ is gone and Marvin and Smoove may bolt right when they reach their full potential. A PG or Center must be attained in the draft and that player can't be a Marvin like project or the JJ deal is nothing but a waist of 70 million. If that 70 million is not going to get us in the playoffs why spend all that money to stay in the lottery. A project player slows the development of the whole franchise.

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I think depending on how the draft goes, trading JJ is a very reasonable option. If neither Conley, Law, nor Hibbert is available, then what? I am no fan of Crittenton and I'd puke all over myself if we took Hawes (wouldn't be that thrilled with Hibbert frankly). I would honestly be in favor of taking BPA at that point. If a guy like Jeff Green is available, and we take Hawes or Crittenton, I'll be pretty pissed. Of course, if we take a guy like Green or Brewer, we HAVE to make some trades among the JJ, Childress, Marvin group to acquire a PG or C.

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I think you can build around Smith.


Okafor, Smith, Marvin, Chillz, Brevin Knight.

That squad won't win you many games, but they're young and they will grow together.

Plus, there will be 3 1st rounders in 2008...

At which point you have loads of talent and capspace... Ownership situ should be resolved by then.

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JJ is an allstar.. Bosh in the playoffs is a 16/9 player shooting 40% from the field.

Okafor is an injured Big.

I can even see JJ going for Ford and 2 firsts.

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I don't have a problem with Joe's ability.

However, let's face facts Thompson.

Without significant help, we're wasting Joe. The 2008 draft is too late to grab a big or PG to make a playoff run and then a championship run. If we did... on his next contract, JJ would be asking for 120 million.

However, JJ right now has a gang of trade value. Name any young PG or C in the league and without fail, just about any of them would be traded for JJ...

I just mentioned JJ for Ford, 2 1sts and some ending contracts. Even without a great Center,

You put Ford, Chillz, Marvin, Smoove, and Shelden on the floor and turned up the tempo to uptempo... and you would have a very entertaining team until we can get some picks to work for us.

However, with our ownership constraints, I can't see us bringing in a big free agent and if we don't draft right or get a fa this year... what's the purpose of keeping JJ? At some point, you have to think about every player as an asset first and then a player.

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I guess your right diesel. If knight does not get a pg or C in the draft he should be fired right away. I still feel we could of made the playoffs this year without the injuries. Im starting to sound like the owners lol but trading joe this off season would be a mistake.

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This draft is funny.

By the 11th pick if we get it, we can be looking at Hibbert, Law, Critt, and Conley all being gone.. Then what do you do???

Take the next Center or PG you see?

What if Brewer or Green or YianLian is available? Neither of those guys are PG or Center.

Should BK be fired for picking what's available?

That's why I said this OFFSEASON.

If we have to pick a Non-PG or C, we better find a trade!

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There is a 0% chance that Conley, Law, Hibbert, and Critt are all gone at pick #11. The question becomes if one or more of those guys are available and somebody who is considered a better overall player is available, who do you pick? That becomes a complicated question of need vs. BPA, and it involves answering questions like:

1) Just how much better is the BPA than the need player.

2) Can you make trades that will turn the BPA player into a need player and acquire other need players simultaneously?

I find it rather far-fetched to think we could trade JJ for TJ Ford and 2 1sts, but TJ Ford and one first I could see.

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Because that's the exact same scenario I've been thinking of for the last few weeks. What if Indy hits the lottery and the Hawks' pick is 5th or 6th, causing them to have NO DRAFT PICKS AT ALL? Wouldn't that be the most likely way things go on May 22 with the Hawks' luck? Why would Stern 'reward' BK and the ASG when both have caused him nothing but headaches?

What does Gearon and the ASG tell the fans then, especially with little/no chance of getting a significant free agent center or point guard with the payroll restrictions they have now? What would be BK's 'vision' then? It does beg the question because as remote as it seems, its a possibility.

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There is a 0% chance that Conley, Law, Hibbert, and Critt are all gone at pick #11.

This is probably the greatest example of absolutionism gone wrong that this messageboard has ever seen.

To make a statement like this is really saying that the first ten slots are already KNOWN...

Let me let you in on a secret BDawg. Only the first two spots are guaranteed right now. Everything else is a tossup.

I can easily see:

1. Oden

2. Durant

3. Noah.

4. Wright

5. Critt

6. Hibbert

7. Conley

8. Green

9. Brewer

10. Law...

And really, it can be more academic than that.

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You can easily see whatever you want. You are well-known for having unfounded opinions. The chances of Critt going in the top 10 are low to begin with, but the chances of 3 PGs in this year's class going in the top 10 is 0.

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under what scenario can you see Billy not getting a point or center?

the only one I can think of is if Indy hits the lotto and we have no pick at all.

that's what i was thinking....i don't see any possible way we DON'T get some type of point or center...many may hate BK but he'd have to really be on some crackcocaine not goint after either one. i mean even Woody agrees on what we need. i think BK would also be fired if he didnt....

if we don't get the INDY pick, i still think BK would overpay for some point or center in free agency.

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Guest Walter


i don't see any possible way we DON'T get some type of point or center...many may hate BK but he'd have to really be on some crackcocaine not goint after either one. i mean even Woody agrees on what we need. i think BK would also be fired if he didnt....

...regarding the 2005 NBA draft. If you don't consider it while you can, pretty soon it may force you to adhere to it and not merely consider it.

Some would argue that's why we chose SW last year, but he's a Pf, not a center or Pg, wasn't an NBA shot blocker, and has no upside. Still, BK boxed himself into two corners: he felt he needed to "win now" for his own job security and due to our pick being sent to Pheonix.

Yes, we have needs we MUST fill BECAUSE of BK, not just needs we should fill. It would be crazy not to even if there is a talent differential in favor of another position. Whereas with MW and CP3/Deron there wasn't a talent differential to those who witnessed them both significantly and critically, and thus there was no reason to pass on a team need, now the need is so great for a Pg or C prospect, our capital so little, and our time so short...we have to consider need first.

This may lead to yet another SW mistake, at least that's my worry with Law. He seems a combo guard to me and while he is still improving he doesn't have the potential of others. This franchise couldn't afford the mistake of SW and it cannot accept another one like it. I hope either we don't pick Law, I'm not right about him. It's very early to say since I've only seen one game and part of another of his.


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This may lead to yet another SW mistake, at least that's my worry with Law. He seems a combo guard to me and while he is still improving he doesn't have the potential of others.

All year long, we hear you bellyache about not getting Roy. Roy is a Combo guard and he's not really a PG. Now you don't want Law because YOU THINK he is a Combo Gaurd.. and Really he's a PG...

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