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F*** Stephen Jackson


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Public opinion is out of control concerning the Hawks. Some are holding onto hope, some have no Hope. It is a Simple base response for Stephen Jackson or any former player to figuratively "step on the Hawks" as the Hawks are at a very Low. The Hawks paid him millions to get so dissed.

First Off, a team in the NBA has to have the horses to win. WE NEED Some Horses. We have to have players with ability and Fire.

Right now, we have three. Chillz and Shelden can be 4 and 5.

We really need a Charles Oakley type, a Motombo, a few guys that while insist respect with their play and presence. Players which will not allow other players/teams to disrepect us.

We are too Soft.

We got Pony's.

My list starts with Chris Wilcox and Mo Williams. Let the softies go (they know who they are).

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The ASG are making money at the expense of the fans.

The ASG is losing money right now, not making it.

Don't kid yourself, that is just a front. These guys are doing ok if only on the tax end of things. Just because a corp says they're losing money don't believe it.

A great example is sports franchises and airlines!

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I can assure you these guys are losing their collective ass on this outfit. Their cash flow is a nightmare. Businesses exist to make money. Any tax "benefit" may help in future years but a losing business is a losing business. When you fundamentally take in $20M less than you spend...you got big problems. Plus, Belkin is not providing these days so the pie just got smaller. These guys are living hard off lines of credit and that can't continue forever.

The whole myth about franchises secretly making money is just that...a myth. Owners of teams hope to make big money when they sell. They hope the value of the team has risen and that is where they can make serious coin. There is no money in a franchise like the Hawks now...only negative cash flow. I wouldn't want to be them.

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He just said "Oh yea the Jazz have been in the playoffs 4 or 5 years, they're a good team...i mean, they ain't the Atlanta Hawks."

Can't really get upset. It's the truth. We've said worse than that on this board. Just face it, we are a pathetic organization from the owners to the GM to the coach to the players. The whole thing is an embarassment. But we are still fans. Damn if I know why anymore. Sometimes I go to games and it's like someone has poured chocolate sauce and sprinkles over a big pile of sh&t and handed you a spoon.

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The truth hurts huh. Botched draft picks awful coaching terrible gm. Anyone catch Deron Williams dominate in game 1 vs the Warriors. How good would he look in a Hawks Uniform right now its pathetic how some people think there is hope with BK running this team. If we dont end up getting a top 3 pick you will see many people already giving up on the Hawks. We are the laughing stocks of the NBA and nothing is gonna change until Woodson and BK are gone these guys are clueless on what they are doing.

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It's is essential that every Hawks fan have Hope.

My hope is that we will have good enough players to run the table.

I hope that Speedy comes back 100% if or if not we draft a PG.

I hope that we utilize Lue's, AJ's, and Lo's trade value.

I hope most of all that our ownership situation is resolved.

I feel comfortable that once this ownership dispute is taken care of a "renaissance" if you will shall take place in Atlanta sports.

Hawks: on the way up

Thrashers: on the way up

Baby Braves: on the way up

Falcons: is Petrino the real deal?

A shortsighted person would come into the Hawks situation and blow everything up. trading Smoove, Marvin, or Chillz would be a sure fire way to wind up back in the lottery for another 5 years. you have the capitol invested in the team in the form of time at this point. why cut and run now?

it makes no sense when you are so close.

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First Off, a team in the NBA has to have the horses to win. WE NEED Some Horses. We have to have players with ability and Fire.

Right now, we have three. Chillz and Shelden can be 4 and 5.

Who are the three "horses" the Hawks have? JJ, Smoove, . . . ?

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First Off, a team in the NBA has to have the horses to win. WE NEED Some Horses. We have to have players with ability and Fire.

Right now, we have three. Chillz and Shelden can be 4 and 5.

Who are the three "horses" the Hawks have? JJ, Smoove, . . . ?

We have three players with ability and FIRE. JJ, JSmith and Salim. Shelden and Marvin need to drink some Gun Powder Tea (the have some in Chamblee)

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No need to respond because Lord knows we ALL know the answer. He's not, isn't he? While some want to wax poetic about injuries, being the, well, you've heard this before, YOUNGEST TEAM IN THE NBA, blah, blah, others see the situation like it is. This is one of the worst run organizations in all of pro sports, PERIOD, END OF STORY.

The Hawks now have the reputation of being the Detroit Lions of the NBA, ownership group notwithstanding. Think about it; both have an incompetant GM who thinks they're personnel geniuses (Millen/BK), while everyone else laughs their collective ASSES off at their every move while fans of the teams wants them gone to avoid further embarrassment. Both have hired head coaches who are way in over their heads (Morningweg/Woodson/Stotts). Both have had franchise players to carry the team while never bothering to put talent around them (Sanders/Nique). Neither have been to the playoffs in a long time and haven't reached championship paydirt in decades. And neither have the respect of ANYONE in their profession.

Until you stop making excuses and start winning, nothing will change. You will keep hearing from former Hawks like Jax, Terry, Walker, et al take potshots at the franchise once they leave town. I shudder to think of what Smith, Marvin, and JJ would say if things don't change soon and they one day leave as well.

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Ted Turner comes to mind.

I think Turner is done with sports, to be honest about it. I think if he'd wanted back in, he'd have gone for the Braves- who after all, were his love.

Ted is a changed person I think. No longer is he that brash, ambitious daredevil that was literally up for doing just about anything...whether that be winning the Americas Cup, buying (and even managing on the field, for one disastrous day, LOL) the Braves, starting up a 24 hour news channel when everybody said it was absolutely nutso to do so- everyone predicted a massive failure, or starting up a competitor to the Olympic Games. I remember as a kid when Ted made the cover of both Time and Newsweek magazines back in his Americas Cup days. He was known as Captain Outrageous then, or the Mouth From The South- but Ted is neither of those things anymore. I think maybe the fires have cooled a little, and he's just moved off in different areas.

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Guest Walter


Atlanta is set at SG, SF, and PF for the next 10 years. the C is serviceable in today's NBA with the lack of true post players available.

Like hell they are. JJ will not resign with this team and may demand a trade before his contract is up despite his being a "nice guy". He's FED UP.

MW may or may not be a starting SF for a good team in the coming years, but we d@mn sure aren't set there. Although not mentioned, we can't even sign MW or JOSH SMITH to a 5 year deal. This guy may not even be staying. We certainly can't AFFORD TO keep all of JC, JS, and MW. Your favorite player, SW, is simply not NBA starter material on a good team. THAT'S the CRUX. ON A GOOD TEAM only JS and JJ start ande neither woould be a 1st option with JS being a 3rd option.


the team is a legit PG away from being in the playoffs.

Alright captain ASG. Full of half truths and worse than lies. I didn't know that merely reaching the playoffs is the pinnacle of sport, but we can't expect any of the Pgs this year to get us in the playoffs in the next two years regardless. By then JS, MW, others are gone for greener pastures or eating up so much cap space we can't even afford ZaZa.


I'm OK with where we're at as of 9:32 AM on Tuesday, May 08 2007.

From now on you are captain ASG you're so full of it. It's like excuse machine and half turth machine combined up in he-uh. The ASG an d BK just paid off KB and put GSUteke on their payroll fulltime. Nice to see there is a KB in every circus.


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Lighten up some Walter! The attacks are getting over the top here. I am expecting you to call GSUTeke the spawn of Satan any moment. Everybody is a true Hawks fan here - no to lace debate with insults.

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Lighten up some Walter! The attacks are getting over the top here. I am expecting you to call GSUTeke the spawn of Satan any moment. Everybody is a true Hawks fan here - no to lace debate with insults.

AHF, I have Walter on ignore so it's not bothering me.

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Guest Walter


Lighten up some Walter! The attacks are getting over the top here. I am expecting you to call GSUTeke the spawn of Satan any moment. Everybody is a true Hawks fan here - no to lace debate with insults.

...and none of it's ever been right. Frankly, I don't know where GSUteke's "we're doing grrrrrrrrrreat fellas" came from. It's like it's out of the ASG manual on half-truths, lies, strawmen, and evasions. Anymore "I like our players" or "without our injuries" and I've got to ask why these people, "fans", drink the kool-aid.

This team deserves better. No more excuses and no more blind faith.


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I don't know where you are getting the "worse than lies" sorts of insults. Even if you totally disagree with the fans who see a lot right about this franchise, I just don't get the need to attack them personally.

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