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What's MW worth if traded for a pick in this draft

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

Foiled by my own poll. I personally think MW is worth an 8-9 pick in this draft and seeing that I divided that option into two options I voted 9-11.


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After the top 2 there are no players better than Marvin. If Marvin was in this draft he would go #3 overall. Anybody that thinks that Brandon Wright or Julian Wright are more ready than Marvin is either sniffing glue or not very knowledgeable. The truth is that guys like Horford or either Wright will have an adjustment period of a year or so...Marvin has had two years to learn, knows how things work, and will be a much better player than anybody outside the top 2 this year. He isn't yet 21 which puts him right with all those guys.

Despite what some here think, averaging 13.3/5 as a 20-year old isn't the end of the world. There is a general silly hysteria about Marvin that makes me laugh. If you asked Roy Wiliams if he thinks Marvin or Brandon Wright is more accomplished right now he would laugh in your face.

Corey Brewer is actually older than Marvin, Horford is the same age. Brewer has TO issues and Horfords stock is falling some due to his lack of overall athleticism. If he ends up shorter than what is he is listed at...watch him fall.

The top 2 are possible HOF NBA players. After those two there is a cliff. Stop the Marvin hysteria. Its not like he averaged 6/5 like SW. That is the dude with no value right now.

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Is this an interesting question: Would MW likely be worth more in this draft or in next year's draft?

If we draft Durant, it's moot, because we need to move MW now since he'll be riding the pine. I guess Durant is why we're asking this question in the first place, so perhaps this isn't an interesting question.

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Guest Walter


After the top 2 there are no players better than Marvin. If Marvin was in this draft he would go #3 overall.



Anybody that thinks that Brandon Wright or Julian Wright are more ready than Marvin is either sniffing glue or not very knowledgeable.

I don't know about "more ready" but Brandan Wright is definitely a better NBA prospect than MW. I don't care for Julian Wright so big whup.

I think there are at least 6-7 better NBA prospects at the top of this list than MW.

Oden, Durant, Yi, Horford, Wright, Brewer, and Green...Hibbert is an enigma wrapped in a mystery to me but I sure would trade MW for him now. If Noah plays for a team like Pheonix he'll definitely be better than MW. Currently, I think he's slightly less than MW.

MW has been given all the opportunity a young player could ever want and while he is not flat on his face he isn't stepping up considering that opportunity. We trade away his competition, make him a starter, injure everyone around him and he still struggles with numbers (much less results). It's also his limited style of play. Does this mean he's bad? No. But he isn't better than the top 6-7 in this draft in terms of NBA prospects.


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I would trade MW for probably 10-12 players in this draft.












...maybe Noah

That's if we didn't already have the 11th pick, where we can probably take Law, Conley, or Crit.

That's really, really sad.

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After the top 2 there are no players better than Marvin. If Marvin was in this draft he would go #3 overall. ...

The top 2 are possible HOF NBA players. After those two there is a cliff. Stop the Marvin hysteria. Its not like he averaged 6/5 like SW.

I agree all the way. He would clearly be the #3 pick IMO.

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Guest Walter



After the top 2 there are no players better than Marvin. If Marvin was in this draft he would go #3 overall. ...

The top 2 are possible HOF NBA players. After those two there is a cliff. Stop the Marvin hysteria. Its not like he averaged 6/5 like SW.

I agree all the way. He would clearly be the #3 pick IMO.

MW would have been exposed by now in college had he stayed. He would have desired to remain in the shadows and let a role player like Hansbrough take over, run, and lead UNC.

Anyhow, we're not talking about that MW. We're talking about the one that has been GIVEN more opportunity than any rookie here in some time (JT). We trade Al Harrington to start MW, JJ and JC go out with injuries, MW still looks passive to me.

Now Paul and Deron? BOTH would be drafted before anyone else after Oden and Durant.


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What does it matter who was better in what year? What matters is now.

Brewer is a MUCH better ballhandler, is more athletic, and a better shooter. He's also 10x the defender that Marvin is.

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If you think Brandon Wright could have averaged 13.3 last year in the NBA get off the crack. After the first two picks there are NO guarantees. Marvin will be at around 15-16 ppg at 21 next year.

Again, Deron and CP3 are clearly ahead of Marvin. But, the hysteria about him being a bust at age 20 averaging 13.3 is just stupid. I will bet outside of the top 2 there are no stars next year. None. There are guys that can be stars eventually...like Marvin.

Walter, Brandon's motor and desire are big question marks. Frankly, he may be good but he is hardly a big star type. I just think you don't know a whole lot.

In fact, I will bet you $500 that Brandon Wright doesn't average what Marvin does this year. If they both play at least 60 games I say Marvin averages more points.

Are you in Walter? Me and you for 500 large. I'll take Marvin. You got Brandon. And Brandon will go to a lousy team so he will have every opportunity. Why don't you put your money where your big mouth is?

I expect an anser and if you have anything but a pair of raisins then I you will take that bet. Marvin sucks,right?

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If you think Brandon Wright could have averaged 13.3 last year in the NBA get off the crack. After the first two picks there are NO guarantees. Marvin will be at around 15-16 ppg at 21 next year.

First of all, Brandon Wright's freshman stint was much more impressive than Marvin's. And you use Marvin's 13.1 ppg as if that's just it, it's not. Scoring is measured by many other factors than mere ppg. Marvin did it on HORRIBLE efficiency, and turned the ball over twice a game despite not handling the ball a considerable amount of time. His shot is blocked 25% of the time inside! That's worse than Kyle Korver. He also plays 7 mpg more than Brandon Wright in college.

Marvin's eFG% is also only 44%, that's nothing short of terrible. Would you consider Allen Iverson an efficient player? He still shoots a 48% eFG, which TRUMPS Marvin.


Walter, Brandon's motor and desire are big question marks. Frankly, he may be good but he is hardly a big star type.

The same can be said for Marvin.

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Atlas, you want to join Walter and take that bet? Your so sure of your opinion on Marvin...how sure are you?

I say put up or shut up. Let's see how many Marvin bashers want in on this cause I'm game. Like taking candy from a baby.

Atlas, can I count you in for $500? Seriously, all the Marvin experts need to step up. If Marvin is so bad then take my bet. I am willing to back up my opinions, are you?

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When proven wrong, you offer a bet that there is no way I could match. I don't even have $500 to my name, lol. That bet is skewed anyway.

Who do I think will score more points next year? Obviously Marvin, he has 2 more years experience and is a year and a half older. Wright will be a rookie. I'm simply stating (as I already did) that Wright's freshman season was much more impressive than Marvin's, and I don't believe Marvin would be drafted over Wright. Those are completely different things.

You also still don't seem to understand scoring efficiency, something Marvin is absolutely HORRIBLE in. If I had the money, I would bet that Wright is more efficient than Marvin next season.

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We can lower the bet and come up with a way that measures the productivity of the player. The botton line is that you don't have the conviction on your own opinion. Some things I will go to the mat on and others I'm not so sure. When I'm sure I would put my money where my mouth is and not make excuses.

Marvin gets slammed all the time in the same inane way by the same people. Then, you ask them to put up on their position and they run like little wusses. Walter will likely run also. It's one thing to brainlessly rip away like he always does and another thing if their are consequences to his crap opinion.

I'll make the bet this...ANYBODY outside of Durant and Oden you can have. I'll take Marvin next year. You want Brewer. You got him. Horford? He's yours. The Chinese dude. You can have him too.

Let's see if one mindless Marvin basher will take a $500 bet. If you think Marvin is that far beneath one of these 3-6 type picks then let's get it on.

BTW, if one of these cats isn't better right away than sorry Marvin, then why in the hell would we trade Marvin for one of them now? You guys would all be crying when Marvin goes off. Who wants to take my bet? Walter???

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