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YI cannot Possibly be a hawk...Unless


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We get rid of the SF glut that plaugues this highly flawed roster that BK built. Yi is a SF and there is no denying it. The fact that he is a 7 footer doesn't mean a thing because he is a SF. We have way too many forwards in general so now is not the time to be adding to the mess.

Chill needs to go NOW. He has a contract coming up which we may not be in a position to match and he has value. He is a luxury that we can no longer afford. We have had him for 3 years and we have seen what Chill will be...nice role player on a good team.

Even if Chill is traded then we still have Marvin. WE CANNOT DRAFT ANOTHER PLAYER THIS HIGH AND HAVE THEM ON THE BENCH. Enough.

So, the Yi supporters need to get a grip fast. Having true SF's in Chill, Marvin, Yi, and Smoove is just massive insanity. Don't like Conley? Fine, let's make a deal, we now have more assets that teams covet than ever before. Let's send Yi or Conley out for Bynum...we have options. Drafting another SF isn't one of them.

How about a draft that nets out Bynum and Law?

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We get rid of the SF glut that plaugues this highly flawed roster that BK built. Yi is a SF and there is no denying it. The fact that he is a 7 footer doesn't mean a thing because he is a SF. We have way too many forwards in general so now is not the time to be adding to the mess.

Chill needs to go NOW. He has a contract coming up which we may not be in a position to match and he has value. He is a luxury that we can no longer afford. We have had him for 3 years and we have seen what Chill will be...nice role player on a good team.

Even if Chill is traded then we still have Marvin. WE CANNOT DRAFT ANOTHER PLAYER THIS HIGH AND HAVE THEM ON THE BENCH. Enough.

So, the Yi supporters need to get a grip fast. Having true SF's in Chill, Marvin, Yi, and Smoove is just massive insanity. Don't like Conley? Fine, let's make a deal, we now have more assets that teams covet than ever before. Let's send Yi or Conley out for Bynum...we have options. Drafting another SF isn't one of them.

How about a draft that nets out Bynum and Law?

Is Dirk a SF? Just because you have SF skills, doesnt make you a SF. It makes you a kickass PF

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We have two guys playing PF right now. Last years #5 is already on the bench. If Yi plays PF then Smoove goes to SF which adds to that glut. You just can't keep adding forwards until you clean out the closet.

Yi for the current Hawks makes no sense unless we clean out the cupboard of forwards.

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Where we draft Yi doesn't matter...3,4, or 8. The simple fact is that until we clean out forwards we don't have room for another. Not to mention we need the best PG we can get out of this draft.

We came for a PG or a Post. There are no posts for the 3rd pick. Lets solve PG once and for all or make a trade that kills two birds with one stone.

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We have two guys playing PF right now. Last years #5 is already on the bench. If Yi plays PF then Smoove goes to SF which adds to that glut. You just can't keep adding forwards until you clean out the closet.

Yi for the current Hawks makes no sense unless we clean out the cupboard of forwards.

Detroit has two guys playing PF

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OK, let me try this: We have 4 forwards and only two spots NOW. Add Yi and we have 5 forwards and two starting spots. That means 3 valuable guys come off the bench.

Meanwhile, we have GLARING needs at other CRITICAL positions. Thos needs should be priority ONE.

Suddenly, after a little lottery fortune, some here want another forward. Yesterday that wasn't an option.

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OK, let me try this: We have 4 forwards and only two spots NOW. Add Yi and we have 5 forwards and two starting spots. That means 3 valuable guys come off the bench.

Meanwhile, we have GLARING needs at other CRITICAL positions. Thos needs should be priority ONE.

Suddenly, after a little lottery fortune, some here want another forward. Yesterday that wasn't an option.

Pete, you should just give up. These people refuse to understand that, we will contiue to suck if we keep drafting the same postions.

Whats the point of drafting someone to back up Smoove and Marvin?

How is that gonna help us win games?????????

We have a chance to draft the best PG in the draft.

Conley will not be there at 11.Mike Miller said on espn

that the Grizz need a pg.The bucks could use a pg. And people seem to forget that the Kings said that they will use their team option on Bibby, and will NOT bring him back.So they will need a pg also

Why settle for second best at 11?

I Would rather have the best pg in the draft, A guy who could be on a Paul or Deron level, than the draft a Marvin

back up and a pg on Rondo's level at 11

Picking another foward = more losing

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pete: the problem is not that we have forwards, the problem is that we have the same type of forwards. we don't have a single foward with any moves on the block or can play with his back to the basket. we need that type of player. either, gasol, aldridge or jefferson are a few guys the hawks can target. maybe even bynum. package a few including either chills or marvin along with sheldon and a draft pick.

that way you take care of the logjam at forward, get a true low post threat and then you can use that 3rd pick to pick the best available talent.

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OK, let me try this: We have 4 forwards and only two spots NOW. Add Yi and we have 5 forwards and two starting spots. That means 3 valuable guys come off the bench.

Meanwhile, we have GLARING needs at other CRITICAL positions. Thos needs should be priority ONE.

Suddenly, after a little lottery fortune, some here want another forward.
Yesterday that wasn't an option.

I am stunned by some of the nonsense i have seen on here. There are only two standout talents in this draft. None of the other players in this draft are so much better than Conley to justify taken them instead.

The Wright/Bosh comparisons are ridiculous. Bosh is taller and actually has a jumper. Wright can't even make foul shots.

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I am stunned by some of the nonsense i have seen on here. There are only two standout talents in this draft. None of the other players in this draft are so much better than Conley to justify taken them instead.

The Wright/Bosh comparisons are ridiculous. Bosh is taller and actually has a jumper. Wright can't even make foul shots.

That's funny because what you just spewed is nothing but nonsense.

So after Durant and Oden all the other prospects in this draft are equal?

You have to be kidding me.

Brandan Wright and Yi Jianlian are SIGNIFICANTLY better prospects than Mike Conley Jr.

More importantly Brandan Wright and Yi Jianlian are SIGNIFICANTLY better prospects than anyone available at #11 that will play in the post.

We get Mike Conley as our PG of the future. Hooray.

But we have to start Zaza Pachulia. Not so good.

It's not about Yi and Wright vs Conley (although they are CLEARLY better prospects) it's about getting good value at both the #3 AND #11. And the only way to do that is to take the post player first.

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I am stunned by some of the nonsense i have seen on here. There are only two standout talents in this draft. None of the other players in this draft are so much better than Conley to justify taken them instead.

The Wright/Bosh comparisons are ridiculous. Bosh is taller and actually has a jumper. Wright can't even make foul shots.

That's funny because what you just spewed is nothing but nonsense.

So after Durant and Oden all the other prospects in this draft are equal?

You have to be kidding me.

Brandan Wright and Yi Jianlian are SIGNIFICANTLY better prospects than Mike Conley Jr.

More importantly Brandan Wright and Yi Jianlian are SIGNIFICANTLY better prospects than anyone available at #11 that will play in the post.

We get Mike Conley as our PG of the future. Hooray.

But we have to start Zaza Pachulia. Not so good.

It's not about Yi and Wright vs Conley (although they are CLEARLY better prospects) it's about getting good value at both the #3 AND #11. And the only way to do that is to take the post player first.

LOL where do I start?

First of all I never said all the other players are equal. I said none of them are far enough above Conley for the Hawks to consider them at 3.

You haven't even see Yi play yet somehow you know he is a better prospect than Conley. Wright is an undersized 4 who can't make a jumper or a foul shot yet somehow he is significantly better than conley. Josh Smith gets pushed around a lot at the 4 and he is MUCH stronger than Wright.

If you are a skinny 4, like Bosh, you'd better be able to shoot with range and take players off the dribble. Wright hasn't shown the ability to do either.


But we have to start Zaza Pachulia. Not so good.

What do Wright and Yi have to do with Zaza? Neither of them are even remotely centers.


it's about getting good value at both the #3 AND #11.

No. What it's about is filling the holes at the point and the 5 the best way possible. The way to do that is to take Conley at 3 and then use the 11th pick in a trade to acquire a center.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in picking someone at 3 who will be competing for minutes with Josh Smith, our second best player. That is just plain stupid.

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Bus, you can be pretty thick. What post player are you talking about? You don't think Yi is a post I hope??? Same with Brandon Wright who is another forward albeit one who can't shoot.

So, you say ZaZa can't be the guy next year in the middle. Ok, Thats fine. And then in the next sentence you advocate taking a SF (Yi) and a skinny PF (Wright) to play our post.

In other words, I'm feeling strongly you don't know what your talking about. BTW, I will also venture a guess and say you really haven't seen Yi play much at all and your having this wet dream based on a Chad Ford article.

Trust me, it is in the best interest of the team to actually fill important needs because our last 4 first round picks have been forwards. We already have a disjointed roster with guys like Chill playing SG some just to get minutes even though he is a shooting guard that can't shoot. Bottom line, your infatuation with Yi and Brandan Wright makes no sense. But, the good news for you is our GM rarely makes a move that makes any sense. You may just get your wish.

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So Brandan Wright isn't a post player?


Yeah ok. When's the last time Bradan Wright launched 4-5 threes in a game?

He's a POWER forward.

Guess what every center in the Eastern conference not named Shaquille O'neal is a POWER FORWARD.

Get out of this line of thinking that you have to have a traditional guy.

The only thing important is that the guy knows how to play D.

Wright can unquestionably play D.

Yi? We'll find out more in workouts but he's certainly got the tools to do so.

All this complaining about players not being centers is ridiculous. It's not like we are taking Rashard Lewis and making him a C just because he's tall.


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Who weight 210 pounds. That doesn't work. The only way you can be effecitive at the 4 being that skinny is if you can make jumpers and beat people off the dribble.

Do you really think he can post up guys like Howard, JO, Rasheed, etc? I bet i could push him around.

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Who weight 210 pounds. That doesn't work. The only way you can be effecitive at the 4 being that skinny is if you can make jumpers and beat people off the dribble.

Do you really think he can post up guys like Howard, JO, Rasheed, etc? I bet i could push him around.

But Yi weighs 245....

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Who weight 210 pounds. That doesn't work. The only way you can be effecitive at the 4 being that skinny is if you can make jumpers and beat people off the dribble.

Do you really think he can post up guys like Howard, JO, Rasheed, etc? I bet i could push him around.

But Yi weighs 245....

Like i said if i had to chose between the 2 i would choose yi, but he is much more of a perimeter player than Wright.

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Whoever we decide to draft, I just hope that BK bothers to bring them in for a workout first. I hope he brings in as many as possible for workouts, in order to get a birds-eye and first-hand view of all of them. I mean I know it's a real pain in the butt and everything ((sarcasm)), but that seems about the absolute least you can expect a responsible GM to do.

It ain't asking a whole hell of a lot, in other words. What else is he out there doing during the off-season, golfing?

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