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Video of Yi with nice post moves


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The stretch beginning at 1:40 in that video features some nice quick post moves by Yi. It's not an overly wide array, but he definitely has the potential to add to it. The key is quickness and coordination. That's what most bigs lack. You learn to add more to your post moves when the defense can stop you.

The rest of the video is his relentless all-out drive to the basket from the perimeter and jam game.

I have to say I'm not sure I've seen a 7-footer run the floor like that in transition...especially not one who's nearly 250 lbs.

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The guy doesn't just dribble and move well for a 7 foot 245 pound man, he has ELITE ability to do so for a 7 footer.

The truth is that if if Yi was an American player he would be the 2nd or 3rd pick and nobody would have a problem with it.

But people are automatically prejudice because he's Chinese.

The fact that he has the ability to take people off the dribble and shoot is looked upon as a negative and means he will be a SF. But yet when American big men have this ability they are praised as being versatile. No one called Chris Bosh or Kevin Garnett SFs. Yet Yi is one because he's an international prospect.

The most ridiculous part about it is that these days with all the technology you are even able to see with your own eyes what only NBA scouts had access to.

You can see the quotes of Team USA players like Elton Brand and Lebron James complimenting Yi.

Yet still there is that stigma attached to him telling people he can't succeed because of his race.

I thought we were pass those days.

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I've been following Yi since last year when he had a chance to enter the draft. Yi was trained as a Point Guard when he was younger, and suddenly hit the growth spurt. That's why he has his amazing handles and i bet his passing skills are also top notch for a 7 footer.

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Well, he's also not as publicized. Durant you hear about on ESPN all day long.

If Yi were coming out as a junior at a Div-1 college, there would actually be some debate about whether you take him or Durant at the #2 spot (because you "can't coach height").

One thing about him is that we must commit to a running game if we take him. Some of his skills are wasted in half-court game, and he's not a true center defensively.

If there were a way to get him and Conley, I think that line-up would be amazingly long and quick:






run, run, run, run, run

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i think some are saying that if we became a running team (as we really should) he could play center because due to his athelticism, size, and ballhandling, his defense and lowpost skills can improve.

Honestly he could play Center in a half court.

He's 7 feet 245 pounds with a 7'3 wingspan. It's not like we're sticking Al Harrington down there.

He's just as big as Webber who's on a half court team.

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i think some are saying that if we became a running team (as we really should) he could play center because due to his athelticism, size, and ballhandling, his defense and lowpost skills can improve.

if this guy can truly play the Center position on the defensive end and not get Smoove killed while trying to do so then pick him.

here's the problem. I think we'll be having another Chris Paul discussion when Conley goes 4 to 7 and blows up on somebody else's team.

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if we have to move somebody to do so it becomes counter productive.

Would you say the same thing if we had drafted Durant?

It seems like people think "we're set" with MW and Smoove as our forwards. They're not Dirk and Howard or Amare and Marion. Either one can be improved upon. I love Smoove, but he's not a fixture just yet. Smoove is still not a true scorer (post or perimeter). He gets his points in various ways, but he's not a guy you feed the ball to in the post. We could really use a scoring big, and if we had to play him at PF, Smoove would be a fine, versatile SF (lacking a little in 3pt shooting).

I know you want a C and a PG out of this draft. We ALL do. We shouldn't pass on premium talent for mediocre gap-fillers, though. Do you think Conley/Noah is the best we can do for this team? I would be OK with that, but both players might be a reach at the respective positions.

If Milwaukee would trade the 6th for MW, we could use that choice to draft Conley. Then we could take Noah or Hawes 11th. Yeah, I know, EDS will say something about 3 rookies now.

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if we have to move somebody to do so it becomes counter productive.

Would you say the same thing if we had drafted Durant?

It seems like people think "we're set" with MW and Smoove as our forwards. They're not Dirk and Howard or Amare and Marion. Either one can be improved upon. I love Smoove, but he's not a fixture just yet. Smoove is still not a true scorer (post or perimeter). He gets his points in various ways, but he's not a guy you feed the ball to in the post. We could really use a scoring big, and if we had to play him at PF, Smoove would be a fine, versatile SF (lacking a little in 3pt shooting).

I know you want a C and a PG out of this draft. We ALL do. We shouldn't pass on premium talent for mediocre gap-fillers, though. Do you think Conley/Noah is the best we can do for this team? I would be OK with that, but both players might be a reach at the respective positions.

If Milwaukee would trade the 6th for MW, we could use that choice to draft Conley. Then we could take Noah or Hawes 11th. Yeah, I know, EDS will say something about 3 rookies now.

are you trying to put Durant and Yi on the same level? If so that question has already been answered in several other threads.

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i think some are saying that if we became a running team (as we really should) he could play center because due to his athelticism, size, and ballhandling, his defense and lowpost skills can improve.

if this guy can truly play the Center position on the defensive end and not get Smoove killed while trying to do so then pick him.

here's the problem. I think we'll be having another Chris Paul discussion when Conley goes 4 to 7 and blows up on somebody else's team.

Who cares if Acie Law is our Billups?

The best thing about picking Yi is that it creates a better balance between our two picks?

If we take Conley first the average between the picks isn't so great because we are going to get trash at 11 as far as big man or even worse be tempted to not take one at all

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I would love to commit to a running game personally, and I think we've got the right kind of personnel to do so. To me that's the most exciting style of basketball, a wide open offense, tons of fast-breaks, lots and lots of points. The only thing that doesn't jibe with that desire for us to run is the fact that running teams don't seem to equal championship teams in todays NBA. Just look at this year's playoffs as a perfect example of that. All the exciting, run and gun teams are long gone with the wind, and what we are left with are the grinders, the plodders, and the half-court teams who would just as soon win 76-70 as win 116-110.

So what to do? It's a conundrum. confused.gif

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are you trying to put Durant and Yi on the same level? If so that question has already been answered in several other threads.

Yi has a far more impressive resume. Yi has been playing PROFESSIONAL basketball since 1999. What about Durant? Was he enrolled in middle school yet?

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i think some are saying that if we became a running team (as we really should) he could play center because due to his athelticism, size, and ballhandling, his defense and lowpost skills can improve.

if this guy can truly play the Center position on the defensive end and not get Smoove killed while trying to do so then pick him.

here's the problem. I think we'll be having another Chris Paul discussion when Conley goes 4 to 7 and blows up on somebody else's team.

Who cares if Acie Law is our Billups?

The best thing about picking Yi is that it creates a better balance between our two picks?

If we take Conley first the average between the picks isn't so great because we are going to get trash at 11 as far as big man or even worse be tempted to not take one at all

I just don't see how Yi is going to fit on the Hawks. i'm trying my best to be open minded just as I hope everyone is.

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I think we'll be having another Chris Paul discussion when Conley goes 4 to 7 and blows up on somebody else's team.

I agree there. After I heard Conley talk about playing with a chip on his shoulder and heard about his relentless work habits, I like him a lot more. Is Law chopped liver, though? Is Crittenton not on our radar at all? I think Conley's quickness and desire will make him the surest bet of the 3, with Crittenton being the one with the most upside.

We really need post scoring, though, Teke. You have to eventually play half-court sometimes. You need a guy to feed for high percentage buckets. Noah can't be that guy. Maybe Hawes could, but is anyone really sold on him?

If there's any way to trade MW for a pick 4-7 to get Conley, I want to do it. I just don't think we can pass on our last chance to get a 20+ ppg big. I'm dead serious this is our last chance. You don't get them at the 15th pick.

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are you trying to put Durant and Yi on the same level?

No. The point is, if he's an upgrade, we can justify moving someone. Marvin Williams is not so good that we are SET at SF. If Yi is a 20 ppg PF, we make room for him. That's just too valuable a commodity. Post scoring is just so hard to acquire.

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