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Video of Yi with nice post moves


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I think we'll be having another Chris Paul discussion when Conley goes 4 to 7 and blows up on somebody else's team.

I agree there. After I heard Conley talk about playing with a chip on his shoulder and heard about his relentless work habits, I like him a lot more. Is Law chopped liver, though? Is Crittenton not on our radar at all? I think Conley's quickness and desire will make him the surest bet of the 3, with Crittenton being the one with the most upside.

We really need post scoring, though, Teke. You have to eventually play half-court sometimes. You need a guy to feed for high percentage buckets. Noah can't be that guy. Maybe Hawes could, but is anyone really sold on him?

If there's any way to trade MW for a pick 4-7 to get Conley, I want to do it. I just don't think we can pass on our last chance to get a 20+ ppg big. I'm dead serious this is our last chance. You don't get them at the 15th pick.

we get X player at 3. I'll give you guys Yi right this second.

We trade our 11 pick and Chillz' supposedly bum feet for Conley.

Actually if Conley fell to 11 that would be ideal. I still say under this scenario the Hawks may have two problems to deal with

1. they may miss out on their man in Conley

2. they may still be trying to figure out the Center position

I don't think any of us can come up with a reasonable solution to our PG/C problem this offseason without trading for a player that is already in the league. The pieces just aren't in the draft to me.

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Is pro ball in China a higher level than college ball in the USA? My instinct is no, but I've never watched a Chinese game.

Durant's "resume" is almost unprecedented from an individual standpoint. What other freshman have been consensus POY?

Actually I was shortchanging him.

Yi has been playing professional ball since 1999.

Is International basketball better than high school? Um Im going to say yeah chances are it is.

College basketball? You know to answer this question we should start making international teams play college teams.

But Im going to say professional basketball players who are physically and mentally more mature are better than college teams. But that's just me

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Nobody is saying Yi is better than Durant. Let's not start this.

I don't think you can proclaim that Durant is just some untouchable player better than Yi either.

If Yi's really been playing professional ball since 1999 that means he's been playing ball since Durant was just coming out of elementary school.

What Durant did as an 18 year old was no doubt impressive, but how about Yi at 14 and 15 playing against NBA COMPETITION

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Nobody is saying Yi is better than Durant. Let's not start this.

You may want to check the deep end of the pool. Either BBB is already there or he is heading that direction very quickly:


Yi has a far more impressive resume. Yi has been playing PROFESSIONAL basketball since 1999. What about Durant? Was he enrolled in middle school yet?

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Nobody is saying Yi is better than Durant. Let's not start this.

You may want to check the deep end of the pool. Either BBB is already there or he is heading that direction very quickly:


Yi has a far more impressive resume. Yi has been playing PROFESSIONAL basketball since 1999. What about Durant? Was he enrolled in middle school yet?

So what do you think is more impressive?

NCAA basketball at 18 or playing against NBA player at 15?

I mean I would say showing up against NBA competition is more impressive but that's just me.

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Nobody is saying Yi is better than Durant. Let's not start this.

I don't think you can proclaim that Durant is just some untouchable player better than Yi either.

If Yi's really been playing professional ball since 1999 that means he's been playing ball since Durant was just coming out of elementary school.

What Durant did as an 18 year old was no doubt impressive, but how about Yi at 14 and 15 playing against NBA COMPETITION

What NBA COMPETITION did he play against at age 14 and 15? Are you talking about the one Chinese player who has held his own (and more) in the NBA?

Most of the CBA is pretty low level competition. They earn like $30K per year in that league which is why they cannot attract foreign players of any significance.

I am not remotely impressed with the level of competition I have seen on the clips with Yi playing in the CBA.

I do not doubt that Yi has gotten good instruction and that there are a number of other players who will eventually make the NBA but don't go equating CBA competition with NBA competition. It is asinine given the caliber of the median player in each league.

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Nobody is saying Yi is better than Durant. Let's not start this.

I don't think you can proclaim that Durant is just some untouchable player better than Yi either.

If Yi's really been playing professional ball since 1999 that means he's been playing ball since Durant was just coming out of elementary school.

What Durant did as an 18 year old was no doubt impressive, but how about Yi at 14 and 15 playing against NBA COMPETITION

What NBA COMPETITION did he play against at age 14 and 15? Are you talking about the one Chinese player who has held his own (and more) in the NBA?

Most of the CBA is pretty low level competition. They earn like $30K per year in that league which is why they cannot attract foreign players of any significance.

I am not remotely impressed with the level of competition I have seen on the clips with Yi playing in the CBA.

I do not doubt that Yi has gotten good instruction and that there are a number of other players who will eventually make the NBA but don't go equating CBA competition with NBA competition. It is asinine given the caliber of the median player in each league.

Lol well no wonder you thought I was nuts.

No I mean the couple of times he has literally gone up against NBA players like in the Nike ABCD camp and in the World Championship.

Of course the CBA isn't as good as the NBA. Perhaps international player can match NCAA, but obviously not NBA

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Nobody is saying Yi is better than Durant. Let's not start this.

I don't think you can proclaim that Durant is just some untouchable player better than Yi either.

If Yi's really been playing professional ball since 1999 that means he's been playing ball since Durant was just coming out of elementary school.

What Durant did as an 18 year old was no doubt impressive, but how about Yi at 14 and 15 playing against NBA COMPETITION

What NBA COMPETITION did he play against at age 14 and 15? Are you talking about the one Chinese player who has held his own (and more) in the NBA?

Most of the CBA is pretty low level competition. They earn like $30K per year in that league which is why they cannot attract foreign players of any significance.

I am not remotely impressed with the level of competition I have seen on the clips with Yi playing in the CBA.

I do not doubt that Yi has gotten good instruction and that there are a number of other players who will eventually make the NBA but don't go equating CBA competition with NBA competition. It is asinine given the caliber of the median player in each league.

Lol well no wonder you thought I was nuts.

No I mean the couple of times he has literally gone up against NBA players like in the Nike ABCD camp and in the World Championship.

Then every single prospect in the draft has been playing against NBA competition since they were in middle school since all the AAU camps have "NBA Players" as that term must apply to the Nike ABCD camp.

Hell, Josh Smith must have been playing in the NBA already when he was playing with Randolph Morris and Dwight Howard! wink.gif

Seriously, that isn't NBA competition.

Neither is the international game (see NBA success v. international success) but at least that is closer when you are talking about actual NBA players. There isn't much of a track to go on in that respect, though.

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Then every single prospect in the draft has been playing against NBA competition since they were in middle school since all the AAU camps have "NBA Players" as that term must apply to the Nike ABCD camp.

Hell, Josh Smith must have been playing in the NBA already when he was playing with Randolph Morris and Dwight Howard!

Seriously, that isn't NBA competition.

Neither is the international game (see NBA success v. international success) but at least that is closer when you are talking about actual NBA players. There isn't much of a track to go on in that respect, though.

But he played against TEAM USA

You know the team with Howard, Brand, Lebron, Melo, and the other superstars of the NBA?

He played against them.

And he held his own and they complimented his performance.

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Guest Walter


if we draft Yi where are we going to play him?

if we have to move somebody to do so it becomes counter productive.

You can't even weather your own critique. I'll tell you one thing. If Yi is as good as they say and he looks, we'll find a place to play him. SW? No way in hell we find a place for him.


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Then every single prospect in the draft has been playing against NBA competition since they were in middle school since all the AAU camps have "NBA Players" as that term must apply to the Nike ABCD camp.

Hell, Josh Smith must have been playing in the NBA already when he was playing with Randolph Morris and Dwight Howard!

Seriously, that isn't NBA competition.

Neither is the international game (see NBA success v. international success) but at least that is closer when you are talking about actual NBA players. There isn't much of a track to go on in that respect, though.

But he played against TEAM USA

You know the team with Howard, Brand, Lebron, Melo, and the other superstars of the NBA?

He played against them.

And he held his own and they complimented his performance.

Remember what Carlos Arroyo did against TEAM USA in international competition?

Remember what he does against them in the NBA?

Two different venues.

I do think that seeing the international competition is very valuable but it sure isn't NBA competition.

More to the point, the sample size is so small that it is FAR from comparable to NBA competition.

Summary: International play is a valuable tool in assessing a player but it cannot compare to NBA play.

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Guest Walter


I just don't think we can pass on our last chance to get a 20+ ppg big. I'm dead serious this is our last chance. You don't get them at the 15th pick.

There aren't anymore chances after this one. GET TALENT. Put ego aside (ehem, BK) and trade whoever you need aside from JS and JJ IMO to fill out the team elsewhere.


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I just don't think we can pass on our last chance to get a 20+ ppg big. I'm dead serious this is our last chance. You don't get them at the 15th pick.

There aren't anymore chances after this one. GET TALENT. Put ego aside (ehem, BK) and trade whoever you need aside from JS and JJ IMO to fill out the team elsewhere.


I think everyone agrees that the pieces need to be in place after this offseason for the franchise to move forward into the playoffs. No more middling, marginal improvement is acceptable. No more clearly deficient positions on the floor.

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It did not look like anyof the players in the video were NBA size. That is a totally different matter. I agree he is very talented, but can he meet out needs of 4 and 5???

That's why we will learn a lot about Yi in the NBA workouts

Although he has abused Pau Gasol before

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If i had to choose between Yi and Wright i would certainly chose Yi. He is bigger and can actually shoot outside 10 feet.

But then what would we do with him? really the only logical thing would be to move Smith to the 3 and trade Marvin, hopefully for a top 10 pick to get Conley.

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well we do have to be careful of the backupqb syndrome. where what we don't have/use is always more popular than what we have. potential messes with people's minds...

i'm not saying don't draft yi, just saying it's something to think about..

that's why all of this is temporary opinion until the workout reports.

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But then what would we do with him? really the only logical thing would be to move Smith to the 3 and trade Marvin, hopefully for a top 10 pick to get Conley.

This is exactly what I want to do. Yi at the 4, Smoove at the 3.

Trade Marvin to Boston at #5 or Milwaukee for #6 and draft Conley.

At the 11 take Noah, Hawes, or Crittenton (if the C's are gone, take a PG with freakish upside). Also consider trading this pick for a C.

Trade Lue or somebody for a 2nd rounder back and take Sean Williams, Visser, or Gray to get another body. Prefer Williams due to freakish shot-blocking and athleticism.

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