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Is Jarrett Jack better than Conley or Law IV???


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I would be thrilled if we could fleece Portland out of Jack and Aldridge for the 3rd pick. But my question is how good is Jack compared to the pg's that we could possibly draft? Someone in another post reported that Aldridge wasn't really a center and I was wondering how true is that. If we did pull the trigger on that trade we could then get he BPA with the 11th pick.

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First off, it's not fleecing, it's a trade. They get #3 and a player from us.

Jack had a good season, but he's not worhty of the #3 pick. Aldridge didn't have a great season. Shelden was better when you look at it.. BUT Aldridge has Atlanta Knights history + he can play Center.

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I would be thrilled if we could fleece Portland out of Jack and Aldridge for the 3rd pick. But my question is how good is Jack compared to the pg's that we could possibly draft? Someone in another post reported that Aldridge wasn't really a center and I was wondering how true is that. If we did pull the trigger on that trade we could then get he BPA with the 11th pick.

I don't think Jack is as good as either of them, although I do think that trade would be a good one for us.

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Aldridge had kind of heart issue late in the year I think. Its probably fine. But, he average 9ppg in only 22 minutes and showed some great flashes.

I agree Jack is not worth nearly the 3rd pick. I want to move Chill because his two foot stress fractures scare the crap out of me, and he has an extension coming.

PTL might laugh at trading Aldridge because Conley would be a luxury not a necessity. They have a solid PG in Jack. Solid, not great.

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I think it is a possibility that Portland would move Jack and Aldridge if they thought they could get another building block at the #3 position and they see Oden, Randolph and Roy as their future at C, PF and SG.

Here is one idea I threw out there for them:


I would explore it - although I would see them doing it more for something like Yi at SF.

They could then run with:

Sergio Rodriguez

Brandon Roy

Yi Jianlian

Zach Randolph

Greg Oden

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They might do it for the #3 AND #11, but not just for the #3.

I don't know that they see Aldridge as a future star.

If they think they could get a future star at #3 the deal could definitely work.

With Randolph and Oden, Aldridge's value to another team is more than it is to Portland. Likewise, Portland has another good young PG and the space to sign a vet PG if they don't feel like Jack is the guy long term.

I don't think they will give those guys away by any means but if I was their GM and thought Yi or Conley or Brewer,etc. were going to be a star and I thought Aldridge and Jack were never going to be stars for this team, then I would do the deal without the #11.

Frankly, I don't think Aldridge is worth more than the #3 in this stronger draft and don't think Jack is worth near the #11.

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6'3'' Jack + a consistent outside jump shot = 6'3'' Law

6'1'', 170 lb, Conley is a different breed of PG then the above two. The traditional, speedy, court vision, kind of PG.

I am still on the fence as to what style fits us the best. If we had another scorer I would be all over Conley without a 2nd thought. Hopefully Conley will help Marvin or Smoove become that guy (that is traditional thinking anyway.)

I just hate banking on Law at #11 and he ends up going #10. Then we are stuck again wihout a PG.

Taking Conley #3 guarantees us at least one of our position holes are plugged for the long term.

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6'3'' Jack + a consistent outside jump shot = 6'3'' Law

6'1'', 170 lb, Conley is a different breed of PG then the above two. The traditional, speedy, court vision, kind of PG.

I am still on the fence as to what style fits us the best. If we had another scorer I would be all over Conley without a 2nd thought. Hopefully Conley will help Marvin or Smoove become that guy (that is traditional thinking anyway.)

I just hate banking on Law at #11 and he ends up going #10. Then we are stuck again wihout a PG.

Taking Conley #3 guarantees us at least one of our position holes are plugged for the long term.

Even if worst case scenario Law goes to 10 (which won't happen) there is still Javaris Crittenton who has just as much upside if not more than Conley.

Meanwhile you take Conley at #3 and there is 100% guarantee that the big man at #11 is going to suck.

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Even if worst case scenario Law goes to 10 (which won't happen) there is still Javaris Crittenton who has just as much upside if not more than Conley.

Meanwhile you take Conley at #3 and there is 100% guarantee that the big man at #11 is going to suck.

But picking Conley at #3 gives us 100% guarantee we got the best PG available. Why gamble on Law being there at #11 or on Critt developing in 3 more years if you have a 100% guarantee in Conley being a PG stud.

With Hibbert moving out of the draft that effectively moves Law up one spot. It is NOW very possible he is gone by #11.

If the big man at #11 would "sucks," there is a slim chance Noah falls to #11, Hawes should be there at #11. Either Hawes or Law should be there at #11 but probably not both of them.

Hawes will "suck" no more then Critt in his rookie year. Neither of them are ready for the NBA, they both just want a pay check and don't want to study hard, who can blame them.

If we don't like Hawes at #11, we package #11 with spare parts for a serviable upgrade at center.

I like Hawes as a project at #11. If all we had was the #11 pick I'd be totally against taking Hawes there, but having the #3 pick & using it on Conley will let us gamble more on #11. Hawes could develop into a low post scoring threat with some time. He has great post moves and fundamentals. All he lacks is weight and strength which comes naturally to a 19 year olds. It not uncommon for big men to improve their strength and weight by leaps and bounds from 19 to 21.

Lo, Lue, and AJ all have expiring contracts so they could be packaged with #11. Even though they are all over the hill, their value to some teams will be greater then their production value if that team is looking to cut cap room to resign their own guys at the end of next year or to make a run at a FA.

One thing is for sure. The Hawks phone lines will be on fire for the next month.

Teams wil be calling us trying to trick BK into giving a hint into who wants to pick at #3 by seeing who he is looking to trade and who he wants to trade for.

Ex. If BK starts shopping for post guys in a trade or expresses interest when another GM brings it up, GMs will jump to the conclusion BK takes Conley at #3.

If BK is looking at PGs or expresses interest when GMs offer a PG, GMs jump to the conclusion BK is looking at Hoford and or Noah at #3.

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You know as much as I know that Law isn't going to be gone at #11.

Nobody has him ranked as a top 10 prospect because he is being absurdly underrated.

All Law has to do is go behind 10 prospects and no way he goes over any of these guys



3)Brandan Wright

4)Julian Wright

5)Yi Jianlian

6)Joakim Noah

7)Al Horford

8)Mike Conley Jr

9)Corey Brewer

10)Jeff Green

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You know as much as I know that Law isn't going to be gone at #11.

Nobody has him ranked as a top 10 prospect because he is being absurdly underrated.

All Law has to do is go behind 10 prospects and no way he goes over any of these guys



3)Brandan Wright

4)Julian Wright

5)Yi Jianlian

6)Joakim Noah

7)Al Horford

8)Mike Conley Jr

9)Corey Brewer

10)Jeff Green

This is pretty much true for right now, workouts go along way. Too early to tell

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I think Noah, Green, or J. Wright could fall to #11.

There are a glut of SFs in the league and in the draft. These wing guys are a dime a dozen (as Hawks fans have found out).

It is definately in the realm of possibility the glut of talened wings pushes Green or J. Wright out of the top 10 and Law creeps in.

I would say that there is proably a 75 % chance Law is there at #11. Before Hibbert dropped out the % of Law being there at #11 was probably aboout 95%. I don't like Critt and don't want to put all our PG eggs in the Law at #11 basket b/c we could go through yet another draft with no PG to show for it.

Is it worth passing on Conley #3 to a risk Law at #11 ?

If I was 100% positive Law would be there at #11 I would have no problem going: Hoford #3 and Law #11

Conley #3 and Hawes #11 looks good too. Hawes is only 19 and has all the fundamentals down. His strength and weight are ?? but will naturally improve by the time he is 21.

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Is it worth passing on Conley #3 to a risk Law at #11 ?

The answer is yes.

This is more simple than you guys make it. Conley is not better than Law and his upside is not higher than Critt's. The way to go is to Get a real IMPACT player at #3... I would suggest 7 foot 245lb Yi JianLian... then go after Law or Critt.

That's a can't lose proposition.

When you watch JianLian, you notice that he has skill. People may harp on him being outphysicalled, I say grab Dirk the year he was drafted and put him up against the same guys that General Yi was playing...Probably same results. However, I think if you teach him to play physically, send him to some big man camps, he will have a game that will be worthy of the pick. He's no stiff Like Darko or even Bargnani. This guy is fast, he has offensive moves, he has good BBIQ... He's ready to be ripe.

Even if we get stuck with 6'7 Crittenton..

Can you imagine:

Crittenton, JJ, Marvin, JSmoove, and General Yi???

We'll have the biggest longest team in basketball.

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Guest Walter

He showed his cards to EVERY GM last year in promising SW without even trying him or anyone else of merit out. BK wouldn't last 10 seconds at a table.


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Is it worth passing on Conley #3 to a risk Law at #11 ?

The answer is yes.

This is more simple than you guys make it. Conley is not better than Law and his upside is not higher than Critt's. The way to go is to Get a real IMPACT player at #3... I would suggest 7 foot 245lb Yi JianLian... then go after Law or Critt.

That's a can't lose proposition.

When you watch JianLian, you notice that he has skill. People may harp on him being outphysicalled, I say grab Dirk the year he was drafted and put him up against the same guys that General Yi was playing...Probably same results. However, I think if you teach him to play physically, send him to some big man camps, he will have a game that will be worthy of the pick. He's no stiff Like Darko or even Bargnani. This guy is fast, he has offensive moves, he has good BBIQ... He's ready to be ripe.

Even if we get stuck with 6'7 Crittenton..

Can you imagine:

Crittenton, JJ, Marvin, JSmoove, and General Yi???

We'll have the biggest longest team in basketball.

BK would be bashed for two more years as those players developed by my goodness would that be a sick team two years from now.

Unfortunately I think BK is feeling pressure. I think that's why he suggested we may trade. BK may feel pressure to make post-season this year so he may be scared of waiting for Yi and JC to develop.

But I would giggle like a school girl if we drafted those two

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