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From a financial standpoint we need to draft Yi...


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I proposed #3/Zaza for Okafor/#8.

I think that's fair for both teams.

my question is this...if we did that trade and say Conley is not picked by say #5, can we then trade that #8 that we just got up a couple spots? or can you only trade that pick once or something?

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Okafor is not healthy and all of the back problems he had leaving UConn have followed him to the NBA. I'd rather have Gasol than Okafor simply due to health issues.

Thank you. It's not like we would be getting Dikembe. Gasol is a good player but where would he play? I like Yi but then again how much does he help us? The Aldridge/Jack trade would be great unless we had to give a player up (Marvin or Chill) then I feel that would be too much. What has Aldridge proven? Jack has proved to be a decent player but is he a world beater? No!!

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Thank you. It's not like we would be getting Dikembe.
Gasol is a good player but where would he play?
I like Yi but then again how much does he help us? The Aldridge/Jack trade would be great unless we had to give a player up (Marvin or Chill) then I feel that would be too much. What has Aldridge proven? Jack has proved to be a decent player but is he a world beater? No!!

Gasol would immediately become the starting 4 on this team. Gasol teaming up with Smoove/Marvin and Zaza instantly makes it a better frontcourt.

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Thank you. It's not like we would be getting Dikembe.
Gasol is a good player but where would he play?
I like Yi but then again how much does he help us? The Aldridge/Jack trade would be great unless we had to give a player up (Marvin or Chill) then I feel that would be too much. What has Aldridge proven? Jack has proved to be a decent player but is he a world beater? No!!

Gasol would immediately become the starting 4 on this team. Gasol teaming up with Smoove/Marvin and Zaza instantly makes it a better frontcourt.

Smoove is our 4. Gasol would have to play Center in Atlanta.

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Yeah if we want to draft the most GUARANTEED All-Star in the draft we draft Yi Jianlian.

I heard somewhere that there are more people in China that populate the NBA website than there are viewers of the NBA in the US.

If that's true, he's a lock if he just makes the ballot.

Oh and I thought of something else, Yi could get us our first nationally televised game in 7-8 years!

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I think it's a gamble... BUT think about it.

Worse case scenerio...

Okafor's back is never right, we've traded #3 for #8 and given Zaza up for an injured big.

That's not a big loss.

Best Case Scenerio...

Okafor's back is right, we've traded #3 for #8 and given Zaza up for the next Alonzo Morning.

What makes Okafor tradable is the fact that he is not in perfect health. It's like all those people who gambled on Camby.

I say if all we lose is a few draft positions and Zaza.. we should definitely go for the gamble.

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At what point in time did the people on this website begin to care about the Atlanta Spirit's finances?

All this crap about All-Star appearances and new season ticket holders means nothing to me if we're still winning 25-30 games a year. I have my season tickets, I don't give a damn if the seat next to me is filled or not, I care about the team on the floor.

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