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Crit got the promise from BK


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Why would Crit enter the draft when there is a range from 11-31 for him in the first round. Billy has promised Crit that they will take him at the 11th pick. It makes sense for several reasons:

1. Size- Billy has said since day 1 that he favors big point guards 6-3 and above. Crit has a better shot than Conley

2. Crit is a Billups clone which will finally allow Woodson to run some of his old detroit plays

3. I think that Cirt played on the same AAU team as Josh Smith and Dwight Howard.

4. Instant PR move for the Atlanta market

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It almost made me sick seeing Critty's name in the same sentence as Reece Gaines. They are nothing alike. Critty is quick with the ball for his size. He was 'criticized' at times this year for being too 'unselfish'. It was later on in the season that he took over, GT went on a run and barely made the NCAA tournament. As a freshman, Critty instantly became All-everything for GT.

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No he is a true PG but is listed generously at 6'5. This guy can play. He will be way better than Law. I would have no problem taking him at 11

I believe the same. Crittenton could probably come in and start right away for us, giving us the chance to dump some of these other PG's. He can score when needed, but looks to pass first, that's what I love about his game. Now imagine where he would end up in next year's draft if he were to stay for one more year with GT. When you think about it like that, #11 is a steal. Law is cool and all, but I believe Crittenton will be the best PG to come out of this draft. If we indeed gave this guy one of those under the table "promises", and I truly hope so, then BK is smarter than I thought. From some of the rumors floating around lately, Conley may be our pick at #3 and will be a Hawk....for about 5 minutes. That leaves us Crittenton, Stuckey, and Law. Decisions, decisions. smile.gif

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Why would Crit enter the draft when there is a range from 11-31 for him in the first round. Billy has promised Crit that they will take him at the 11th pick. It makes sense for several reasons:

1. Size- Billy has said since day 1 that he favors big point guards 6-3 and above. Crit has a better shot than Conley

2. Crit is a Billups clone which will finally allow Woodson to run some of his old detroit plays

3. I think that Cirt played on the same AAU team as Josh Smith and Dwight Howard.

4. Instant PR move for the Atlanta market

Or you could just be overthinking things and Javaris Crittenton just decided he wanted the hell out of college.

But if we do take him and Yi Jianlian, we will have a top 5 team in the NBA in 2 years.

Javaris Crittenton

Joe Johnson

Marvin Williams

Josh Smith

Yi Jianlian

Hello Nationally Televised Games!

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I don't think BK promised Crittenton (although you could never rule that out with BK at the helm), Crit is probably just testing the waters to see where he's going to be picked. There's a new rule in the NCAA that allows players to enter the draft (w/o an agent), and still return to college EVEN IF they get drafted or don't.

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There's no question about it, he is 100% a point. He's already a great passer, and can also take over a game with his scoring if needed. He had more turnovers at Tech because he was forced to do EVERYTHING for that team. As a freshman, that's a lot to ask. They asked him to score, distribute, run the offense, know when to take shots and drive, what plays to run, all the while having the ball in his hands pretty much 100% of the time. That kind of responsibility leads to excessive turnovers, especially as a freshman.

Jarrett Jack (who also played for GT under the same coach) was a turnover machine in his JUNIOR year at GT, and has proved to not be a liability in that department in the pros. Crittenton is also a very good defender.

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Why would Crit enter the draft when there is a range from 11-31 for him in the first round. Billy has promised Crit that they will take him at the 11th pick. It makes sense for several reasons:

1. Size- Billy has said since day 1 that he favors big point guards 6-3 and above. Crit has a better shot than Conley

2. Crit is a Billups clone which will finally allow Woodson to run some of his old detroit plays

3. I think that Cirt played on the same AAU team as Josh Smith and Dwight Howard.

4. Instant PR move for the Atlanta market

As stupid as it sounds, I wouldn't doubt it, BK is pretty stupid and this seems like one of his moves.

And quit saying instant PR move, there only a couple instant PR moves and that Oden and Durant.

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There is no way BK would promise Critt. It would take out all the leverage he has in trading Conley at #3. All GMs are smarter than that. BK after promising Shelden must have learnt his lesson. He could have picked up one more player and payed Shelden less.

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I don't think Knight learned anything from the Shellhead fiasco. How many drafts do we have to hear that bozo say "I don't like the point guards in this draft" and watch become ROY or lead their teams almost to the freaking FINALS? (HELLO DERON!)

No, I don't think Knight has the brains to learn from anything. Because he doesn't think he EVER made a mistake.

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Some of you are basically dense. Javaris is a bonafide 6'4+" PG with Superstar potential. He knows it and the league knows it. The promise could be from the Clippers, the Kings, the Bucks, the Hawks or any other team. Javaris is a pass first PG but can shoot as well as Billups. Billups cannot pass as well as Javiris. He did not play for the AAU Celtics (with Dwight and Josh). He would love to play for the Hawks but he may not be available at 11.

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How many drafts do we have to hear that bozo say "I don't like the point guards in this draft"

No, I don't think Knight has the brains to learn from anything. Because he doesn't think he EVER made a mistake.

You sound like an uncircumcised simpleton. But I won't call you out of your name. Christians dont do that. viking.gif

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You cannot double fault DK for passing on Paul and Deron since they were from the same draft. Both had big question marks surrounding them and I'll be damned if half or more of this board doesn't have amnesia because most of you guys wanted nothing to do with "nut kicker" or whatever you all were calling Paul and there were a ton of you that didn't want anything to do with Deron because he wasn't a good shooter or wasn't fast or something like that. Marvin was the potential superstar player and every GM in the league would have taken him after Bogut. It's still too early to tell whether Marvin will be a bust or not. He has improved his first 2 seasons and if he can get to 18ppg this year and 5-6rpg I would call him a very good pick. As long as he improves every year I can't fault him at all. Personally I wanted us to draft Deron since Bogut was gone, but Marvin was my 3rd choice that year. I wasn't a Paul fan because of his size and lack of physical defensive ability. Deron had Jason Kidd part II written all over him and I know that Knight wanted to draft him badly but he couldn't pass up the potential superstar in Marvin to draft a guy many thought would take a while to become a quality PG.

Last year we passed on Roy and Foye. Neither of them are PGs and neither of them will be used as PGs for their team. I really wanted us to take Roy. I never was and probably never will be a Foye fan. I was hoping for Aldridge, then Roy, then Shelden. I DID NOT like the promise being made to Shelden though. If that actually happened it's a pretty sad statement.

A few other points you guys seem to forget each year. Knight tried to trade back into the lottery to draft Deron. We didn't have the pieces. He tried to trade back into the first to draft Jack but we didn't have the pieces. He tried to trade back into the first to get Rondo last year but for whatever reason it didn't happen. The point is that he has tried to draft a quality PG each year but has been unlucky in striking a deal to get that PG.

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How many drafts do we have to hear that bozo say "I don't like the point guards in this draft"

No, I don't think Knight has the brains to learn from anything. Because he doesn't think he EVER made a mistake.

You sound like an uncircumcised simpleton. But I won't call you out of your name. Christians dont do that. viking.gif

Another shot at me personally and about my religion. I'm sorry the word "bozo" offends you in your delicate little world but I really don't think calling someone a "bozo" invalidates my Christianity.


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You cannot double fault DK for passing on Paul and Deron since they were from the same draft. Both had big question marks surrounding them and I'll be damned if half or more of this board doesn't have amnesia because most of you guys wanted nothing to do with "nut kicker" or whatever you all were calling Paul and there were a ton of you that didn't want anything to do with Deron because he wasn't a good shooter or wasn't fast or something like that. Marvin was the potential superstar player and every GM in the league would have taken him after Bogut. It's still too early to tell whether Marvin will be a bust or not. He has improved his first 2 seasons and if he can get to 18ppg this year and 5-6rpg I would call him a very good pick. As long as he improves every year I can't fault him at all. Personally I wanted us to draft Deron since Bogut was gone, but Marvin was my 3rd choice that year. I wasn't a Paul fan because of his size and lack of physical defensive ability. Deron had Jason Kidd part II written all over him and I know that Knight wanted to draft him badly but he couldn't pass up the potential superstar in Marvin to draft a guy many thought would take a while to become a quality PG.

Last year we passed on Roy and Foye. Neither of them are PGs and neither of them will be used as PGs for their team. I really wanted us to take Roy. I never was and probably never will be a Foye fan. I was hoping for Aldridge, then Roy, then Shelden. I DID NOT like the promise being made to Shelden though. If that actually happened it's a pretty sad statement.

A few other points you guys seem to forget each year. Knight tried to trade back into the lottery to draft Deron. We didn't have the pieces. He tried to trade back into the first to draft Jack but we didn't have the pieces. He tried to trade back into the first to get Rondo last year but for whatever reason it didn't happen. The point is that he has tried to draft a quality PG each year but has been unlucky in striking a deal to get that PG.

Go to realgm.com and read *my* posts about that draft as to who we should take. I said for weeks before the draft we needed to take Deron. Ditto last year with either Roy or Foye.

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