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Crit got the promise from BK


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Although my post was a reply to you, it wasn't meant to be an admonition against you, more towards the board as a whole.

Had we taken Deron 2 years ago who knows who we would have drafted last year but I doubt we would be all that much better than we are now because of the poor coaching and in all likelihood we would have just been better enough to have to give Phoenix our high pick.

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The morning after the lottery, I actually saw BK walking to Phillips and congratulated him on the Hawks luck. He was ecstatic and pretty excited about the assets he'd acquired to make the team better. I asked him about point guards, and he said he preferred big ones (no suprise there), and indicated he would have chosen Deron over Paul. It was a conversation, not an interview, so I didn't ask him about the Marvin choice. I do think that most GMs in his situation would have taken Marvin at the time, though most would have taken the guards first based on what we've seen thus far. Since he preferred big PGs, I asked about Crittendon. He seemed to think he would have been better served by another year in school, where he could have a more successful campaign than GT did this year. While that doesn't mean Crittendon won't end up here, I'd be surprised if he got any promises.

BK really seemed to be weighing each and every possible use of the picks and players on roster to improve the team, and open to trade possibilities. Honestly, he seemed like a decent guy to me. Personally, while I would have made some different choices in hindsight, I don't think BKs picks of Diaw, Childress, Marvin and Shelden were terrible. They just weren't the perfect choice in retrospect. I'd like to see how it all pans out after moves are hopefully made to address positions that are currently lacking. If he can pull off anything close to the Gasol/Shareef trade benefitting the Hawks this time, I'll consider him redeemed. By the way, I work near Phillips and see BK from time to time, but Wednesday was my first talk with him (so please don't accuse me of working for ASG, I don't).

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I hope Crittenton blows people away in his workouts then he could justify the 11th pick.

Then we don't sacrifice a chance at a post player by taking Conley at 3.

Yi/Noah/Wright and Crittenton would be an awesome draft

Javaris may go #4. He is the one.

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Guest Walter


You cannot double fault DK for passing on Paul and Deron since they were from the same draft.

I can also regarding Iggy and Deng and Roy and Foye. BK got it doubly WRONG both times.

I wanted both players in either case over the player we got. Same with Deron then Paul over MW. I deserve credit for getting BOTH players right OVER the player BK selected three years in a row. He deserves blame for not getting a single lottery pick right out of 3 and a mere 9 potentials (8 if you're smart and SW shouldn't have even been considered one). A GM should bat better than lottery-.0000000000


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How exactly is he batting .00000000 with his lottery picks when they are all averaging at least double figures by their 2nd season? I will go out on a limb and match your bet that you had with Diesel dollar wise and say that Shelden Williams will average a double double next season (proving he stays a Hawk). Care to take me up on that bet?

Also, can you possibly fathom that maybe if Deng, Iggy, Roy, or Foye were here that maybe they would have struggled as well? It's calling playing for a team with a below average coach and no system to speak of. Hell, even BKs 2nd round picks (and late first rounder Diaw) have found some type of success in this league, whereas many 2nd rounders and a significant amount of 1st rounders aren't even in the league by their 2nd or 3rd year.

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I hope Crittenton blows people away in his workouts then he could justify the 11th pick.

Then we don't sacrifice a chance at a post player by taking Conley at 3.

Yi/Noah/Wright and Crittenton would be an awesome draft

Javaris may go #4. He is the one.

You don't really believe that JAvaris will go #4 do you?

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Guest Walter


How exactly is he batting .00000000 with his lottery picks when they are all averaging at least double figures by their 2nd season?

BK hit leg out singles (busts to role players with mid lottery, role player to avg starter with high lottery), while the TWO other players remotely possibly considered have been home runs (Paul, Deron, Roy, Deng), triples (Iggy), or a ground rule double (Foye). It's the worst slugging percentage in lottery pick NBA GM history. It's the "All Ho-Hummer Team" brought to you by BK.


I will go out on a limb and match your bet that you had with Diesel dollar wise and say that Shelden Williams will average a double double next season (proving he stays a Hawk). Care to take me up on that bet?

Yes. It's a bet. SW will NOT average a double/double for next season.


Also, can you possibly fathom that maybe if Deng, Iggy, Roy, or Foye were here that maybe they would have struggled as well?

Wouldn't you take the risk. It's not like Portland was a good team and Roy was awesome. It's not like Minny was a good team. It's not like Chicago was a good team when they got Deng. Once Philly traded Ivy they weren't a "good team" if they ever were. Was NO a good team with a good coach? Laughable. Look at Paul there. They're all bad teams and who in their right mind wouldn't trade respective drafts with them?

It's "possible" is a meaningless argument when the probability is nil.


Hell, even BKs 2nd round picks (and late first rounder Diaw) have found some type of success in this league

While BK has passed over more talent in the 2nd rd like Ellis, Milsap, Duhon for his pet prospects than he has gotten and while the 2nd rd really doesn't have remotely the impact of high lottery picks...

BKs 2nd rd picks have done as well as they have on the same team with the same coach you insist prevents success from occuring. How does the same team in which 2nd rders perform reasonably well have a coach and plan that does not equally suit it's other young prospects?


Again, I take your bet. $20 bucks to HS from you if SW doesn't average a double/double for the season and vice versa from me.


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In regard to the 2nd rounders, I feel that they could be significantly more developed under the right coach. I feel that they have achieved what they have in spite of the coaching, not because of it. The same goes for our lottery picks.

Childress has not been much worse than Iggy or Deng. He is much closer statistically to Iggy than you probably realize and although he is a good bit behind Deng in points he also took 700 less shots this year. Those guys are on teams where they are asked to do a lot more offensively and they are more suited to doing so. I wish Childress were more aggressive and more consistent, but I still believe quite a bit of that has to do with the lack of quality coaching.

This is the make or break year for Marvin. He has to get up to at least 18ppg and become our 2nd scorer or at least 2b with Josh Smith being 2a in order for him to not be a slight bust IMO.

As to your statement about BK having the worst slugging percentage in NBA lottery history, well thats just asinine because there are teams that pick guys in the lottery every year that NEVER come close to putting up the numbers that our lottery picks have. Show me more than a handful of GMs in the league that can say that every single 1st round pick they have made over the past 4 years is making a positive impact on their team. I realize that you are jaded and incapable of seeing past your sadness over not drafting the players that you wanted but to make light of the players accomplishments is truly sad. I certainly don't agree with all of BK's picks or even the majority of them, but at least he hasn't picked duds and he will never make me wish Babcock was back in charge again.

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There is no way BK would promise Critt. It would take out all the leverage he has in trading Conley at #3. All GMs are smarter than that. BK after promising Shelden must have learnt his lesson. He could have picked up one more player and payed Shelden less.

Areed !

No way he adding a 19 year old PG who is no where near ready to play , to the youngest team inthe NBA.

I know Conley is 19 too, but it is evident Conley is ready now and Critt is not.

That point is not even worth argueing. Anyone who would attempt argueing that point is just being a GT homer.

There is a reason 19 year old PG do not jump to the NBA. Conley is the exception and Critt is trying to ride his coat-tail.

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There is no way BK would promise Critt. It would take out all the leverage he has in trading Conley at #3. All GMs are smarter than that. BK after promising Shelden must have learnt his lesson. He could have picked up one more player and payed Shelden less.

Areed !

No way he adding a 19 year old PG who is no where near ready to play , to the youngest team inthe NBA.

I know Conley is 19 too, but it is evident Conley is ready now and Critt is not.

That point is not even worth argueing. Anyone who would attempt argueing that point is just being a GT homer.

There is a reason 19 year old PG do not jump to the NBA. Conley is the exception and Critt is trying to ride his coat-tail.

really Marbury was the only exception. And a couple others were smart enuff to not fallow suit.

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There is no way BK would promise Critt. It would take out all the leverage he has in trading Conley at #3. All GMs are smarter than that. BK after promising Shelden must have learnt his lesson. He could have picked up one more player and payed Shelden less.

Areed !

No way he adding a 19 year old PG who is no where near ready to play , to the youngest team inthe NBA.

I know Conley is 19 too, but it is evident Conley is ready now and Critt is not.

That point is not even worth argueing. Anyone who would attempt argueing that point is just being a GT homer.

There is a reason 19 year old PG do not jump to the NBA. Conley is the exception and Critt is trying to ride his coat-tail.

I'm not too sure about that. Both were Freshman. Both are 19 years old. Conley was just one of the good players that OSU had on that team. Crittenton was THE best player on his team, and that includes pre-season favorite Thaddeus Young. Critt made that team work. If he didn't play well, the team didn't play well. I understand why people are so high on Conley...he was the last good PG playing in the tournament. Trust me, if Law somehow made it to the Championship, he would be dubbed the best PG available. It's a little unfair to label anyone who doesn't agree that Conley is the better pick as a GT homer. If Critt played another year at GT he would go top 5. What's not to like about getting him with the 11th pick this season? That's considered a steal in my book. He has too much talent to overlook. He has the size, athleticism, and court vision to succeed at NBA level. Think Francis with less attitude and better passing ability. Conley and Law are good prospects as well and I would be happy with any of them as long as we end up with a reliable option at PG this season. But I just don't think that Critt is as far behind the other PG prospects as some say. I'm pretty sure that the workouts will support that soon enough. thumb3d.gif

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Swat has no class. He is always going places on this board where people don't go on basketball message boards. He brings race into the equation, calling people who don't like BK and Woodson racists.

He also frequently crosses the line on religion as he has in this post.

Without action by the mods on issues like these, the board will deteriorate into a free for all where religion, politics, and race are allowed in the discussions. Funny, a guy uses the word bozo and is called an uncircumsised simpleton. The hypocrisy is just a little obvious.

Swat has crossed the line for about the 5th time in this area. When is it enough?

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Crit definitely has the size advantage but the thing that sets them apart is the assist to turnover ratio which speaks volumes about the differences in their decision making. That won't really show up in workouts but when they get on the floor you will see the difference. I think it will be similar to the differences that we have seen with the Andre Miller/Baron Davis level of PG compared to the Jason Terry level of PG. They can all be successful but not many GMs would take Terry over Miller or Davis.

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Yeah, I do. I believe that Marvin is likely to be traded this year in a package for a PG and/or C which will lock Smoove into the SF spot from here on out and Shelden will be healthy and a year more seasoned. I think those last 8 games are a very good indicator of the type of player Shelden really is.

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