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Steinbrenner vs Vick


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What have I assumed?

Look at the rest of your post, if you don't find what you assumed then I can't help you.

And for clarification, I never said I liked Michael nor did I ever condone the activity surrounding any of his allegations. Yet again you assume. You would rather jump to conclusions than take a slower approach to a situation. And now you say I am not an objective Atlanta sportsfan? You need to take a deep breath before you even think about responding and look over all that you have assumed/accussed in these last two posts, you should realize that you assumed 1)I want Vick on my team 2)I am a fan of the Falcons 3)this discussion is about Vick being on the Falcons. If you can grasp what I am trying to say then good, if not then too bad because I am not discussing the topic of allegations any longer.

I saw the chopper shots. I know how much the house costs. I know he owned it. I know this is his hometown area. I know the dogs will be put to sleep. I know he has not said he is innocent. He said he is never there.

I don't enjoy semantics games when referring to animal murderers.

That is, assuming he is involved.

Are you still waiting for the facts of the Iraq war to play out? Your argument has no validity here.

What is your position, semantics boy?

That no one can say anything happened without undisputable video evidence?

The facts are Vick is a punk and you have no legs to stand on, strawman.

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He definitely acts like a guilty man.

I am going to try and find the photo that someone posted on PFT that showed Vick at the house, out by the kennels, sometime last year. Until then, enjoy these instant classics.


On a brighter note, at least he landed a new endorsement deal.


"Dog fighting? Man, I'm just teaching them to play football."


Says Mike Vick: "I didn't starve those dogs. Their food was in a secret compartment under their water bowls."


Big spender Mike Vick takes his piggy bank to the club: "I don't make it rain -- I make it hail."


Not all of Mike Vick's bling fits in a 20 oz. water bottle.


Mike Vick shows Khalif Barnes how to make the locals forget about his "hick town" comment.


Mike Vick ditches air travel for the Cheech & Chong "fiber weed" van.


Stay classy Marcus


The Nicktator arrives in Alabama.

I had to post this last one, just because I hate Nick Satan that much.

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We've all given Vick more than the benefit of the doubt over the years. This is the last straw. if you don't understand that, then you are definitely not a Falcon fan.

Also, many law professionals have said that people have been convicted on similar charges to the ones Vick may be facing, with much less physical evidence. The "Mayberry" like P.D. up there is afraid of Vick's money and wants to have an airtight case.

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POSTED 10:54 p.m. EDT, April 27, 2007


Michael Vick claims that the apparent dog-fighting activities at his property in Virginia occurred without his knowledge. But evidence available on the Intergoogle suggests that Vick was actively involved in the breeding of dogs that could be used for fighting.

Our own Taco Bill found the web site for Vick's K-9 Kennels. The Vick in question is clearly Mike Vick.

The site shows an address of Moonlight Road in Suffolk, Virginia. Coincidentally, Wednesday's raid occurred at an address on Moonlight Road in Smithfield, Virginia.

Also, the site identifies the company as "Vick's K-9 Kennels c/o MV7, Inc." The owner of the property that was searched is Mike Vick and MV7, LLC.

And consider these two pictures, put together for us by Taco Bill. The image on top is from the property that was searched. The image on the bottom is from Vick's web site. The concrete pad, the cages, and the "landscaping" look very similar.


Of course, Vick's web site doesn't say anything about dog fighting. On one page, the site declares: "We do not promote, support, or raise dogs for fighting and will not knowingly sell, give, or trade any dog that may be used for fighting." But the dogs that Vick's operation is selling are naturally aggressive breeds like pit bull terriers, Rottweilers, and the Presa Canario. (We have a cousin by that name.)

At a minimum, Mike Vick has been involved in breeding and selling dogs that could be used for fighting. He admitted six years ago that it is one of his interests. And at the property owned by him in Virginia many scarred dogs were found, along with evidence of dog-fighting paraphernalia.

So if Vick is telling the truth, his family members have -- without his knowledge -- converted Vick's pride-and-joy breeding operation into an exercise in cruelty. And despite the fact that Vick had enough of an interest in breeding pit bulls to set up these facilities, he has paid no attention whatsoever to the abomination that his cousin and/or other family members have created from Mike's avocation.


The "I don't know nothing" defense won't fly here, in our view. Even if there is no direct evidence of Vick's knowledge or involvement in dog fighting, plenty of men and women have been convicted of crimes via the introduction of circumstantial evidence and the application of basic common sense.

As Jackie Chiles might say, "You get me one dog lover on that jury, and Mike is going away for a long, long time."

Meanwhile, the Humane Society will be all over this one. John Goodwin, who handles dog-fighting issues for the organization, told the AP that the Humane Society "has heard for several years that Vick was personally involved in the brutal, clandestine activity, which is banned nationwide and a felony in 48 states, including Virginia and Georgia."

Regarding Vick's claim that he knows nothing about the evidence of fighting, Goodwin said that it would cost $100 per day to feed the 66 animals found on the property.

"Who's paying to feed all those dogs?" Goodwin said. "Who has the money to feed 66 pit bulls that's in some way, shape or form related to that property?"

Those are good questions. And Goodwin isn't the only person who'll be asking them.

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Says Mike Vick: "I didn't starve those dogs. Their food was in a secret compartment under their water bowls."

If I weren't truly disgusted and upset over these dogs, that would be very funny. Sadly, the dogs were starved and fought, and now will be killed. Way to go, Mike. Great guy.

I'm a Bama fan. Have you seen the Saban - aid picture? It'l like Jonestown. Funny stuff. But seriously, we're back. We will block and tackle with ferocity again. The guy is slimy, but he loves to win and knows how to.

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Actually I have been wanting to vent about Vick for quite a while but have held off on doing so, until this whole dog fighting business. I still wasn't going to post anything about it until I read the article about Steinbrenner donating the million to Va Tech and while writing it I remembered how much Vick pisses me off with his "charitable" donations. First, the 10k that he donated after his "hick town" comment which just smacked of arrogance. Then his 10k donation to the fund at Va Tech. In the end he will end up "admitting" what he did after he is found guilty ... assuming he doesn't spend enough money to keep this out of the courts.

Thanks, I know $100 isn't a lot (actually it's $300 because my work matches 200% on all employee donations) but it's all a poor programmer like myself can afford these days to give up.

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Thanks for the work, Dolfan.

I'm all about "innocent until proven guilty" but common sense has to be judged.

There is a time and a place for the argument Hawksfanatic is making... this isn't it, though. The circumstances are overwhelming.

The argument is insulting to my intelligence in this situation. There is no "rush to judgement" here. Acknowledging reality is not hard.

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that's like admitting to being sexually attracted to Rosie O'Donnell LOL. I hate Nick Satan and I especially hate Alabama now for hiring him and for treating Shula the way they did. Shula deserved a lot more than that and you guys will regret hiring Satan someday, just as all of us Dolphin fans do now. We were all very excited to get the guy who was going to toughen our team up as well but in reality all he did was make the team worse. He talks a big game but he really can't back it up. He is nothing more than a hell of a salesman, which is why he is able to get the top recruits and top paying jobs. That and he has been able to live off the legacy of working with Belichick back in the day.

Back to Vick for a moment and in all seriousness, anyone (and not just Vick) that takes part in dog fighting should be put through the same type of "treatment" that the dogs had to go through.

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One of his closest friends said he did it. You have to make the choice to assume that his friend was either lying or incorrect to not believe what was said. You can't say you are standing on the middle ground when your statements very strongly imply that you believe he is innocent.

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directly respond to our allegations? One by one, preferrably. They are real and verifiable. You are being oblivios to reality. Answer them or shut up. You aren't saying anything. You know you can't answer them.

How effing stupid do you have to be to think a man who has not said he was innocent of allegations against him, actually is?

Has anyone ever alleged that you murdered someone? Again, your analogy is stupid. You normally don't seem so dense.

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Wow. You have no idea what logic is at all. I have yet to say that I am innocent of killing someone, therefore I have killed someone. Or are you not saying this?

I'm sorry but that is a very illogical statement. That statement assumes that nobody has accused you of killing someone, let alone a very close friend.

Can you honestly say that if someone accused you of killing someone, you wouldn't immediately deny it and proclaim your innocence and shortly after try and discredit the accuser? What harm could come from Vick saying he was innocent? I don't know whether Vick has said he is innocent or not, I'm relying on what Troy said earlier about him not saying he was innocent.

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directly respond to our allegations? One by one, preferrably. They are real and verifiable. You are being oblivios to reality. Answer them or shut up. You aren't saying anything. You know you can't answer them.

Will you make us wait all day? Go over our allegations and answer them one by one. That's what people in the real world do. There is a house. He does own it. Dogs will be put to sleep. It is happening. In Virginia, not in the computer. This is real. Answer the allegations or abandon your argument.

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he was being ambushed outside a door by Buck Lanford, I think. I heard the whole thing. He said he wasn't worried, people supported him all over the world, talked about mike vick in the third person, and then said "no comment" when asked if he would be exonerated of any allegations.

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directly respond to our allegations? One by one, preferrably. They are real and verifiable. You are being oblivios to reality. Answer them or shut up. You aren't saying anything. You know you can't answer them.

Will you make us wait all day? Go over our allegations and answer them one by one. That's what people in the real world do. There is a house. He does own it. Dogs will be put to sleep. It is happening. In Virginia, not in the computer. This is real. Answer the allegations or abandon your argument.

What are you waiting for?

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or can you just not see because of MV's nuts in your face?

Nah, but I know I'm not blinded by hatred, as apparently you are. I can honestly say that I have never hated a person I have never met.


Mike Vick is the problem.

So says the sports fan who needs the media spinners to validate his opinion of a person he probably has never met.


I'm real glad for you. I don't care how many of your business cards his "posse" let you give him. I hope you guys go build dog cages together or something.

Couldn't care less if you are happy for me or not.


What is so difficult to understand?

Your idiotic ramblings


Your Kerney analogy is stupid. Just like Hawkfanatic's Duke one.

Of course it is, just like your apparent hatred of a professional athlete.


If you are going to defend him, you better be prepared to defend the dog fighting culture and people. He's one of them.

I'll keep that in mind. Anything else, you want to give me advice on?


I'm still waiting to hear Mr.Vick say that dog fighting is horrible and not something he would watch or enjoy.

I'm waiting on Beyonce to propose to me, but we don't get everything we want.


Grow up. We got screwed as Falcons fans. Deal with it. Beside the point but, would you defend him if he played for someone else?

Yeah, sort of like how I defended Shaq when the media said he would never win a championship. Never played for any of my favorite teams, but I defended him anyway. I grew up a long time ago, right about the time I realized people are innocent until proven guilty and also when I stopped relying on the media to tell me what is right and wrong. We have one poster relying on ProFootballTalk.com for information, and another poster who is telling me the Miami PD lied about testing the water bottle. lol Honestly I don't give a sh*t what Mike Vick or any other professional athlete does in their private lives. That's between them, god, and if it's illegal, the law.

I'm laughing at your "we got screwed as Falcons fans" comment. Like the Falcons haven't been screwing their fans for 40+ years. It's all Michael Vick's fault that the Falcons are one of the worst franchises in the NFL. It all started when he was drafted. It was all downhill from there. I check the record books, and all I see is success. The Falcons have a history like the Dallas Cowboys or Pittsburgh Steelers. lol Some of the fans in this city are jokes. So desperate to win, they abuse the only good players they have. Yeah, I still remember a good portion of this city was all for trading D. Wilkins when it happened, but now EVERYBODY was so against the trade. Talk to me when the Falcons decide to build a team. Talk to me when they decide maybe we should upgrade this offensive line. Or maybe we shouldn't have a former offensive lineman as our receivers coach. When Michael Vick is given the tools to succeed like any other qb on a "good" team, then and only then can you fairly judge his play on the field. As far as that off the field crap, you do the worrying for both or us, because I don't give a sh*t.

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One of his closest friends said he did it. You have to make the choice to assume that his friend was either lying or incorrect to not believe what was said. You can't say you are standing on the middle ground when your statements very strongly imply that you believe he is innocent.

Where did one of Michael Vick's closest friends say he did it? Link please?

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