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What is the Hawks most pressing need?


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A point guard first off is what we have to get out of this draft or free agency. I think we can hold off on superstar talent because we have joe johnson and smoove is developing into one right before our eyes. A PF that can score, defend, and rebound is important but we have many guys who can do a little bit of all of those. The only PF I see that will provide great scoring in this draft is Yi.

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I think that's part of the problem. We have placed JJ on a pedestal that's not really where he's supposed to be. This team can't function by giving JJ the ball and moving out of the way.

That's part of the reason I want Woody gone.

JSmoove has the most Superstar talent, but I would rather see us get a PG who can run it. A Jason Kidd, Isiah Thomas, Chris Paul kind of guy.

What we have to realize is that we suffer at scoring. Our scoring is tremendously horrendus. Outside of JJ who puts up great numbers, we have very bad percentages. I think a PG can fix some of that, but otherwise, we need a guy who can hit shots. That's part of why I like Law. He can hit shots. I don't like Connley as much because while he can pass well, I don't know if he's our fix.

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1) Competent owner

2) Competent GM

3) Competent coach

We haven't had either since Turner was running the show and Lenny was here. I can't even remember the last semi-decent GM this team has had (and don't get me started on Kasten and Babs).

The rest will take care of itself if we got those three items resolved.

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Where not going to get a Superstar talent, but if we could get Wright it could happen. As for PG we have a solid one in AJ but he only here for one more year.

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Yi is going to be pretty special in this league. wright will not be a star because he has no jumpshot. Wright will be a solid starting PF but at this stage it could take him a couple years just for a mid range shot to develop and even more for him to be a 3 point threat. All I can say is everyone is banking on his potential and his development.

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Yi is going to be pretty special in this league. wright will not be a star because he has no jumpshot. Wright will be a solid starting PF but at this stage it could take him a couple years just for a mid range shot to develop and even more for him to be a 3 point threat. All I can say is everyone is banking on his potential and his development.

Amare, Bosh, Kemp, Garnett all didn't have a jumpshot when entering the league.

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1) Competent owner

2) Competent GM

3) Competent coach

We haven't had either since Turner was running the show and Lenny was here. I can't even remember the last semi-decent GM this team has had (and don't get me started on Kasten and Babs).

The rest will take care of itself if we got those three items resolved.

Your list should have been longer and included a PG and some other players.. because to say we have the players to "take care of the problem in time" is to say that BK has done what he was brought in to do.

And that's possible considering our Ownership fiasco which has tied his hands and we don't know how much of a role did Governor Belkin play in the choosing of players before the split.

I agree with you that we have incompetence throughout the front office, but I also think we need to evaluate the players too.

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when you have guys right now who all play the same position, the guy you draft needs to be head and shoulders above the others playing that position. Durant is way better than any PF we have now along with Yi. Solomon Jones has about the same frame as wright just a little less skill set. Josh Smith is already playing the PF spot so we dont need wright there either and we shouldnt put shelden williams away yet. Wright will not play center for us if we draft him so there is no use.

Garnett may not have had a jumpshot when he entered but his mid range was better than wrights now. Garnetts explosiveness and power are also untouchable.

Amare has way more strength and power than wright so his jumpshot isnt needed even though he was improved there.

Bosh can be compared to wright pretty fairly except bosh had a better shot than wright too.

The fact is wright is a very long forward but is in the body of a true 3. His skills set is for him to play the 5 but he is not big enough.

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Yi is going to be pretty special in this league. wright will not be a star because he has no jumpshot. Wright will be a solid starting PF but at this stage it could take him a couple years just for a mid range shot to develop and even more for him to be a 3 point threat. All I can say is everyone is banking on his potential and his development.

I wouldn't say Dwight Howard or Amare Stoudemire have great jump shots.

If you have athleticism as a frontcourt player, who needs a jumpshot when you can blow by your defender?

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when you have guys right now who all play the same position, the guy you draft needs to be head and shoulders above the others playing that position. Durant is way better than any PF we have now along with Yi. Solomon Jones has about the same frame as wright just a little less skill set. Josh Smith is already playing the PF spot so we dont need wright there either and we shouldnt put shelden williams away yet. Wright will not play center for us if we draft him so there is no use.

Garnett may not have had a jumpshot when he entered but his mid range was better than wrights now. Garnetts explosiveness and power are also untouchable.

Amare has way more strength and power than wright so his jumpshot isnt needed even though he was improved there.

Bosh can be compared to wright pretty fairly except bosh had a better shot than wright too.

The fact is wright is a very long forward but is in the body of a true 3. His skills set is for him to play the 5 but he is not big enough.

wow, you made no sense in your defense, you just sound like you don't like Brandan Wright.

Jones is near him, no. KG mid range hasn't even as good as Wright when he enter. KG had an above the rim game that Amare, Kemp, and Brandan, yes Brandan has. Amare doesn't even play with his back to the basket, he doesn't have the length Wright has, he is bigger but he was only 225-230 he got alot bigger in the league. Bosh had quickness and away better triple threat skills then Wright, but doesn't play with his back to the basket nor does he have the footwork.

Wright is on the same level as these guys entering the draft, something you aren't understanding.

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"I wouldn't say Dwight Howard or Amare Stoudemire have great jump shots."

They are however very explosive and strong. However we feel about right doesnt really matter because he is not a need on this team. There is no need to waste a pick on a guy like him who can not play center. I just watched some video clips of Yi and he has some of the best low posts moves I have seen from a guy from this draft. Yi is the second best big man in this draft.

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"I wouldn't say Dwight Howard or Amare Stoudemire have great jump shots."

They are however very explosive and strong. However we feel about right doesnt really matter because he is not a need on this team. There is no need to waste a pick on a guy like him who can not play center. I just watched some video clips of Yi and he has some of the best low posts moves I have seen from a guy from this draft. Yi is the second best big man in this draft.

I'm not even going to compare Dwight and Wright becuase Wright has good offesive skills and Dwight is superb on Defense while Wright isn't. Amare wasn't strong, Amare plays weak, aways has, that's a knock on him and Bosh, Wright doesn't play weak, just like KG, they play bigger then what they are. He not a need, what does this team have in the post, just answer that question, do use the term potienial neither. Center is weak but it's weak in alot of cities, but PF is weak here and we have a chance to draft a franchise player in that position, why not. You watch clips on Yi from Youtube, when the hell was that the golden rule on judging players, you know what n/m.

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I dont see how you can say amare plays weak when he is one of the most powerful dunkers in the leauge. amare nearly averaged a double double this year and put the suns on his back in the playoffs. Hes a PF playing C and doesnt get pushed around too often.

Also low post moves are low post moves no matter who you are playing against. Some say Wright is like bosh and Yi is like Dirk. Well Id rather the MVP of the league on my team.

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Oh no, not at all. Once we have competent owners and a GM to match, they'll be more capable of taking a better look at our roster and judge who should stay and who should be taking a trip to Hartsfield.

The players have to be evaluated too; I just want them to be evaluated once the first three things are done.

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I just don't think there's much separation between the two leading vote-getters here.

As I stated in another thread, it's not as-if we don't have viable options for both point and center, but truth is, to finally turn the corner, we need to find a way to improve our team measurably in both of those spots.

What's exciting to me is (cover your ears, BK detractors, you won't like this) that for the first time I can remember in 35-plus years as a Hawk fan, we have an honest opportunity to put on the floor and on the bench the best 1-12 (I repeat: that's not 1-5, but 1-12) roster in the East, and possibly in the league... and add to that how young we are and the natural progression that most players have in their first 4-5 years in the league, and geeeeezopete...

There's an intriguing possbility that some columnists with AJC (and needless to say, here) could be put in a position to admit that BK does actually know more about talent evaluation and development than they do.

Not a prediction, mind you... just an entertaining thought that seems to have a little potential.

Talk to me again in a month, and let's see if I'm still entertained.

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Guest Walter

While I can understand why everyone would want a Pg and a Center, given that we were the 4th worst team in the league and the fact that our two top players are aggregate statistically weaker than all the top 10 team's and half the middle ten team's top 2 players, I don't see how a superstar talent cannot be our first and foremost need.

Certainly we need to fill positions and we have other capitol to do it with, but we aren't getting a superstar with our left overs. Our best chance, albeit not a "sure thing" is with our 3rd pick. Mind you, I would consider trading it also for a player like Bynum who ideally fills a need and IMO has star potential, but short of that we really have to think superstar with the 3rd pick.

That's the reality of BK's failure. It is catastrophic. He has consistently failed miserably to get the BPA whether he tried to or not. With Childress he simply didn't...with MW he shouldn't havebecause MW wasn't better than Paul or Deron...with Roy he shouldn't have because he was FAR more talented and SW didn't fill a need anymore than Roy did.

Now we need BOTH talent and positions filled! That is unfortunate but the truth. BK has been so inept. He's tried to hit home runs on bad pitches, but managed only singles (JC/SW) and PERHAPS a double (MW?). Still, we're left needing a home run we're down so far.

We have two picks. One should be devoted to a superstar (#3 where talent can be found), the other to position (#11 where 1-2 of the 3 top Pgs will be available). That or a trade.

We can't contend with JJ and JS as our top 2 players. Simply will not occur. We need someone to supplant one of them. We can't expect such a player without using the 3rd pick to somehow acquire it.


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I think it is a matter of marrying the BPA and need with each pick. The best player at pg and center at three and eleven. And I hope the owners are involved in making this decision. Since the Georgetown dude pulled out there is a shortage of bigs. More likely Crit or Law will be there at 11.

It would be a gift if Splitter worked out his buy out. Watched video of him and was impressed with how he played inside. He is not afraid of contact. Readily took the ball to the hole. He would be a viable option at 11, especially on the defensive end.

It's funny how Yi Ji is the new foreign player this year and is the benefit of the hype machine. And it happens every year. Splitter has had his time in the spot light but has fallen out of favor. I think he is a very good prospect that would meet one of our two needs.

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