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Reasons for Some Not Wanting Yi?


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Nobody had any idea about Skitta when he came out. He was an unknown for a second team Euro Squad.

Darko.. While more was known about Darko, I think you have to factor desire. This guy obviously has the desire to be an NBA Star. Darko has the potential, but similar to Marvin, the desire is not all there.

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You don't know a damn thing about Marvins desire. If you had ever talked to anyone in the organization you would know he works hard both in the offseason and during the season. His lack of desire in your mind sits right with your irrational hatred. You want to draft another forward and watch as 3 lottery picks all sit on the bench while key positions go ignored? The Yi hype is all hype. Let Ainge go ahead and buy it.

And just because Chad Ford wrote a piece on Yi you think you know his desire? Please.

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"Hoenstly I think people are being prejudice because he's Chinese."

busboy I have to agree with you on this one. The same would be said if he was white and I think some are prejudice against hawes. He is a legit 7'0 center and some dont even have him a top 10 pick. Crazy to me.

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busboy I have to agree with you on this one. The same would be said if he was white and I think some are prejudice against hawes. He is a legit 7'0 center and some dont even have him a top 10 pick. Crazy to me.

Because Hawes isn't good, at least not yet. Can you name the last impact center that was drafted at 11 or later? Not to mention about the 5th or 6th big taken overall?

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He is not a center. What don't you understand about that??? He is a forward. You think in your limited basketball view that if a guy is 7 feet he is a center. He cannot guard the center position. Period. He is not an offensive center. He is not a defensive center. If your going to post on a basketball site it helps if you know anything at all about basketball.

Dude, you need to do some basic research on the game before you post. Yi is a 7 foot Small Forward. If you want to draft him at least have a little understanding of what position he would actually play.

And you and bus boys theory about him being Chinese is brilliant. Great minds think alike.

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He is not a center. What don't you understand about that??? He is a forward. You think in your limited basketball view that if a guy is 7 feet he is a center. He cannot guard the center position. Period. He is not an offensive center. He is not a defensive center. If your going to post on a basketball site it helps if you know anything at all about basketball.

Dude, you need to do some basic research on the game before you post. Yi is a 7 foot Small Forward. If you want to draft him at least have a little understanding of what position he would actually play.

And you and bus boys theory about him being Chinese is brilliant. Great minds think alike.

So does Bargnani or Dirk play SF?

Why are you punishing the guy for having the dribbling ability of a SF?

On American prospects this is praised, but it's looked as a negative for Yi. Why?

You said he can't guard the 5, how the hell do you know?

He can't do any worse than Pachulia that's for dang sure.

At least this guy may try to play D.

And how do you know he will fail?

With his great athleticism there is a great chance he may have great lateral quickness and with his wing span he could contest a whole lot of shots. In the physical department all he has to do is work on his upper body strength.

All you Yi haters want to draft Spencer Hawes but can he play D?

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I have no interest in Hawes. In fact, the Hawes love is in your mind.

Here Bus, why not Marvin at Center? How do you know he can't? Why not Smoove? Why can't he play Center? Chill? Hell, why not...I guess you never know till you try.

If you guys want to mentally play with yourselves and make up positions for prospects that they have never played, go ahead. Yi has no experience in his life at 5. He is closer to a 2 than a 5. Because he is 7 feet, guys like you want to put him at the 5. Guys like you don't know much.

How does Bargnani do guarding the post? Dirk? Oh, that s right they don't guard the post. But, there 7 footers right? Why doesn't Dirk guard Duncan or Yao? Why doesn't Bargnani?

I'll tell you even though your too thick to understand. It's because they are face up SF's who can occasionally guard the 4. The last time I checked the Hawks roster was full of that skill set.

It doesn't mean Yi isn't going to be good, it just means he isn't right for us. And he can't guard the paint any better than Dirk or Bargnani.

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That's real nice, every player has weaknesses. That's not the point, moreover, you really shouldn't exaggerate the weaknesses too much...

For Example:


Weaknesses: Does everything very well
but nothing out of this world ... On the small side. Lacks tremendous size and length at just 6-6 with a short wing span ... Lacks great body strength.
His body is solid but not overpowering ... Foot speed and quickness is strong but wont stand out on the next level ...
Defensively he is just average giving solid effort, but lacks the foot speed to be a lock down defender

That's NBADraft.net's view of Brandon Roy (ROY)...


Weaknesses: Does not possess the athleticism of new-age forwards like Corey Maggette, Shawn Marion, and Carmelo Anthony.
Although he has good lateral quickness, he doesn’t show the same speed attacking the basket. However, his solid footwork allows him to overcome this weakness to an extent.
Deng also needs to develop more range on his jump shot. He is not as comfortable shooting the ball outside of 19 feet. At his position, he will need to develop range all the way out to the NBA three-point line. He also tends to be too unselfish. As he develops, he must learn how to demand the ball when he is his team’s best option.

That's NBAdraft.net view of Luol Deng.


Speed is an issue as he’s not the quickest player on the court
… His thick body type can be much a weakness as a plus as it limits his mobility ... Lacks great open court speed and a quick first step ... Relies on strength and overall body size too much… Defending quicker players will be a problem… A good defender, but will has lateral foot speed be an issue? ... Can get caught trying to do too much at times and fires up shots instead of getting his teammates involved…

That's NBADraft's view of Deron Williams.

Now, in your haste to point out all the negatives about Yi, how about the positives:


ood ball handler who has no problem taking opposing defenders off the dribble … Great finisher around the basket as he is capable of making some impressive dunks on the break … Fundamentally sound player with a decent basketball IQ and court awareness … Rarely does Jianlian force the issue, instead he let’s the game come to him … Unlike many players his size, he is a great free throw shooter …Runs the floor especially well considering his size ... His perimeter shooting is very impressive as he can stretch the defense out to 18-20 feet comfortably … While he doesn’t own many back to the basket moves, Jianlian possesses a consistent turnaround jumper in the post … Does a great job of using his long body and athleticism to make an impact on the boards … Passes out of double teams well due to his court vision and awareness … Excels in an open court offense that promotes fast breaks thanks to his mobility and leaping ability … Rarely gets intimidated when physical play occurs … Although he has been on the NBA draft radar for quite some time, and may be a few years older than his listed age, he appears to still have considerable upside … Defensively he is a solid help defender due to his lateral quickness and wingspan … Possesses quick hands that can disrupt passing lanes …

Point being you can't rely too much on either view a picture is still worth a 1000 words. Maybe more. I don't know how much a video is worth, but when I watch Yi, he shows a lot of knowledge about the game and he's an exciting player. Point blank. I think he has a future simply because he has great athleticism for his size and he has a good BBIQ.

Wow, to be honest, most of those things are still true about many of them players. Roy isn't great at anything, he good. Deng improved in alot of those areas, but some are still weakeness for him. Deron one is dead on, expect about the speed, but I think that came from looking at his body frame. I didn't think nbadraft.net was a accurate, usually they are dead wrong but the weakenesses are still weakenesses the players you listed have today.

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Bargnani is a SF. Dirk plays forward. They never guard the post. That is what a center does. Yi cannot guard the paint. He is a SF/Pf thats it. Truthfully his game is more SF. How tall players are doesn't tell you much.

You know the bottom line? You are passionately touting a player who you have never seen play a game. Thats amazing to me. Of course, you wouldn't understand what you were seeing anyway.

At least see how the kid works out.

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Bargnani is a SF. Dirk plays forward. They never guard the post. That is what a center does. Yi cannot guard the paint. He is a SF/Pf thats it. Truthfully his game is more SF. How tall players are doesn't tell you much.

You know the bottom line? You are passionately touting a player who you have never seen play a game. Thats amazing to me. Of course, you wouldn't understand what you were seeing anyway.

At least see how the kid works out.

At least see how he works out?

So now you're giving him a chance?

And Garnett, Dirk, and Bosh all play DOWN LOW.

And even though they all use SF moves they are all MVP candidates

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Josh Smith scouting report is one that is pretty accurate as well except on the strengths. I bolded what I think is lies. When coming out of HS you felt as if you can mold some players easier but Josh just wasn't one.

Strengths: Explosive athlete capable who can jump out of the gym … Has shown a more consistent jumper from 3-point range … Above average rebounder who uses his long arms and quick leaping ability to grab boards … Excellent finisher on the fast break where he really knows how to finish with flair and excitement … Defensively he understands how to play the passing lanes for easy steals … Shows a great sense of timing when he blocks … On his drives to the lane he has the body control and creativeness to maneuver through the lane even in traffic, nba's take: at times … Has really filled out this past season and now has the kind of body needed to play in the NBA … Does a great job of extending his body on his penetrations to get to the basket … Not a bad shooter from mid-range when he has he feet set … Still doesn’t show great court awareness during games as he tends to make costly mental mistakes … Potentially there are few in the draft with his kind of upside … Runs the court like a deer … Decent passer who is unselfish and sees the floorShows solid lateral quickness on defense only when he's beat…

Weakness: Will need to improve on his overall ball handling … This will aid him in taking opposing players off the dribble … While he has three point range he lacks consistency … Will need to work on his shot selection as he can get a little too carried away … Lacks any real post up game to take advantage of mismatches … Mid range shooting remains questionable off the dribble … Has a tendency to get careless with the ball … Concentration level tends to vary as he can seem almost uninterested in the game … Defensively he needs to work on becoming more committed … Settles at times for taking outside shots instead of driving to the basket … Decision making has some questions surrounding it due to his average basketball awareness …

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Where are the fruits of Marvin's desire??

True Basketball Desire won't allow you to sit comfortably on the bench while Jawad Williams plays in front of you???

How can you talk about Noah as being too lax, but then you talk about Marvin.

I don't have to talk to a company guy about Marvin, when I can see it on the court and in his eyes!!!

He's destined to be nothing without the desire to be the best. I know it burns him up to see newspaper guys talk about how stupid BK was to pick him.... What is he doing about it?? When they talked about Smoove possibly being the biggest bust in the draft, Smoove went out and made him self one of the best players of the draft. What is Marvin doing?

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Bargnani is a SF. Dirk plays forward. They never guard the post. That is what a center does. Yi cannot guard the paint. He is a SF/Pf thats it. Truthfully his game is more SF. How tall players are doesn't tell you much.

You know the bottom line? You are passionately touting a player who you have never seen play a game. Thats amazing to me. Of course, you wouldn't understand what you were seeing anyway.

At least see how the kid works out.

At least see how he works out?

So now you're giving him a chance?

And Garnett, Dirk, and Bosh all play DOWN LOW.

And even though they all use SF moves they are all MVP candidates

Your ignorance is starting to get ridiculous.

Dirk never plays down low. That is why GS had such an easy time with him. They could put a smaller man on him and Dirk would never post him up.

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"You know the bottom line? You are passionately touting a player who you have never seen play a game."

And you are critizing a guy before youve seen him as well. Also texaspete you said Yi has no experience playing center. Well I doubt a guy who is 7 foot has never played center or even worked on being a center. In some of the videos I have seen of Yi he has shown good low post moves and it doesnt matter who you play against because he had great footwork.

The only reason people call hawes and yi soft is because they are not black. They dont look like imposing figures so people assume they are can not defend, just like you got on me for assuming they could play center.

"You think in your limited basketball view that if a guy is 7 feet he is a center."

Usually guys with good height can play the center position. He may be more well suit for the PF but who else do you want at center,wright? Josh Smith is not a PF and but he plays there. It happens on every team, your not going to have the perfect team with everyone playing their perfect positions. I was trying to make the point, if we are going to look for a big man it has to be for Yi at 3 or Hawes at 11.

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Hoenstly I think people are being prejudice because he's Chinese.

If there was a black guy who could move and shoot like a small forward and had the size of a Center they would be highly praised.

But Yi is doubted. Some even question his athleticism which is really proof they are being prejudice assuming since he's CHinese he can't possibly be that athletic. But those moves don't lie. That mean clearly has some athleticism.

I don't care what Chad Ford or any other of these scouts say about his lack of motor, the fact that he was complimented by players like Lebron James and Elton Brand carries a lot more weight in my eyes.

We put these scouts on a pedestal but more often than not they are wrong than right.

Sounds like some Chinese guy fighting for his racial heritage to me.

It is not that we don't like Yi. It that Yi can't play PG o Center. the 2 positiona of need.

Get a clue !

Screw what they say about him give him the eye ball test. And maybe my eyes deceive me but I see ELITE athleticism for a 7 footer out of this guy.

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exodus I feel Yi can play center for us so

After that comment i am going to do something that i never do. You are blocked. Anyone who says something that dumb isn't worth reading.

Agr3ed. I can't believe how absurd a;; the Yi / Wrtight talk sounds.

I bet Yi is closer to 23 in age than 20 too.

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