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Vick one of the "heavyweights" in dog fighting


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Vick is guilty of being stupid for allowing people who can drag him down to associate or leach off him. He may be builty of more than that, but that much is for sure. He's got so much money that he may have little awareness of what is going on. But then that is stupidity.

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Grow up. He did it.
This is no about innocent until proven guilty
, it's about the murder of dogs and being associated with it. Culturally or actively.

Hahahaha, OK Frenchie.

Wait is he Frenchie from the ESPN boards?

Sorry, BBB. I'm Irish... and I don't really have the time for other boards. It's all Hawksquawk for me.

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LOL at people comparing VICK to a man who murdered 2 people.... He's innocent until the FEDS say otherwise.... What you PETA people and the media think does'nt matter...

No one has done that. I said a conviction or lack of one isn't a true sign of guilt or innocence. As the O.J. case proves to be an example.

Vick has proven to me that he is an idiot. That's all the proof I need.

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I am married to a criminal prosecutor (Assistant DA).

Guilty people walk free everyday.

It is unfortunate but is true.

I believe Vick has been guilty of multiple crimes in his life but with his status and money he alwayse gets away with it.

Why have a have a bottle with a secret compartment made to hide drugs in an airport if you have nothing to hide ?

Why give the home fans the bird finger in your home stadium ?

Why take STD test in the name of Ron Mexico if you have nothing to hide ? He has given people herpes and settled with them out of court for who knows how much money.

Why have a hame breeding 66 pit bulls to "sale " when your worth over $100,000,000 ? Where are the records of pit bull sales ?

Why have dog fighting pits on the property ?

Where there is smoke there is fire. The Room sure is full of smoke right now.

No Christian man with any moral fiber can support Mike Vick.

Vick is simply a lost soul that has given all the pleasures this planet can offer before he ever matured into a true man with moral character.

I don't want my son wearing his jersey.

Lets start DJ Shockley and take a stand. Arthur Blank has the money to write Vick off and stand for what is right.

Life is more then winning and losing ball games.

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Its easy for us to make that call... but wat if you're arthur blank. Would you cut him? Just like that? After investing so much in him. Hes the face of the falcons. We all know what happens when hes out for an entire year. We become one of the worst teams w/o Mike Vick.

Trading him would be better. I think several teams wouldnt mind having Vick as their starting QB.

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Who are you to questions someone's faith simply because they choose to support the QB of a football team? What a joke! I can cheer for Mike Vick every Sunday and that has absolutely NO bearing on my moral fiber or my faith. I can admire his abilities and root for him to win just as I can enjoy R Kelly's music without agreeing with his deeds. It is football!

Can I not support the Braves because Bobby Cox beat his wife?

Should I not have supported the Hawks because Mookie Blaylock (and several other Hawks)smoked weed?

Should I not cheer for Tom Brady because he said that he likes to look at porn on the web "like any other guy" and because he fathered a child out of wedlock?

Should I not watch Mel Gibson's movies because of his anti-semitic comments?

You talk about the "multiple crimes" that Vick is guilty of committing but 4 of the 5 things you cited are not even crimes! You might want to check with your wife regarding what constitutes a crime and regarding what elements of a crime need to be proven to convict someone of a specific crime.


Why have a have a bottle with a secret compartment made to hide drugs in an airport if you have nothing to hide

Last time I checked, having a water bottle with a secret compartment was not a crime.


Why give the home fans the bird finger in your home stadium ?

Not a crime. A better question is why do the home fans think they can say whatever they want to the players and then expect the players not to respond? Just because you buy a ticket doesn't give you the right to call a man out of his name.


Why take STD test in the name of Ron Mexico if you have nothing to hide ? He has given people herpes and settled with them out of court for who knows how much money.

Again, not a crime.


Why have a hame breeding 66 pit bulls to "sale " when your worth over $100,000,000 ? Where are the records of pit bull sales ?

Breeding pit bulls is not a crime.


Why have dog fighting pits on the property ?

This is the only crime you have listed of the" multiple crimes" you say that you believe Vick has committed and there is no proof that Vick had anything to do with the pit being constructed.

You are certainly not displaying any great "moral fiber" in your accusations against Vick. A true Christian would try to help a "lost soul" rather than try to stone him to death with their words.

You are right about one thing, guilty people go free everyday. On the other hand, innocent people are falsely accused and convicted in the media before all the facts come out every day as well.

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LOL at people comparing VICK to a man who murdered 2 people.... He's innocent until the FEDS say otherwise.... What you PETA people and the media think does'nt matter...

Completely absurd. He is guilty of poor judgement and bad decisions. Please don't put words in my mouth.

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I simply stated my opinion Traceman.

If you think Bobby Cox, Tom Brady, & MIKE VICK are cut from the same moral cloth, that is your opinion but definatly not mine.

Tom Brady and Booby Cox don't flick off the home fans in their home stadium, they have no need to carry bottles with secret compartments through airports in todays terroristic climate, they are not involved in in cruel , dispicable animal abuse ring with gambling, they do not sleep with multiple women while carrying STD that is not discloded to their bed partners.

Any body else, not named Mike Vick, would have serious jail time in their life with the things he has done.

Grouping guys like Cox and Brady with Vick is ridiculous to me.

Go buy your son a $100 Vick jersey and see how many parents let hem over to play with their children.

Buy him a Braves jersey of any player on the team or a Brady jersey and it would not even raise a eye brow.

The difference in the people you named is the made one mistake. I am a forgiving man and my god is a forgiving god. BUT when you ask for repentence that means you will stop your evil ways. Vick gets in troublew every year. He has multiple infractions that go back 10 years. Again to compare him to a Brady or a Cox is just plain ridiculous.

Good for Vick, he has some "Moral" police supporting him. Don't know what kind of "moral police" they are but there are some obviously out there.

Have fun cheering for your boy Vick. It is honestly hard for me to get into to Pro Football b/c of this is so common with every team.

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Its easy for us to make that call... but wat if you're arthur blank. Would you cut him? Just like that? After investing so much in him. Hes the face of the falcons. We all know what happens when hes out for an entire year. We become one of the worst teams w/o Mike Vick.

Trading him would be better. I think several teams wouldnt mind having Vick as their starting QB.

Arthue Blank would never do it. Money is #1 to him.

A moral man like Mark Richt would kick his butt off the team.

Winnig is not #1 to man like Richt.

When he has a player quit the team Richt has an unusual 1st response. He does not try to talk them into saying. His 1st response is: Where will you go when you die ? are you at peace with your self ?

His #1 priority is not "will losing this player cause me to lose more games." His first thought, is / is this guy OK on a personal level ? What can I, as a role model, do to help. Quitting football is fine but are you a better and more mature man now then you when you here ? Are their personal problem biggerthean sports that I can help you with.

Often times these players have real personal problems that go much deeper thenthe on the field stuff we see.

Richt is class act and should be role model to the masses.


That is why college football is on a different level then the NFL.

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cloth but I do find it interesting that your "morals" allow you to root for certain individuals who have transgressions that are every bit as bad as anything Vick has done(actually Cox's transgression of hitting a woman is WORSE than ANYTHING Vick has been accused of in my opinion).

As for Brady, I don't know anything about STDs, but he apparently sleeps with multiple women as his ex is pregnant and he is currently dating someone else.

It is interesting to me how people conveniently look the other way when people they like are involved in unsavory behavior.

I guess I am still unclear on exactly what Vick has done that would require him to serve significant jail time? Again, the dogfighting allegations are just that - ALLEGATIONS. I seriously doubt that he will be indicted, let alone convicted. I don't doubt that Vick has attended dogfights in his life. He probably has even bet on a dogfight before. But I don't think that he is this big "King Pin of the underground dogfighting scene" that the media, PETA and others are trying to make him out to be.

Vick has NEVER been arrested for ANYTHING, what are all these "things" he should have done time for? The owner of the Lakers was arrested for DUI and you think Vick has enough pull to avoid being arrested if there was evidence to charge him with a crime? Puh-leaze!

One mistake is all that you know about. I can't say for sure but I would guess that Mookie smoked more than one joint in his life. You think the only time Cox ever hit his wife resulted in the police being called? Yeah right!

As for supporting Vick, I support him in that he is the starting QB of the team I root for. I don't have to agree with or condone everything he does to root for him. I enjoy watching him play. He is the most exciting thing to happen to the Falcons since Deion Sanders left and he has won more than he has lost, something no other Falcons QB I can think of can say.

The only "moral police" group I might belong to is the group that objects when YOUR "moral police" start selectively deciding which transgressions are "acceptable" and "how many" transgressions constitute too many.

I will have fun cheering for Vick - hopefully for a long time to come.

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OK by me.

Have fun with your Falcons and I'll have fun with my Dawgs !

I can't help the passionate lengthy debating. When your married to a lawyer it just becomes a bad habit.

Just glad we are both blessed enough to be in country that gives us so much and allows us to express our selves.

I have been a Falcon fan for life. Just tired of seeing the Falcons image get dragged through the mud by the media on a annual basis b/c of the same guy. Guess I'm just not as loyal as you are to a sports team.

I can't help it. Got to say one more.

Cox has been the Braves manager for 20 years and had one bad moment I can forgive that. His wife obviously forgave, (Cox apologized publically for that), easier then forgiving a a guy with a 5 year history and multiple, repeated, recorded instances. If Cox's wife forgives him so do I. I am not saying what he did was right but it was just one incident. We are human. We have all sinned. Some just have more of a habit / addiction of doing it.

Any player you ever cheer for has sinned.

Brady is lucky enough to date the most beautiful women in the world. Guess I envy him and can't blame him for that. I'm a human male and try my best, but dang, if I was Brady and single, I would have a hard time not playing the field too. Nah, can't put him in the Vick boat from my perspective.

Guess I just agree to disagree from one human sinner to another.

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I'm a HUGE Dawg fan too by the way.


I can't help the passionate lengthy debating. When your married to a lawyer it just becomes a bad habit.

Don't say that man, I just got engaged on June 10 - to a lawyer! : )

I agree that it is great to live in a country where you can freely express your views.

I am a native Georgian and I am Falcons, Hawks, Braves and Dawgs all the way. I have been a Falcons and Braves season ticket holder since I moved back to Atlanta in '96. I have cheered for a lot of "knuckleheads" on all 3 of those teams over the years but just because I cheer for them does not mean that I approve of their bad behavior off the field.

As for Bobby Cox, I accept the fact that he made a mistake and I continue to cheer for him and the Braves. That doesn't make what he did was right and it doesn't mean that I condone what he did.

As for Vick, he has done some pretty stupid things but I think a lot of the things he has done have been blown out of proportion. The whole water bottle thing is a great example. You would have thought he tried to smuggle a lb of marijuana through the airport but NO amount of drugs were found. Was it stupid of him to make an issue of the bottle? Of course it was but that doesn't mean he committed a crime. It certainly doesn't mean that I can't cheer for him on Sundays.

Personally, I think Mike has certainly smoked weed in the past and he may still smoke it. If he has/does, he is one of the HUNDREDS of athletes in all sports who have/do. That doesn't make it right but it is what it is. Personally, I have never tried weed or any other illegal drug and I think those who do so are wrong but that doesn't mean I can't cheer for them in sports.

I think your last statement sums it up well. I guess we just agree to disagree.

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Something must be in the water on the Squawk with Dr. Z and you both getting engaged in the last few weeks. I had my 10 years anniversary after marrying a lawyer so I can definitely say it can be done. My advice: just be ready to be cross-examined and know when to fall on the sword!

Have you guys set a date at this point?

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There may be something in the water! I have a couple of buddies who have gotten engaged since I proposed.

I always tease my fiance' that I lucked out and that she is okay as attorney's go. It helps that she does wills, trusts and estates and not criminal law or litigation. Also, I am a federal law enforcement official so I always tease her that I have extensive training when it comes to being cross-examined. : )

Still, you're right, I learned a long time ago that you have to know when to fall on the sword. Heck, she treats me so great, she can pretty much get anything out of me that she wants anyway. I knew she was a keeper when I found our that not only does she not mind that I have season tickets to the Hawks AND Falcons, she likes tagging along with me to the games. She also actually watches games with me on TV and makes great snacks for me and all my friends. A smart, beautiful woman who not only tolerates but ENJOYS my sports addiction? What more can a guy ask for? : )

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