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Chris Paul Part Deux


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How affected are Hawks fans by the Paul/deron williams fiasco that they assume drafting a point gaurd is the answer to all of our problems. I seriously doubt that Conley will make much of an impact in the NBA for a season or 2 at least. He's basically straight out of high school and hardly in the same galaxy -skill or experience wise- as either of the point gaurds we passed on a couple years ago.

If Yi or Wright or someone else can make us better -both next year and into the future- that should be the guy we take. Conley may or may not be the right pick but the Hawks shouldn't be trying to make up for previous mistakes if it means making new ones.

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Paul wasn't just a better scorer, he was a better EVERYTHING.

Ok maybe Conley can get more steals, but besides that no way is he a better prospect than Paul who had nasty assist totals without the talent Conley had around him.

He was also better his Freshman year than Conley.

There are no comparisons.

Oh BTW, when I say value, of course I don't mean we take Hawes at #3. The reason why we should take a big is so we don't get stuck with a bum like Hawes!

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Diesel has there ever been any pg that came into the league and was successful after only one year in college? We see how Shawn Livingston for LA wasn't a good pro same with Sebastian Telfair. Of all the positions I think that pg's need the most seasoning in college. Conley is just a year out of high school and now he is ready to run our ball club? I say we get YI with the 3rd and got after Law or Crittenton. I realize that the same applies to Crittenton but we won't be picking him 3rd.

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Agree 100%. Stop fartin' around already and take the freaking point guard!

But I have a lot of doubts as to whether BK actually will, and that we might very well end up with a nasty case of déjà vu all over again. banghead.gif

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Guest Walter

Any leap from the 20s to #3 should be examined at the greatest magnification, but particularly with a Pg. Conley simply is NOT worth the 3rd overall pick when you consider that there will be at least 1 if not 2 Pgs available at 11 that no one can say with any real credibility aren't better than Conley and our need for TALENT as well as positions filled. We weren't the 4th worst team in the NBA because of the Pg position alone. Our top two players are LESS THAN the top 2 players of ALL the top 10 teams in the league and half the middle ten. THAT means even if we filled the positions of need we would NOT be REMOTELY a contender because our top players simly do not match up. Again, we NEED talent.

Putting that aside for a second, comparing Conley to Paul and Yi or Wright to MW is simply too simplistic, naive. For one thing, seeing how close Law and Crittenton are to Conley, they may represent Deron or Felton in this case, both of whom I would be happy with at 11. Undoubtedly we HAVE to make additional moves if we draft a forward at 3. However, if we draft a Pg at 11 we would be making the move not to fill a position so much as reduce our forward glut.

In short, we NEED talent as much as we need positions filled. Every 4th worst team does. Talent is more difficult to get in the draft than is filling a position, particularly when you have two lottery picks and there are more players that fill the need likely available at 11 than there is talent likely to be available at 11.

Get the most talent at 3. Fill the Pg position at 11 where it can still be filled, possibly filled better, and where we can fill it knowing we have enough talent to make a Pg worth while. There are also many trade options.


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He doesn't have Paul outside game, that allows Paul to create. With he's shooting ability, players have to respect him, and give him his space, which allows him to create for other. Conley doesn't have that outside game, so players won't respect him. I really don't understand this comparison at all. He's more of a Tony Parker, and just like Parker, it's gonna take him a while to fully develop.

It took a while for Tony Parker to develop? Huh?

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Guest Walter



Any leap from the 20s to #3 should be examined at the greatest magnification, but particularly with a Pg.

It was the same story with Deron and Roy.

I was very skeptical of them but after much research came around for both. I've seen quite a bit of Conley and my skepticism at 3 runs deeper. Still, I haven't ruled him out.


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Apparently, just like some people didn't watch alot of Ohio State, you didn't watch alot of the Hornets. Your underrating Paul's defense, Paul is a VERY good defender. He average 2 stls a game, was 15th in steals, and was in the top 10 in steals. He also is very athletic, He has a 40 inch vert, and 11.06 lane agility, and 3.06 3/4 half court sprints. Your obviously overrating Conley, if his team wasn't on national television his last 6 games, you honestly think he'd be rated ahead of Crittiton or Tywon Lawson(if he was in the draft). He's just being over hyped, because he's the #1 picks teammate. He's a pretty good PG, and will have a good career, I'm not questioning that, but is he worth taking over a potiential superstar, who could play center for us in Brandon Wright, or Yi? Yeah being compared to Tony Parker is nice, but he didn't come in and light it up from day one, he had his struggle, luckly he had a 7footer making it easier for him, we don't have that.

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Your obviously overrating Conley, if his team wasn't on national television his last 6 games, you honestly think he'd be rated ahead of Crittiton or Tywon Lawson(if he was in the draft).

I think Lawson will make an excellent starting PG in the NBA as well, but since he's staying at UNC, there's no point in discussing him.

Rivals.com rated the three PG's in this order prior to last season:

1. J. Crittenton

2. T. Lawson

3. M. Conley

Why has Conley passed Javaris? It's simple. He proved to be a much better PG.

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He average 2 stls a game, was 15th in steals, and was in the top 10 in steals.

Steals don't equal great defense, if that was the case A.I. would make the all defensive team every year, seeing as though he's led the NBA in steals many years. It's the same as saying a good shot blocker is automatically a good defender.

As for Crittenton and Ty Lawson, Conley is clearly a better player than both of them. Crittenton is to turnover prone and Lawson is all quickness and speed with no jump shot at all. There's a reason Lawson is heading back to NC, to improve his shot among other things.

Brandon Wright, or Yi both are forwards who have no chance of getting playing time ahead of Josh Smith. Neither of them are NBA ready considering Wright only weighs 210 pounds and Yi would have to adjust to the NBA style of play. The last thing the Hawks need is another project forward who's all potential. Wright has no post skills, even if he did have post skills there's no way a 210 pound power forward is going to be able to post someone up in the NBA, he can't get by just on athletic ability alone in the NBA.

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Diesel has there ever been any pg that came into the league and was successful after only one year in college?

You're right usually 1st year PGs stay for a second year. BUT I think Mike Bibby & Chris Paul could have left after their first year... BUT You're right, PG is a harder position to learn.

I'm in agreement with getting Yi, if we can't get Gasol.

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Ask yourself this simple question who's going to help the team more, Conley as our starting point guard or Yi/Wright on bench? Ive seen Chris Paul play since college; and I'm not the only one who believes that Conley will be a better defender than Paul in the NBA.

If you read my earlier post you'll see my trade proposal.

Conley plus a trade for Dalembert = winning record,playoffs

Yi/Wright plus Crittenton = losing record, no playoffs


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He's 2 years out of High school, and you think he can lead an NBA team to the playoffs right now? Atleast Wright can come in and upgrade your inside defense. He has all the tools to be a good defensive anchor from day 1. Another thing, Conley isn't exactly a big player, what makes you think he can come in and handle, playing 35minutes a game. What a wasted pick he would be if he gets injured within the first 20 games.

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Atleast Wright can come in and upgrade your inside defense.

Yeah a 210 pound power forward is going to anchor our interior defense, Smoove would eat him alive in practice. Heck Solomon Jones weighs 230 pounds compared to Wright's 210 pound frame, yet Jones needs to put on weight to handle the physical nature of the NBA game. Also Conley is bigger than Chris Paul, and he's in great shape. I bet Conley can bench press more than Jokim Noah!

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Any leap from the 20s to #3 should be examined at the greatest magnification, but particularly with a Pg.

It was the same story with Deron and Roy.

Too many of the media contengents, they came out of left field, Deron with the great year only losing to UNC and Ohio State, and Roy with the amazing run before losing to UCONN. Both players were outstanding, Conley was never outstanding, he was just a good college PG, not very good, not great, just good. Lawson was very good, Collison was very good, but Conley wasn't.

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