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Things I don't understand!!!


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1. Why do the superstars sign these huge contracts and (Kobe 7 years 120 million, Garnett, etc) then whine when the team can't sign any help other than journeymen role players. To make matters worse they expect good players to take discounts on salary when they got their money.

2. Why do teams sign guys to max contracts and then try to dump them 1-2 years later when it was obvious the guy had issues (Zach Randolph) or a history of injury (Kenyon Martin). Then they expect some other GM to ignore the these facts and take on their salary. PHX knew that they couldn't afford all three guys but they signed them anyway. It doesn't make any sense. Or they overpay and try to dump the salary (Nene, Dalembert,JO, Dunleavy jr, Murphy, Austin Croshere etc). I am no rocket scientist but I just know when a team is giving a guy a bad contract.

3. How did Billy Knight got so much power/control in Atlanta, when he has never built a contender anywhere and was never part of a championship organization.

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1. Why do the superstars sign these huge contracts and (Kobe 7 years 120 million, Garnett, etc) then whine when the team can't sign any help other than journeymen role players. To make matters worse they expect good players to take discounts on salary when they got their money.


They don't care about the team when it's their time to sign a contract then they want the owner to pay luxury taxes

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1. Why do the superstars sign these huge contracts and (Kobe 7 years 120 million, Garnett, etc) then whine when the team can't sign any help other than journeymen role players. To make matters worse they expect good players to take discounts on salary when they got their money.

My guess on this is that when these playes initially sign these contracts they think they can do it all by themselves. They quickly realize that's not how it works.


2. Why do teams sign guys to max contracts and then try to dump them 1-2 years later when it was obvious the guy had issues (Zach Randolph) or a history of injury (Kenyon Martin). Then they expect some other GM to ignore the these facts and take on their salary. PHX knew that they couldn't afford all three guys but they signed them anyway. It doesn't make any sense. Or they overpay and try to dump the salary (Nene, Dalembert,JO, Dunleavy jr, Murphy, Austin Croshere etc). I am no rocket scientist but I just know when a team is giving a guy a bad contract.

Free market and nobody wants to end up like the 90's clippers other than the 90's clippers.


3. How did Billy Knight got so much power/control in Atlanta, when he has never built a contender anywhere and was never part of a championship organization.

It's mind boggling isn't it?

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You last post got me thinking about how many max contracts are actually justified.

personally, i think only 25 MAX contracts are justified.

Only top 25 players should be MAX players.

But i do think that MANY players are worth $10 million a year.

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1. Why do the superstars sign these huge contracts and (Kobe 7 years 120 million, Garnett, etc) then whine when the team can't sign any help other than journeymen role players. To make matters worse they expect good players to take discounts on salary when they got their money.

2. Why do teams sign guys to max contracts and then try to dump them 1-2 years later when it was obvious the guy had issues (Zach Randolph) or a history of injury (Kenyon Martin). Then they expect some other GM to ignore the these facts and take on their salary. PHX knew that they couldn't afford all three guys but they signed them anyway. It doesn't make any sense. Or they overpay and try to dump the salary (Nene, Dalembert,JO, Dunleavy jr, Murphy, Austin Croshere etc). I am no rocket scientist but I just know when a team is giving a guy a bad contract.

3. How did Billy Knight got so much power/control in Atlanta, when he has never built a contender anywhere and was never part of a championship organization.

Good questions.

1. part of the answer is the player wants the owner to spend more money. Also, I can't recall for certain, but do we really have a lot of examples of players openly lobbying for players to come play with them for reduced salary? Finally it is possible for a good GM to put together a talented team with a couple max contracts on it. This is obviously what the players with max contracts are hoping for.

Kobe and Garnett stand out because their teams have made a lot of poor decisions in which so-called journeymen to sign. I mean they each have a few players on their teams getting paid like stars, but they just aren't.

2. The answer to this question is because each team can afford to pay for at least one, usually two, and sometimes 3 max contracts. So teams are willing to take a chance on a guy like Kmart who is young and has shown star potential. Look at Carlos Boozer and Amare. They have injury history and would get max contracts tomorrow.

When players with bad contracts are shopped they usually get other players with bad contracts in return. I don't think GMs expect other GMs to ignore the flaws in their player, but it's their job to improve the team and they have to shop who is on the roster.

3. Not sure about this one. The MO of the Hawks is that no significant changes will be made until things are more settled with ownership, or perhaps if they didn't have to spend money on buying out Woody or BK's contract. The ASG can't actually be as happy with these guys as they are portraying, can they?

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