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Question for ALL of the MCJ at 3 Fans...


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You should care about Gasol being a weak defender, particularly when you are giving up the #3 pick as well as paying his contract out.

If it hasn't sunk in yet during the playoffs that you win championships by playing great defense, then I suppose it never will sink in.

The Hawks MUST dedicate themselves to playing defense, and you don't do that by getting none-defense playing players like Pau Gasol.

I can't think of a player on the Hawks who is a better post defender than Gasol. Gasol length bothers people. He is active in the paint and is only 27, turning 28 in October.

Can you honestly say ZaZa is a better post defender then Gasol ?

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One of the things that bothers the posters who don't want Conley over Law and/or Crit is that they believe Conley's a bad shooter. I personally disagree.

As a HS prospect only a year ago his long range shooting was considered one of his strengths. He shot 30% from 3 as a freshman while carrying the burden of running a college team, playing much of the season without a healthy Oden, and in general playing with some pretty young players. Is that really a red flag and is it enough to determine that say he's a bad shooter? He shot a good percentage including jumpshots from everywhere else on the floor and his shot looks good.

So is he Brevin Knight, or could his freshman shooting percentage be more in line with his competition in the draft?

- Javaris shot 35% from three, pretty good, but is the difference enough to say one is that much better than the other?

- I look and see that at the same age Acie Law shot 22% from deep as a freshman. He improved as he got older and now his long range shooting is considered one of his strengths.

...and what about some of the best "PGs" in the game right now?

- Never known for a great stroke, Jason Kidd shot 29% as a freshman PG. I'd take him.

Also as freshmn in college:

Baron Davis - 31%, TJ Ford - 15%, Andre Miller - 32% (and 29% for his college career), Allen Iverson - 23%, Chauncey shot 35% and so did Deron Williams - are those 5 percentage points enough to really separate them from Conley and determine that he's a bad shooter? Guys have good years and bad years with 3P shooting, it's probably one of the most erratic stats in the game, even for shooting guards.

Look at Steve Nash, he had a high percentage as a freshman, sophomore and junior, then dipped to 34% as a senior. Did he become a below average shooter all of the sudden?

While he didn't play college ball Tony Parker has only shot 32% for his career in the NBA, albeit from a further distance.

I look at it this way, we need a starting PG and C more than we need anything else. I'm not convinced (and am admittedly ignorant to anything about him other than clips and what I've read) that Law's a legit PG in the NBA. If he is, then I support waiting to take him at 11 and maybe taking a risk with a guy like Yi. While not a traditional center, I'd rather play him at the 5 than what we currently ahve, and he could become a very special player.

I could still be excited about Crit as the consolation prize at 11 if Law's gone, but I'm not really sold on him yet either. Between the two of them, I might even take Crit, because I'm more convinced that he at least plays the right position. Basically my ignorance of Law's game scares me when thinking of him as our franchise PG.

I've seen several mock drafts with us getting Noah or Hawes at 11, so I'm not sure why there's an assumption they'll both be gone. I like Noah at 11, hate him at 3. I love Hawes at 11 andthink he'll be a very good pro. I don't want any piece of Horford or Wright unless we make trades to capitalize on our stock or 3s and 4s.

I think the best possible scenarios are either Conley at 3 and Hawes/Noah at 11 or Yi at 3 and Law/Crit at 11. Of those 6 players I know the least about Yi and Law, so I gravitate towards the first option. I feel confident that Conley and Hawes/Noah can step in a become legit starting players on this Hawks team that will help us get back into contention, so that's what I'm hoping for.

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Nothing about Yi suggests that he will be able to defend in the NBA.

Is this hidden racism or something?? He's 7 foot. 245 and he has very good lateral movement. If he has bad defensive practices, he's young enough to learn good one. He had 2 blocks when he played 24 minutes against team USA. That doesn't suggest that he's a shot blocker but against the best players in the world, playing Center for his team, getting 2 blocks is something.

How do you come to a point where you say he won't be able to defend in the NBA?? Have you seen how well this guy moves from side to side? Have you looked at his footwork?

That's about the most racist statement I've seen in a while.

Next you'll be saying he can't jump.

Its not racist at all. The race card is ridiculous in this case and just makes the side using it lose credibility most of the time.

Some one posted the box scorers the the CBA finals yesterday. Wang Zhi, the softest center in the history of the NBA, scored 34 points and had 17 rebounds vs. Yi. It went on to say Yi struggled in the post vs. Wang soft as a marshmellow Wang.

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Here are some important point guard stats for comparison:

Points Per Game

Acie Law - 21.7 P/40

Mike Conley Jr. - 14.7 P/40

Obviously, Acie Law is the better scorer at this point, but Mike Conley Jr. was not asked to be his team's source of offense as Acie was at Texas A&M.

Assists Per Game

Acie Law - 6.0 A/40

Mike Conley Jr. - 7.9 A/40

The difference between their appears to be offset by the difference in their assists. However, once again, their situations was completely different. Mike Conley's main role on his team was as the distributor. Acie Law was a scorer and distributor on his team.

Assists to Turnover Ratio

Acie Law - 1.92

Mike Conley Jr. - 2.77

Now, this is one of the more important point guard stats, IMO, and this is one that there appears to be a fairly significant gap between the two players. Mike Conley Jr. simply doesn't turn the ball over much, which is very important for a guy who is going to be handling the ball as much as he is. Acie Law isn't terrible in this department, but there is clearly a difference here.

Points per Possession

Acie Law - 0.80 P/POS

Mike Conley Jr. - 0.77 P/POS

Both players are very effective at using their field goal attempts to score.

Free Throws per FG Attempt

Acie Law - 0.43

Mike Conley Jr. - 0.47

Both players do an effective job of getting to the free throw line, and it is because both players drive strong to the basket. Acie shoots roughly four free throws for every ten shot attempts, and Mike Conley Jr. shoots roughly five free throws for every ten shot attempts.

Three Point Attempts per FG Attempt

Acie Law - 0.19

Mike Conley Jr. - 0.22

Oddly enough, Conley actually takes slightly more three's per FG attempt than Acie Law, but neither are players that stand back there and chuck three pointers up towards the basket.

Assists per FG Attempt

Acie Law - 0.39

Mike Conley Jr. - 0.77

This is a stat where their appears to be another gap between the two, with Mike Conley Jr. coming out on top. I think this stat is a little misleading though, because once again, their roles on their respective teams were different.

True Shooting Percentage

Acie Law - 60%

Mike Conley Jr. - 59%

Very close again. Both players do a great job of putting the ball in the basket, and I believe it is because both players take it to the basket.


Acie Law - 23.6

Mike Conley Jr. - 23.7

Almost no difference at all.

Looking at these stats alone would tell me that there isn't a significant gap between these two players. It's not just about stats though, because you have to take into account the roles each player had on their team as well as the fact that one player is a senior and the other is a true freshman.

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If it were me, I would probably take Al Horford with the 3rd pick. I think he may end up being the 3rd best player in the draft, and I think he is going to put up better numbers in the NBA than he did in college. He's got great size and natural skills for his position, and I think he's the best low post defender in this draft period.

I would then take Acie Law at 11. I think Acie Law is going to be a point guard that is similar to Chauncey Billups. He's got size and is somewhat of a combo guard, but he isn't a shooting guard in a point guard's body. Acie can run a team, shoot from the perimeter, get into the lane, and defend. The separation between he and Mike Conley Jr. isn't as large as some want to think, IMO. I think Conley is more pure as a point guard, but I think Acie Law is the better overall shooter.

Makes alot of sense Hoford #3, Law #11

Hoford is the most proven post player in the draft. We KNOW he can bang in the paint and saw him due turn around jump shots vs. Oden in the Finals but was a bit over whelmed by Oden length on the defensive end.

The thing with Hoford is that he is only worthy of the #3 pick if he can be our long term center. WE have to see if he measures jis listed 6'10'' or is a dissapointing 6'8.5''.

I love Law at #11. He can be a a crafty Sam Cassell. Their games are almost photo copies of one another. I was so high on Law when I thought we would get is the #11 pick. Now that we have the #3 pick too I am not sure if a center is available at #3. Hopefully Hoford is a legit 6'10'' with a 7'3'' wing span.

If Hoford is big enough to play center I am all for that plan:

Hoford #3, Law #11

Fill 2 holes long term.

If Hoford is short /6'8.5''/ then my plan is:

1a. Conley #3, #11 Noah or Hawes . If there both gone I trade #11/ AJ or Speedy for Heywood /Jarvis Hayses, and try a 2nd round pick too. (With Conley we will need Lue's shooting off the bench)

1b. #3 filler for Gasol and Law at #11

Gasol is not Tim Duncan but was good enough to get the Grizz in the playoffs in the tough West 3 years in a row with marginal talent around him. Pair him with shooterslike Law and JJ andthe intangibles of Smoove and Chills is a pretty good team.

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Nothing about Yi suggests that he will be able to defend in the NBA.

Is this hidden racism or something?? He's 7 foot. 245 and he has very good lateral movement. If he has bad defensive practices, he's young enough to learn good one. He had 2 blocks when he played 24 minutes against team USA. That doesn't suggest that he's a shot blocker but against the best players in the world, playing Center for his team, getting 2 blocks is something.

How do you come to a point where you say he won't be able to defend in the NBA?? Have you seen how well this guy moves from side to side? Have you looked at his footwork?

That's about the most racist statement I've seen in a while.

Next you'll be saying he can't jump.

Is this a serious post?

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Interestin analysis, but here is the key point for me.


Mike Conley Jr. simply doesn't turn the ball over much, which is very important for a guy who is going to be handling the ball as much as he is.

The Hawks are a turnover prone team that doesn't run enough. Adding Conley addresses both issues and i think will really bring out the best in the other players.

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I would not even be remotely interested in Conley if not for his defense. The guy has the makings of an excellent floor general that gets the ball where it needs to be on offense.

But, what completes the package is his ability to defend and keep guards from getting into the paint. Because we have nothing in the paint it is important to snuff penetration before it starts.

Conley is the complete package. For those Law fans...the guy is not half the defensive player of Conley. And despite what a few think on this board, defense is half the game and damn important. Almost EVERY post I see regardless of the player, has no mention of defense.

It is Conley all day at 3.

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You really overrated Conley's defense, you act like he's gonna come in and be all-defensive team or something. Remember he's a rookie not just any rookie, a 19 years old rookie, thats 2 years out of high school, and never played 82 games without a center by the name of Oden. I think your expectation for him is way to high.

and again if you have to downgrade someone (Acie Law in this case) to make Conley sound good, then he might not be all that great.

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Yeah but that's true, Conley can't shoot. Some of these poster are just saying things out there a$$, for example Chris Paul is a horrible defender, Brandon Wright is a bust waiting to happen. Conley is better than Deron Williams was in his junior yeat(LOL some idiot really said this), Acie Law can't defend, Crittenton is a SG, and alot more stuff.

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