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95% of Disagreements On The Board Right Now


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Can be reduced to answering the following question:

"Is there a significant difference between Conley and Law?"

Those people that believe that Conley is significantly better generally favor taking Conley early in the draft if we can't pull off a trade for Gasol or Aldridge or Bynum, etc. (preference may vary on trade options).

Those people that believe that there is no significant difference between the top 3 PGs believe that it is insane to do anything other than take the BPA at 3 (again assuming no trade can be done to address the post) and then pick a PG from a hat for whatever is available at 11 since there is no significant difference between them.

Both positions make some sense because they are premised on different assumptions.

There is another 5% that think Yi, etc. is a center and advocate taking our future center at 3 but I think that is a vocal minority.

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That is the big question.

I personally think Conley and Crit are the better fits because of what they could do for our talented, athletic wings (and are more athletic themselves).

This is why I like Conley at 3. I think he makes our other players a lot better as well as better utilized. Dude is a quick, cerebral player who makes great decisions and could provide the offensive leadership we need so badly. I think his shot has a lot of room for improvement, but will come along. He's a great passer who plays well on the defensive end too.

Crit also intrigues me because his ceiling is just so high. He would also make our team potentially scary. Teams would struggle with our athleticism (which Billups has stated in the past has been an issue for the pistons). He also seems to be a better shooter than Conley, but does not have the mental game Conley possesses.

Ultimately, I think Conley would look to good on our team. We can't pass on him. Just think of how he could interact with Joe, Marvin, and Smoove on both ends.

So, Conley at 3, and then my own opinion is different from what i've seen elsewhere: Make EVERYTHING and EVERYONE available except for Conley, Joe, Marvin, and Smoove.

I want to use the 11 to trade for a more sure-bet 5. #11, Chill, Zaza/Shelly (either one) should be at least interesting to a few teams.

Doubt that gets JO or Gasol, but maybe Camby?

I'd also like to acquire a late first or second round pick to take a gamble on Sean Williams, an elite shot-blocking, defensive 5 who got kicked out of BC for bad behavior. Obviously this would need to be very carefully investigated and considered, but I'd look into it.

Camby, Solomon and Sean Williams would be a very different 5 rotation. We could finally defend and rebound the middle.

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In fact, I prefer trading 3 for Gasol...

But if that doesn't happen, I go for Yi.

I guess I fit in the 55%... in that I see Yi as a PF/C of the future and I see no big difference between Conley Jr and Law and Critt. In fact, I don't think Conley Jr. is a better fit than Law.

People who say Conley Jr's shot will come around...are the same kind of people who say Solomon can gain 30 lbs. A 30% shooter doesn't become a 48% shooter overnight. Especially when there is no Oden.

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I am split between Conley and Law; with that being said my biggest fear is both are gone by 11. If Critt's workouts go well enough that he can warrant being picked at 11, then my worries are not warranted. Problem is most scouts have him rated well behind both Conley and Law.

I am a huge GT fan and would love for Critt to be the man but I have my doubts. The 3rd pick would be a no brainer best big man 6'10' or taller; if we had a guarantee Law would be there at 11. Problem is we don't. But if any of those 6'10" guys workouts turn out to be top three worthy; I do not see how we can pass him up. Always take the big; if talent warrants the selection is what I am saying. But if not; then draft the can't miss point guard.

We have to fill at least one need out of this draft; otherwise we are set back for at least another season. And with the Suns owning our unprotected first next year, it could be a two year set back...

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The teams that need PGs ahead of 11 are: Memphis.

and maybe maybe Sacramento.

However, I doubt that Sacramento looks to the draft for a PG when they need a Big too.

Worse case scenerio, we get Critt and he spends half the year platooning with AJ and Speedy.

Critt is 6'6" and a very good ball handler.

I just get a strong feeling that Memphis takes Conley Jr. and Law and Critt End up available at 11.

That being the case, I would rather maximize our picks by getting something good at #3.

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Guest Walter


That being the case, I would rather maximize our picks by getting something good at #3.

And that's the crux. Maximize our picks. 3 is a reach for Conley, but not only that...what do we use the 11 pick for if we've already used it to get a Pg? 11 doesn't get you much in a trade so we can't get a center prospect of merit with it. Certainly we can't get alot of talent with it.


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Use the 11th pick to trade for one of the below?

Saer Sene: still not ready? Better than Solo?

Robert Swift: coming off an injury?

Johan Petro: may be ready to break out

Channing Fry: was a let down last year and NY has multiple bigs.

Is this a possible trade?

Which would be the best prospect for us? Going for one of them cuts a year or two off of their development time as opposed to drafting Wright.

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People who say Conley Jr's shot will come around...are the same kind of people who say Solomon can gain 30 lbs. A 30% shooter doesn't become a 48% shooter overnight. Especially when there is no Oden.

Good thing that Conley shot 52% from the field last year then, huh? wink.gif

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In fact, I prefer trading 3 for Gasol...

Me too. I hope BK is burning up the phone lines to Memphis, Portland, Minnesota and LA trying to get something done.

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Certainly we can't get alot of talent with it

Really? Why can't we? There are a handful of players that will be there at 11 who could make an impact on our team in some way. Noah could still be there at 11 and while I don't see him as a starter in the NBA, he is certainly a Childress type, only bigger and a little nastier. Definitely a guy that can change the outcome of a game off the bench though. Not only that but in the locker room as well.

If we draft Conley at 3 there is no reason why we couldn't still draft Critt or Law at 11. Toronto looked pretty damn good having 2 young starting caliber PGs playing for them this year.

At 11 we could take Rudy Fernandez, who could be the next big thing in the NBA. If he has 3/4 the game that Manu has he would be a major contributor for us.

Nick Young would be a great choice at 11. We really need a quality backup true SG that won't be a size mismatch when he comes into the game and this kid can fill that role from day 1.

If we took Conley at 3 it might not be crazy to take Daequan Cook at 11. I think that is a little high for him, but the scouts have said that if he stayed at OSU for one more year he might be a lottery pick. There is certainly something to be said for the chemistry that he developed with Conley this year.

Another option would be to take Splitter at 11 and wait a year on him. This kid has been lottery worthy for a number of years but hasn't been able to get out of his contract. Next year he will be in the NBA though.

We could trade down (maybe with Phoenix for their 2 late picks) and use one of them on Sean Williams. Sure he has character concerns, but athletically the guy is a freak. He might be the best shot blocker that we have seen in the draft in 10 years.

As you can see there are a ton of options with the 11th pick to get very good talent with it.

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Can be reduced to answering the following question:

"Is there a significant difference between Conley and Law?"

In all fairness, it's a little more than that. It's more like:

-is there that big a difference between Conley and Law?

-Will Law be there at 11?

-If not, is there that big a difference between Conley and Crittenton?

Personally, I'm of the opinion that one great player is so much more useful that a couple of very good players in basketball. We have been dying for a PG for so long, I think we need to take our favorite at 3 and forget the rest. I don't want to take an non-vital player at 3 and end up with only our 3rd favorite PG at 11. Take the best PG at 3.

I don't think it's 100% automatic that it's conley, but as of today that's who I'd take. I would not be surprised to see Crittenton shoot up the boards during workouts though.

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You know what, trading for Saer Sene may not be that bad of an idea.

It really is an upgrade project player.

He's actually younger than Solo too.

He is too much of a project for my tasts. I would rather go for Swift.

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I think Robert Swift has already been labeled a bust and he doesn't have nearly as much upside.

In Sene you have a guy with 7'8.5 wingspan so if you succeed with working with him you could get Mutombo in his prime.

Swift was starting in Seattle and then got hurt last year. Not sure how that is a bust.

Even with the complete derth of inside players after Swift went down in Seattle, Sene couldn't even make the roster. He didn't even make an impact in the NBDL.

Frankly, Sene looks to me like a guy you target when he hits RFA or FA (ala Diop) rather than someone you trade for and let sit on your bench for 3 years.

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I think Robert Swift has already been labeled a bust and he doesn't have nearly as much upside.

In Sene you have a guy with 7'8.5 wingspan so if you succeed with working with him you could get Mutombo in his prime.

Seattle fans are actually down on all their big men except Swift. I've seen their trade talks, they don't want to give up Swift, and they say he looks the most promising.

On the other hand, they are EXTREMELY down on Sene, and talk as much crap about him as we do with Lo.

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