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Is the prejudice on YI starting to lift??


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Durant wasn't at Oak Hill until he was a junior. They didn't overlap.

He's been on the scene a long time. He's always been on the short list in his class. Like so many others, he broke my heart not wanting to go to UNC.


SOPH, FR First gained national notoriety with an outstanding performance at the 2003 War On The Shore. Durant has a mix of inside and outside game to go with a fine jumper. He's got size 20 sneakers. Long and lean, he's a big time prospect early in his career.

Not a household name for most basketball fans, but anyone that follows college recruiting has known about him his for pretty much his entire highschool career.

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Because I see him playing the position like Dirk plays it.

How many long range jumpers off the dribble does Yi make in all these videos?

A better question may be who makes the videos and what do they like to see? That may answer your jumper question. Yi can shoot it. I think he meant everything but the extreme deep shot that Dirk has. He can't move like Yi, it would only make sense to shoot over if you can't drive by. Yi can drive to where he is more comfortable. He's just not going to be Elton Brand, Ex. I think that is the point. Yi's form is fine and his free throw stroke should put him in the 80% range. He can shoot. Look at his form. I see no real problems.

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I see no real problems.

You wouldn't. Nobody ever shows a players weaknesses in a highlight tape. in fact nobody ever misses a shot in a highlight tape.

Dirk's shooting range is a major issue. It forces other bigs to come out on him which lets him drive by them. From what i have read Yi's shot is fine mid-range and shaky long range.

Really my main concern about Yi is the defensive end.

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A better question may be who makes the videos and what do they like to see? That may answer your jumper question. Yi can shoot it. I think he meant everything but the extreme deep shot that Dirk has. He can't move like Yi, it would only make sense to shoot over if you can't drive by. Yi can drive to where he is more comfortable. He's just not going to be Elton Brand, Ex. I think that is the point. Yi's form is fine and his free throw stroke should put him in the 80% range. He can shoot. Look at his form. I see no real problems.


Just like Adam Morrison said he learned to shoot because he wasn't quick enough to blow by people.

If you can blow by someone, what's the point of taking the lower percentage shot?

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I see no real problems.

You wouldn't. Nobody ever shows a players weaknesses in a highlight tape. in fact nobody ever misses a shot in a highlight tape.

Dirk's shooting range is a major issue. It forces other bigs to come out on him which lets him drive by them. From what i have read Yi's shot is fine mid-range and shaky long range.

Really my main concern about Yi is the defensive end.

I don't know why these people think that a freaking HIGHLIGHT VIDEO is an accurate way to judge someone's skill.

They are only going to show the good plays, obviously.

Claiming you "know" he can be a PF when all the scouts who have ACTUALLY SEEN HIM say he plays like a SF and have doubts that he can play PF because he gets pushed around in the post is ridiculous.

MAYBE he will turn out to be a good PF...But no one on here has any idea whatsoever...It's a bunch of people talking out of their asses.

Let's wait for the workouts before we label him the second coming of Christ!

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I see no real problems.

You wouldn't. Nobody ever shows a players weaknesses in a highlight tape. in fact nobody ever misses a shot in a highlight tape.

Dirk's shooting range is a major issue. It forces other bigs to come out on him which lets him drive by them. From what i have read Yi's shot is fine mid-range and shaky long range.

Really my main concern about Yi is the defensive end.


After a brief warm-up, Yi began his shooting drills. He rarely missed. He got great elevation on his picture-perfect jump shot -- high release, elbow in, nothing but net from both inside and outside the 3-point line.

While I may not agree with Chad Ford, I must trust that he would not lie and say the ball did not hit the rim when it in fact did. I'll take his word and what I've seen. He can shoot. He may think it is not prudent to take long j's all the time.

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The Bulls announcers have said that Ben Wallace made several 3s in a row in practice. in games it is a different story.

So what percentage did Yi shoot from 3 in the Chinese league?

Do you really think you have to tell me that? BTW, you are seriously reaching with the Ben Wallace thing. You know what, I'll debate your angle for you. I went to a Pacers game years ago and mullin put on a shooting display like you've never seen. He hit like 80 of 82 j's before the game and during halftime. During the game, he was 0 for 3, I think. I know what you're saying. I'm just saying he can do a whole lot of things. This guy would be a consensus Top 3 and possibly #1 overall had they not changed the rules.

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We have actually seen Conley in games so we have a better idea of what he can do.

The fact is that if the Hawks pick Yi the logjam at forward will be ridiculous. We will be forced to trade out of it and most likely have to take back much lesser value because our bargaining position is so weak.

Yi isn't going to get minutes over Josh Smith. He won't get minutes from Marvin because Marvin seems to be a sacred cow.

The only way drafting Yi would make any sense would be if BK trades away one or more forwards BEFORE the draft.

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First of all, we have atleast seen Conley against some legit competition...Conley carried that team when Oden was injured against better competition than Yi is playing against in China.

I never said Conley was that good (as good as people claim Yi is)...However, I do believe he will be a consensus top 4-5 pick once the draft rolls around (after workouts...He is a SUPBERB athlete)...That more than justifies taking him at 3.

Yi is a jerk off pick...It accomplishes nothing...We already have a breadth of SF's and PF's.

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I've seen him play, too. I watched both Tennessee games start to finish. He certainly did not control tempo. Tenn. played at their own pace. They missed free throws. Tenn tallest player was a 6'9", if that, freshman. OSU played at their pace and almost lost twice. He's a 19 year old point guard! Seriously, what is he going to do besides sit behind our other PG's? Is he really going to start? I don't think so. Not Woody's MO. I think we should trade Marvin if the price is right. And childress. There goes your logjam. Yi could play some 5. Very little, hopefully.

Not trading anyone

Zaza, Solo, Yi or Smoove

Smoove, Yi, Solo

Marvin, Yi, Smoove, Chill

Joe, Chill, AJ, Lue, Law?

AJ, Speedy, Lue, Critt or Law

That's better than last year, I think. If that's all you want.

Can't we package some of these assets to get what we need?

#3, #11, Marvin, Chill, Speedy(fingers crossed), Lue, Zaza?

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Guest Walter


We have actually seen Conley in games so we have a better idea of what he can do.

...and frankly what he can do isn't all that great nor any better than Crittenton or Law.


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Conley beat Tenn. the first time without Oden...The second time, he played very well also.

He is exactly what we need on this team...A very athletic distributor at the point, that is going to drive and draw double teams, then be able to dish it out.

I would actually rather trade the #3 pick for something like the rumored PTL deal (as unlikely as it is), but if we keep it, I want Conley.

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