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Falcons fans you should watch Miami tapes


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from last year because there is a chance that the top 2 QBs for your team next year will be Daunte Culpepper and Joey Harrington. The latest rumor that I heard about has the Falcons sending a 5th rounder to Miami for Culpepper and Miami would then send their 5th rounder to Kansas City for Trent Green. All of this is contingent on whether or not it appears that Vick will be prosecuted and potentially going to jail. The last I heard on that was that there is physical evidence putting Vick at the dogfights and numerous witnesses willing to testify against him. Of course, if Jayson Williams and Ray Lewis can get away with "killing" someone it wouldn't surprise me to see Vick get away with this.

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There was a story that I found online and I have a friend that works for the Dolphins and I called him and he confirmed that there are discussions going on about this.

Personally I am not happy with giving up on Culpepper already but his knee is worse off than he is telling everyone. Cameron isn't even considering Culpepper for the QB job in Miami and the only reason he is still with the team is because Green isn't on board yet and Culpepper didn't think to negotiate (he is his own agent) a roster bonus so technically Miami can keep him until the day before the season starts and then drop him without having to pay him anything more.

If Vick is allowed to play this year could you really see the Falcons cutting him loose, even with all the baggage he has added the past 12 months? I wonder if anyone would trade for him? The Raiders would have been a perfect fit until they drafted Russell this year. Surely the Falcons wouldn't just cut him though without getting something in return.

I think they are going to make an example of Vick though and he will be out of the NFL in 2007. He might be back later, but I think he is going to see his career go the way of Ricky Williams.

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from last year because there is a chance that the top 2 QBs for your team next year will be Daunte Culpepper and Joey Harrington. The latest rumor that I heard about has the Falcons sending a 5th rounder to Miami for Culpepper and Miami would then send their 5th rounder to Kansas City for Trent Green. All of this is contingent on whether or not it appears that Vick will be prosecuted and potentially going to jail. The last I heard on that was that there is physical evidence putting Vick at the dogfights and numerous witnesses willing to testify against him. Of course, if Jayson Williams and Ray Lewis can get away with "killing" someone it wouldn't surprise me to see Vick get away with this.

Culpepper should retire because he doesn't have any game left.

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Vick is a great athlete. A spoiled brat. A hoodlum.

Rich beyond the wildest dreams of the common fan. So well

off he probably considers himself above the law.

Full of emotion, Iverson size and quickness, but with

poor decision making both on and off the field.

A favorite pet of the Falcon's owner. Fans either love

him because of his great talent or hate him because of

who he is and what he does. I see both sides and agree

with both sides. He's great! He's stupid!!

With what we already know that he's done and what we now

strongly suspect that he's done, he has ruined his image

with many of us and with the N.F.L.

If he comes out of this dog fighting thing clean, he's

going to have all this other stuff still hanging over

his head AND, in the eyes of many, still guilty by

association, in the dog fighting.

He keeps making all these bad choices. He says that he's

cleaning up his act. Believe this when you see it.

He can't just talk the talk, he will have to walk the

walk. Don't just say it, prove it.


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Falcons fans don't realize it yet, but they are going to be amazed at how much better their receivers are when they have a QB that can actually throw the ball accurately to them.

Well, I am a Falcon Season Ticket holder, so will I also be amazed when our qb looks so much better with receivers that can catch the ball? Will I be even more amazed when the receivers can run a route without getting jammed, maybe even get a little seperation, which will help a below average offensive line? There must be a reason why that great passing qb Matt Schaub, in his greatest performance ever, only completed about 50% of his passes, right? Pardon me, I forgot, it's only about Michael Vick. lol

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Even if Vick plays with all of this over his head he will have a hard time focusing on the field. The dude has a lot ahead of him and it will be a distraction and you gotta know that Blank is not happy. That will not help. Vick has made his bed and now he has to lie in it.

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on his way out. He seems resistant to being traded at this point, but he doesn't have much of an option. The best that you guys can hope for is to find out quickly whether Vick will be playing in 2007 because it won't take long for Miami to move Culpepper for a 5th rounder. Apparently the Raiders still have interest in him so this thing could be over with quickly. I would hate to see you guys go into the 2007 season with Harrington as your starter. I like the guy, but he isn't a starting QB.

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Even if Vick plays with all of this over his head he will have a hard time focusing on the field. The dude has a lot ahead of him and it will be a distraction and you gotta know that Blank is not happy. That will not help. Vick has made his bed and now he has to lie in it.

Yeah, it could be a major distraction if the prosecutor continues to let this drag out while he searches for credible witnesses.

I wouldn't trade a pick for Culpepper. The Falcons have too many holes on their roster to trade away draft picks. Become a playoff contender, and then they can trade away picks. I don't care if it's a fifth rounder, it's simply too valuable for a team in permanent rebuilding mode.

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I put the chance of them bringing changes against him at slim to none, so lets say 5%. Right now ALL they have are a bunch of criminals saying "oh yah, I've seen him there", but nobody has any proof and....they're criminals. They won't bring any charges against him based on accusations by criminals unless they have solid proof, which they just don't have and I don't think they will find any.

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I think there is a much higher chance of charges being brought against Vick than 5% - particularly now that the Feds have shown an interest in the case. That doesn't mean I don't think any such charge or threatened charge would not be resolved by a plea agreement, though.

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Yeah AHF...they said on the radio this morning that the FEDs exercised a search warrant at the property and therefore it sounds like they are taking over the investigation. May be that Poindexter isn't interested or may even be trying to cover for MV and prevent an indictment. That's just a guess but it seems logical reading between the lines from the articles I have read.

It wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing has happened. The Boulder DA never did indict the Ramseys in the JonBenet case even though they had evidence enough to do it. Money talks!

P.S. - congrats to Paris Hilton for enduring her 3-day stint in the L.A. county jail before nearly having a nervous breakdown. She's a real trooper thumb3d.gif

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if they had evidence to convict it would have happened already. That's why they haven't charged him yet. they have enough evidence to bring changes, but nothing that's going to hold up in court. They want no part in bringing charges against a celebrity without having rock solid evidence.

It's going to take pictures or video of Vick at a dog fight, talking dog fighting or doing something indisputably related to dog fighting to show up, and I don't think it will. Even the shadow man they dragged on TV that claimed to have fought Vick's dogs was from back in 2000. I just don't think they're going to get anything that strong and that's not going to change just because the federales get involved.

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if they had evidence to convict it would have happened already. That's why they haven't charged him yet. they have enough evidence to bring changes, but nothing that's going to hold up in court. They want no part in bringing charges against a celebrity without having rock solid evidence.

It's going to take pictures or video of Vick at a dog fight, talking dog fighting or doing something indisputably related to dog fighting to show up, and I don't think it will. Even the shadow man they dragged on TV that claimed to have fought Vick's dogs was from back in 2000. I just don't think they're going to get anything that strong and that's not going to change just because the federales get involved.

The Feds are just getting involved right now. We'll have to agree to disagree on their reluctance to charge based on Vick's celebrity. It is hard to believe they won't find financing of the dog operation linked to Vick considering that the two guys who supposedly ran the house didn't even have jobs. That may be enough to press charges even without videotape on this one.

I hope you are right but I expect Vick to plead to something at the end of the day.

In terms of the speed of charges here, it isn't unusual for an investigation to take this long without charges.

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