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Wow. Sekou goes postal on J. Smith rumor.


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I side with EDS... I fail to see how drafting two should-be college sophomores is going to do anything clearly significant in a season when BK, by all accounts, wants to get over the hump. (Aside: I think BK thought he would get over the proverbial hump last season, as evidenced by the big-dollar courting of Cassell, and then Claxton... so, he'd project to be absolutely myopic on that for this season, and who could blame him... wait, did I just say "who could blame him?"...???... pillepalle.giftongue.gif)

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WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE PROJECT PICKS AT THE FORWARD SPOT!!! Do you not understand that or do you actually think we need more forwards. Personally I believe we are set at the 3 and 4 spots with Marvin, Chill, Shelden and Smoove. Why in the world would we need a 6'9 210lb. FINESSE SF/PF in Wright when Smoove is already light years ahead of him at only 21? Smooove will be the better player anyways in 10yrs.

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Sothron, your the one that came on this thread and said you thought Sekou was talking about YOU in his latest blog. If you never said anything about Smoove being on the trading block then why did you come on here and say you thought Sekou was talking about you? You just contradicted yourself.

In the interest of turning down the heat of this discussion, no, Gutsy, he didn't contradict himself.

He's wondering aloud whether Sekou may have misinterpreted something he'd said about the front office "being open to" trading JSmoove as "looking to" trade JSmoove... and he's suggesting that, if so, Sekou should have read it more closely and should have responded to Sothron directly here instead of posting about it on his blog.

Fwiw, judging from what Sekou wrote, I'd think that Sekou would argue just as vehemently against them "being open to."

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WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE PROJECT PICKS AT THE FORWARD SPOT!!! Do you not understand that or do you actually think we need more forwards.

What do I have to do with anything? I'm not the GM.

Do I think Knight is seriously considering Brandan Wright as the #3 pick? Yes.

Do I think that's a good move? Not necessarily.

Is Knight interested in my opinion? Thankfully, no.

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If that's the case then your right but I was hearing this 'smoove on the trading block' nonsense on realgm.com last week as well from other posters. So to answer Sothron's question, i don't think Sekou was responding to his insider info or even misinterpreted it. He just wanted to squash the rumor and rightfully so since it has no merit whatsoever.

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Its all good. If he was talking about me then there is nothing I can do about it, people can read my posts and ascertain as Sturt did what I am actually reporting. If Sekou is responding to someone else on realgm then I have no personal beef with him. Although I do still think if he's going to participate in Hawks fan sites (which would be three places: here, realgm and espn) and smack people around then he should do it in person on those sites. Hell he'd probably get a kick out of it. tongue.gif

I agree with mrhonline here btw. I can absolutely see Knight being crazy enough to take Wright or Horford at #3 despite the talent we already have at both forward positions. I also agree with Gutzy that trading Smoove would be crazy...unless it gets us a legit big man. We need a true center or at least a big PF that score inside just as much as we need a point guard if not more so.

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Guest Walter


I don't think Wright is the type of guy that wins you a title.

...than than Conley/Al Throton or whomever you would get at 11. Wright is significantly better and more talented than anything at 11. The 1st Pg taken isn't so regarding the 2nd or 3rd Pg taken. In fact, Crittenton has more upside. Two players with MORE upside do MORE to win you a title when you are the 4th worst team than two players with less upside. It's simple math. We can't afford to settle upon mediocre selections. We've got to hit a home run, mauybe two here.


I can't believe you of all people support getting Wright given how much you hate Marvin. Wright is just as much of a "project" as Marvin.

Wright is a project but he's a project with actual upside. My FIRST problem with MW wasn't that he was a project, it was that he wasn't a particularly good one.

My SECOND problem with MW was that we didn't get one of the franchise Pgs. In this draft we WILL get one fo the Pgs and frankly, I believe Crittenton is better than all of them. Certainly, no one can credibly argue that Conley is signifiantly better or worse than Law or Crittenton now.

If we could have ensured we ended up with Deron or Felton after picking MW in 2005, there wouldn't have been a soul who was against picking MW first. Even though I didn't think he was more talented or had more potential than Deron or Paul, I'd still pick him first I-F I knew that I'd get a franchise Pg. That's the major difference this year verses 2005. WE STILL GET OUR PG!

What is the same is in 2005 we were 2nd worst. Now we're still 4th worst. Hello? We're still drafting fro TALENT!


A Wright/Critt draft almost guarantees another 2-3 years of BK giving excuses about being young as a reason for not winning.

And Conley/Thorton doesn't? WTF?!?


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I totally agree with you and Mrhonline that BK is crazy enough to take Wright at #3. I get the feeling that Mrhonline is wanting us to take Wright at #3 by some of his previous posts. Taking Wright at #3 would be a monumental mistake in my opinion if we ever want to see the playoffs next year. I'm sure he will be a nice Pro in 10yrs but completely redundant for the Hawks and not a need whatsoever. Bk is starting to really scare me. I don't know what to expect come draft day.

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I get the feeling that Mrhonline is wanting us to take Wright at #3 by some of his previous posts.

My personal preference is to trade either one or both of the picks to get veteran starters at the 1 and 5 positions.

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Taking Wright at #3 would be a monumental mistake in my opinion if we ever want to see the playoffs next year. I'm sure he will be a nice Pro in 10yrs but completely redundant for the Hawks and not a need whatsoever. Bk is starting to really scare me. I don't know what to expect come draft day.

I just don't get it!!! Anything we pick at #3 or # 11 except a center would be redundant! And since there are no centers in this draft after Oden except Hawes, maybe we should select hawes and Crittington just to make you happy! You continue to criticize what you think BK "is crazy enough to do" but you don't offer an alternative. Just for once, try to understand Walter's rational which is based upon the fact that you can never add enough talent on your team regardless of the position when you are the 4th worse team in the league. If all of the experts think the Wright is the clear 3rd best player so be it. If they think that Yi is so be it. Either way, we should take the clear cut 3rd best player in this draft.

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I get the feeling that Mrhonline is wanting us to take Wright at #3 by some of his previous posts.

My personal preference is to trade either one or both of the picks to get veteran starters at the 1 and 5 positions.

Someone posted examples of this where it just didn't work out! Like the Abdur-Rahim trade with Memphis, The Dominique trade with Utah, Scottie Pippin trade, Kobe Bryant trade etc

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My personal preference is to obviously trade the #3 pick with another player(s) to get the center that we need. We can still get our PG of the future in Javaris at #11. That is what we SHOULD do. That is the other alternative to drafting ANOTHER project forward who won't make a diffence for 2-3 yrs if EVER. We don't need to get any younger. It's time to start putting some veteran pieces on our team.

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My personal preference is to obviously trade the #3 pick with another player(s) to get the center that we need.

Understood, but if that is not available or too costly because of the ownership situation. What do you do?

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FWIW both Wright and Horford are in fact being seriously considered at #3 and teams are in fact inquiring about both Chill and Smoove. And the Hawks are at least considering trading one if they feel it will upgrade the need for a big man.

According to Andy Katz, Wright expects to go top4. I think Chad Ford is right, and the Hawks are going to go with Wright/Crittenton.

Barring a draft-day trade, I think Smith could very well be moved. Why? Smith and Wright have a number of similarities...

Both are incredibly athletic, great shot-blockers, poor mid-range shooters, have trouble handling the ball...

but you don't trade a player that you KNOW is developing for one you DON'T know will develop but you THINK will.

josh smith's blocking ability will not be rivaled by wright, there's no way. also hawks don't have time to be waiting for wright to develop if he indeed does...

trading smith before a year where he will probably take that last major step in development and really be a force in the league would be a step back for the Hawks and there isn't much ground before the cliff left for the Hawks to take a step back on..

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Tuesday he says he intends to feed us five trades to chew on... needless to say, JSmoove won't be mentioned, right??? tongue.gif

Anyone wanna propose the teams Sekou might have pegged to be involved?

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Diesel didn't have no inside man... Therefore it wasn't a rumor.

I said, I have a feeling that if JSmoove is a locker disruption, he will be traded.

Not to bring in another project however, but to go after a guy like Gasol or JO?

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