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If we have to draft at #3 and #11 who do you want?


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Hawes may be in Chicago eating pizza... by the time the 11th pick come around. There's no benefit or even rationale for us taking COnley (who can't shoot) and then some undesirable at 11.

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Hawes may be in Chicago eating pizza... by the time the 11th pick come around. There's no benefit or even rationale for us taking COnley (who can't shoot) and then some undesirable at 11.

Shooting can be fixed...We need a distributor from the PG position...Someone who can get in the lane and dish it out...Conley can do that better than any other PG in this draft.

He will immediately be one of the quicker PG's in the league.

And if getting Hawes is what we want to do, we'd only have to move up a few spots to get him.

Obviously, I would rather trade for a C.

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It really depends on what Horford's measurements are. I've been high on him for a while, but I'm also really high on Crittenton. That said I'm really high on Conley too.

If Horford is a legit 6'10 with an impressive standing reach, then Horford/Critt is my decision. If Horford measures and tests poorly, I'll go with Conley and look to trade the #11 for a pick next year or defensive help at center.

I disagree with all the people who say Critt is a project though, this guy will contribute much sooner than expected.

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With the 3rd pick, I'd take Al Horford. Right now, of the players we will be looking at taking with the 3rd pick, he's got the best combination of readiness and upside. Horford has the strength and the body to play in the NBA right now. He runs the floor well, so he won't slow down a team that wants to be up tempo. He also has the size to play center for the Hawks, and I don't want to hear any crap about how he's undersized for a center. When Dwight Howard, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire, and Al Jefferson among other smaller, power forward types are playing more center for their team than they are power forward, you better damn well believe that Al Horford can do it.

At the 11th pick, while I'm highly intrigued with Javaris Crittenton, I'd probably take Acie Law. I think Acie Law has a lot of Chauncy Billups in his game. He's got good size, is very quick, can penetrate into the lane, shoots the ball well particularly from mid range, and is a very solid defender at the point position. Plus, he's ready to come into the NBA and start if need be. Javaris Crittenton clearly has the higher upside, but he's a year or two away from being a starter in the NBA.

If we can come out of this draft with a line up of:

PG - Acie Law

SG - Joe Johnson

SF - Marvin Williams

PF - Josh Smith

C - Al Horford

, I think the Hawks will be a much better team in the near future as well as in the long run.

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No, at #11, I'm looking down the road--Stoudamire isn't likely to be in ATL after this season; what's more, there's a distinct possibility that Childress won't either, though don't take that to be a prediction.

So my guy at #11 is Nick Young. Admittedly, I'm going more on the scouting reports I've read than actually having watched him play that much... but short of Brewer somehow falling all the way to #11, I really like what Young would do for the roster.


I like Young too.

The gap betwenn Brewer and Young is HUGE.

UF played USC in the sweet 16. Brewer was on Young and shut him out for 0 points until 5 miutes left in the game. UF was up by like 25. Brewer sat for rest and Young ended up with 8 or 9 was Brewer wan not defending him.

It was just one game though. I bet Brewer will do the same thing to some proven NBA guys this year !

I do see a need for a SG with Salim and Chills entering the last year of their deals.

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I think if we fail to make a trade, the number 3 and number 11 that would help out this team the most are Noah/Horford at 3, and Law/Critt at 11.

If we take Wright or Conley at 3, that almost guarantees that one of our picks will be a waste this season barring trades. It's unbelievable to me how much criticism BK gets for always drafting BPA, yet more than half of the people on this board want to draft a player that doesn't fill a need.

The Hawks don't need another "long forward with upside" in Brandon Wright or Yi, and we certainly don't need the 5th best forward prospect at 11. Brandon Wright will be overpaid the first couple of years he is in the league, and will probably start to come around as his rookie contract is expiring. At that point, he's going to want to get paid. Unless the ownership situation improves, I don't see the Hawks keeping Wright, JJ, Josh Smith, and MW to long term deals and paying luxury tax.

Let's draft players that can fill needs and who will actually be able to stay on this team long term.

Potential Starting Lineups






Potential Starting Lineups if we draft Wright/Yi






Starting Lineups if we draft Conley






See where I'm heading with this? JS is a long forward with upside, and he's proven. Why get an unproven duplicate at 3?

If we get Conley at 3, we'll take a player at 11 that will fill the same role Chill is filling. Why?

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