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We Should Take Horford or Noah


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Atleast there is a snowballs chance in hell that Noah could play C unlike Yi or Wright.

That's why Im come full circle on the flip flopping you've called me out for doing.

For the longest I was just about the guys with the most upside.

But it really is pointless if it makes someone like Marvin lose a job.

We have to get a 5 so Marvin and Smoove can both be on the court.

And Noah and Horford are the closest guys to acceptable C in this draft.

No offense to any Hawes fans.

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Atleast there is a snowballs chance in hell that Noah could play C unlike Yi or Wright.

That's why Im come full circle on the flip flopping you've called me out for doing.

For the longest I was just about the guys with the most upside.

But it really is pointless if it makes someone like Marvin lose a job.

We have to get a 5 so Marvin and Smoove can both be on the court.

And Noah and Horford are the closest guys to acceptable C in this draft.

No offense to any Hawes fans.

Neither Horford nor Noah is the big defensive C this team needs...Horford MIGHT be able to fill that role. No way Noah can play D against NBA C's.

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Neither Horford nor Noah is the big defensive C this team needs...Horford MIGHT be able to fill that role. No way Noah can play D against NBA C's.

Noah is not a slouch defensively by any means.

If he was he wouldn't have comparisons to players like Camby and AK47.

Granted that's not the greatest on ball defenders, not every team can have Greg Oden.

He would be sufficient especially with Smoove next to him.

Noah's only limitation defensively is his uppper body strength. The sky is the limit for him defensively speaking.

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Neither Horford nor Noah is the big defensive C this team needs...Horford MIGHT be able to fill that role. No way Noah can play D against NBA C's.

Noah is not a slouch defensively by any means.

If he was he wouldn't have comparisons to players like Camby and AK47.

Granted that's not the greatest on ball defenders, not every team can have Greg Oden.

He would be sufficient especially with Smoove next to him.

He's a good help defender...Way below average man defender...He'd be screwed going up against the Dwight Howard, Al Jeffersons, Amare Stoudamires of the NBA...Absolutely screwed.

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He's a good help defender...Way below average man defender...He'd be screwed going up against the Dwight Howard, Al Jeffersons, Amare Stoudamires of the NBA...Absolutely screwed.

My whole point is things CAN'T GET WORST.

So many people talk about how Yi and others would get abused.

How is that any different that what we have right now?

Joakim Noah is taller WITHOUT shoes than Okafor, Howard, Jefferson, and Stoudemire are WITH shoes.

With the numbers he tested with he proved he is in the category with those guys from an athletic standpoint as well.

The only differnce between the prospects is strength and it just so happens his bench press is just as good as Howard and Amare coming into the league.

Howard bench pressed 12 times, Amare 11, and Noah did 12 as well.

The guy HAS STRENGTH. And with more upper body strength he will show people what Tyson Chandler was supposed to be just like Josh Smith is showing people what STromile Swift/Darius Miles were supposed to be.

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How many times you bench press 185 lbs does not determine STRENGTH...Arm length has a lot more to do with how many times you can do it...Think about it...Longer arms= more distance to lift the bar, which requires more strength.

For example, you're a Falcons fan, so check this out.

At the combine, our CB that we picked in the 2nd round (Chris Houston) benched 225lbs 27 times...On the other hand, Arron Sears, the OT from Tennessee picked in the 2nd round by TB only benched 225 lbs 21 times.

Now, who do you think has more STRENGTH? The 200 LB cornerback or the 330 lb offensive tackle?

Noah has PROVEN in games, he gets pushed around, I don't need to look at his bench numbers to know that.

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Im sorry but bench press does determine strength to a certain extent.

In fact it's probably one of the best measurements of pure strength over dumb bells or any other type of exercise.

The fact that Noah did 12 reps tells me he's not a weakling.

So if he got pushed around in your eyes, perhaps it was his lower body strength.

THAT is probably the biggest difference between Chris Houston and that UT guy.

Maybe Chris Houston can beat that guy in arm wrestle. But Sears probably has humongous legs.

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Im sorry but bench press does determine strength to a certain extent.

In fact it's probably one of the best measurements of pure strength over dumb bells or any other type of exercise.

Ok. So, in your mind, Chris Houston is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than Arron Sears??



The fact that Noah did 12 reps tells me he's not a weakling.

So if he got pushed around in your eyes, perhaps it was his lower body strength.

You get your opinions from stats, I'll get mine from watching him play with my own eyes.

There is no way in HELL that Noah can man up against NBA C's in the post one on one...Just won't happen...He can be a good help defender, but that is not the type of player you take at 3.


THAT is probably the biggest difference between Chris Houston and that UT guy.

Maybe Chris Houston can beat that guy in arm wrestle. But Sears probably has humongous legs.



Do those emoticons express my feelings strongly enough?? Pay particular attention to hand on the forehead...That is EXACTLY how I feel when you compare Houston's strength to Sears.

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