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Shelden Williams


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based on those numbers, according to exodus sheldon should go ahead of horford if he was in this years draft.

To me the lane agility test is meaningless.

Horfords standing reach is 3" higher than Sheldens and his vertical is 2.5" higher. Those are two key issues for an interior player.

I think Horford is probably being overrated but i think he will have an easier adjustment to the NBA than Shelden.

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I think to be a bust you'd have to have a real level of expectation. I never thought Shellhead would be a good pro or even stay in the NBA for more than a cup of coffee. His rookie season just proved it for me.

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Isn't it possible that his injury had something to do with it?

Once he was finally healthy, he was playing real well at the end of the year.

Of course so. Shelden has the frame (arms)to get even stronger. I also believe his wife will push him higher. She is very competitive. Woody rode him hard and he will appreciate that this year.

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Unfortunately, you like to critic Shelden based on "Garbage games" but for his position, there's no such thing. Do you think teams go to play and tell their bigs: "Don't rebound, just let that guy Shelden block you out and beat you for the rebounds."

For instance, Mikki Moore, the talk of the season for NJ played 32 minutes against the Hawks. Shelden had 14 rebounds, 9 points.

Powe and Gomes combined for 50 minutes. Shelden had 14 pts, 8 rebs.

E. Thomas had 20 minutes, Shelden had 14 points, 10 rebounds.

Verajo and Big Z combined for 43 minutes. Shelden had 13 points and 11 rebounds.

What, were all these guys in on the conspiracy??

Then what about at the beginning of the season?

Against Detroit with Rasheed and the rest... Shelden had 20 points, 13 rebounds.

Against DHoward and Orlando, Shelden had 16pts and 8 rebounds?

Was this a part of the conspiracy too??

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I think we will see this season that SW can pull down double digit rebounds most nights which is something every team needs.

He was underutilized last year to knock down short range jumpers. This will only free up things for the other guys if they have to defend him out of the lane. I think Woody does a poor job of positioning the big guys where they can be effective offensively.

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Just calm down. He isn't the first player to have a tough rookie season. And I am not seeing any mention of his shoulder injury for half the season. If he has a repeat performance this upcoming year, then yeah, I agree fully. But at least give him a fraction of a chance. I think we all expect far too much out of rookies nowadays.

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I think to be a bust you'd have to have a real level of expectation. I never thought Shellhead would be a good pro or even stay in the NBA for more than a cup of coffee. His rookie season just proved it for me.

Well your dead wrong, he is more than a cup of coffee, not an allstar maybe but will be a good NBA starter. Lets re-visit this conversation a year from now.

As far as Horford goes I believe we should draft him or Noah to play center. Noah will surprise when he gets into the leauge.

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He put up garbage numbers in garbage minutes against teams trying to tank. I was not remotely impressed with him at any point this season.

Really so how do you explain?

In the first month of the seasons:

20 points 13 rebounds vs Detroit

16 points 8 rebounds vs Orlando

And this is when Orlando WAS GOOD

And that was a healthy Detroit team

In the second month of the season

14 points 6 rebounds vs Utah

11 points 15 rebounds vs Detroit

11 points 11 rebounds vs Houston

9 points 9 rebounds vs San Antonio

Are those crappy teams? The last time I checked those teams were closer to ELITE at that point of the season and most of them finished that way

Bottom line is that Shelden Williams is a guy who is a legit post player who has a chance to get even stronger with that frame of his. When he was healthy we had the best interior defense in the NBA and he looked like he was going to run away with ROTY.

If he stays healthy next year, he's going to prove a lot of haters wrong just like Marvin could do as well.

Then all the BK haters won't know what to do when the two so called busts actually produce.

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He put up garbage numbers in garbage minutes against teams trying to tank. I was not remotely impressed with him at any point this season.

Really so how do you explain?

In the first month of the seasons:

20 points 13 rebounds vs Detroit

16 points 8 rebounds vs Orlando

And this is when Orlando WAS GOOD

And that was a healthy Detroit team

In the second month of the season

14 points 6 rebounds vs Utah

11 points 15 rebounds vs Detroit

11 points 11 rebounds vs Houston

9 points 9 rebounds vs San Antonio

Are those crappy teams? The last time I checked those teams were closer to ELITE at that point of the season and most of them finished that way

Bottom line is that Shelden Williams is a guy who is a legit post player who has a chance to get even stronger with that frame of his. When he was healthy we had the best interior defense in the NBA and he looked like he was going to run away with ROTY.

If he stays healthy next year, he's going to prove a lot of haters wrong just like Marvin could do as well.

Then all the BK haters won't know what to do when the two so called busts actually produce.

I love how people harp on his one good game against Detroit. I guess I should bring up those three straight 30+ games Glenn Robinson had in Atlanta to start the season his first year here. Or those 30+ games JR Rider dished out for us. Surely 6 games over 82 games justifies a fifth pick in the draft.

BTW Shellhead didn't even make first or second team rookie team for the NBA. Apparently the people in the know consider nothing special as well. Guess they didn't focus on six games instead of the remaining seventy six.

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I love how people harp on his one good game against Detroit.

BTW Shellhead didn't even make first or second team rookie team for the NBA. Apparently the people in the know consider nothing special as well. Guess they didn't focus on six games instead of the remaining seventy six.

One good game vs Detroit?

He played well in ALL THREE meetings vs Detroit. In his last meeting vs them he had 12 and 7.

Overall he averaged

14.3/10.3 in those three meetings. That's hardy only showing up in one game.

I'd like to see you argue the games he had vs Utah, Houston, and Orlando as well.

Obviously he didn't make the all-rookie team because he was hindered with injuries for a huge portion of the season but he was clearly a front-runner for not only the 1st All-rookie team but for the ROTY award the first couple of months of the season.

Look you can hate and pretend his success while healthy doesn't matter but the truth will show next year if he's healthy for a full year and we'll just see how "terrible" Shelden Williams really is.

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His shoulder injury was so minor it wasn't even listed on the team injury reports. He also was not even remotely considered for ROY (look at the voting) or either the first OR second team for the All-rookie team. That is a bare minimum of at least ten rookies who outperformed the "most NBA ready" at age 24 (!!) prospect in the draft last year.

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Yeah I think he'll be much improved this upcoming season. I really think he can be a double-double guy every night, just don't know if he has a future with the Hawks. I think when his contract is up, he's gonna end up leaving and putting up big numbers somewhere else, ala Carlos Boozer, but this season I can see him being our starting center by the all-star break.

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it was mentioned when it first happened, but after awhile, teams will stop listing injuries. the same thing happened to tyron lue and larry hughes. the injury was always there. people don't wear shoulder harnesses as a fashion statment.

as for sheldon, i expect him to be a better player, but i don't see him becoming a double-double type player. i see him being more along the lines of a corliss williamson type role-player (which isn't bad, alot of teams would like to have someone with that type strength on their bench), he just needs to be able to have more of an impact on the floor when he does get into the game. i also think he needs to go onto the block. it looked to me like he got discouraged in the middle of the season going up agains strong players, he settled to much for the jumper. if he establishes himself in the paint, those jumpers would fall more often.

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