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First impression of Yi


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I watched some game footage of Yi last night, just a half. He didn't do a lot offensively other than some putbacks. He definitely looks like he can be pushed around easily. I think his listing of 246 pounds is generous.

The thing that jumps out at me is that he appears much faster than i expected. Just watching him run casually down the floor after a made basket he looks very fast. He also has good quickness and lateral movement.

My perception could be off due to the fact that he is playing against weak competition but i think he speed is roughly comparable to a typical NBA starting 3. In terms of quickness/lateral movement i think he definitely has Josh Smith beat.

However he doesn't look like an interior player at all. He challenges shots well but i can't see him holding his position against a post player who has any physicality at all.

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That's not what I saw.

I watched an 18 minute clip of a game last night. What I saw was this:

*He looks nothing like a small forward out there. I really don't know where you get that idea. Maybe it was just the game you saw.

*Yi does a good job of gaining offensive position in the post. He sets up with a broad base down low, and it makes it tough for players to get around him. He also felt the double teams he got in the post well in the clip I saw. He made two good passes out of double teams. One turned out to be an assist, and one the guy got fouled on. There was one play where he was open inside, but his teammate drove to the basket and turned the ball over. Yi gave that guy a look like "what the hell are you doing."

*Defensively, his team played a zone defense, and there were times when Yi didn't notice a slasher going to the basket. Yi doesn't put his hands up defensively either. On drives, Yi seems to allow the guy to drive hoping that he will block his shot from behind I'm guess. Right now, in 18 minutes of play, I don't see much defense from this guy. In fact, I'd compare him to Pau Gasol defensively, because that's how he plays defense. OLAY!!

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the thing that jumped out at me was not post moves...he had the turnaround shot but no up and under or anything like that...

i think woody could actually help him with his down low defense. learning to man up instead of waiting for the block. josh smith had a similiar flaw and has gotten much better at that...

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*He looks nothing like a small forward out there. I really don't know where you get that idea. Maybe it was just the game you saw.

I didn't say his game was that of a small forward, although it may well be just that. I said his speed looks comparable to a sf.

He didn't really do anything offensively in the half i watched other than putbacks.

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- for a 7 footer he's quick, agile with a decent first step

- nice form, overall technique looking good

- not a pushover, has "spirit"

- entertaining style of play

- excellent ballhandling for his size

- he will work wonders due to his popularity in China, atl needs the attendance

he could truly be Dirk-esque


- you cannot accurately assess his ability to finish in traffic, overcome being pushed around and his ability to defend player in the NBA due to the weak CBA and it's rules.

- workouts will not help determine this (acing it like Tskitishvili and Darko at the time)

- seems happy to defer at times

- cannot shake the fact that ZhiZhi obliterated Yi in the CBA, while Wang was so so at best in the NBA

- his age issue (was the same story with Yao Ming though so not a big worry)

all-in-all, Yi could be a very good 3rd pick. If we don't select him he'll surely go 4th or 5th.

Thing is though, if the HS rule had not been changed, you wouldn't be surprised to see him go 2nd after Mayo.

so I guess I'm in the hesitant pro Yi camp afterall.

I would feel immensely more at ease with Horford, since his worst case scenario is still a good NBA player while Yi's worst case scenario is well, ouch.

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I agree. I'm much more at ease with Horford. At least with Horford, I know he will be able to step in and defend in the paint. I'm obviously more conscious about the importance of defense than many on here are though.

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he could truly be Dirk-esque

Yi is very different from Dirk in one important way. If you watch Dirk run the floor his running looks labored. Yi is the opposit. I think there is a huge speed gap between the two.

While i seriously doubt that Yi is the same type of shooter that Dirks is, i don't think Yi will be able to be defended by smaller players effectively like Dirk is. Dirk can't beat smaller players off the dribble but i think Yi has the speed to do it. However i haven't actually seen him do it since i have only watched a half. But yi's speed looks very legit to me.

Too bad he missed the combine. I would have liked to see how he did in the sprint.

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for that matter can come in and defend the paint in the NBA? None of us have a clue, all we can do is guess that a player can do that. It's not like Horford was this all world defender in college. Hell he wasn't even the best defensive player on his own team, maybe not even the 2nd best. I would NOT feel at ease if we passed up on a potential superstar in Yi to draft someone who is very similar to a player we already have on the roster.

Do you think that any of the 8 teams that passed on Dirk in 98 are regretting that move? Dirk was never accused of being a good defender but had the potential to be an amazing offensive player who could create mismatches at 3 different positions. The same thing that Yi can do, especially considering they are almost clones size wise and play very similarly.

Yi absolutely has to be the pick. You take Yi at 3, then decide whether Law, Critt, or trading for Jack is the best move with the #11.

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he could truly be Dirk-esque

Yi is very different from Dirk in one important way. If you watch Dirk run the floor his running looks labored. Yi is the opposit. I think there is a huge speed gap between the two.

While i seriously doubt that Yi is the same type of shooter that Dirks is, i don't think Yi will be able to be defended by smaller players effectively like Dirk is. Dirk can't beat smaller players off the dribble but i think Yi has the speed to do it. However i haven't actually seen him do it since i have only watched a half. But yi's speed looks very legit to me.

Too bad he missed the combine. I would have liked to see how he did in the sprint.

Yes. and he attacks the basket every chance he gets. He doesn't like to take jump shots unless he has to. That's too mature for a kid.

He also goes for shot blocks like Elden Campbell. He is not as physical though. He tries to play defense like a center, not a forward.

He is much bigger now than he looked in those games.

Any injury history?

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What web site allowed you to watch a full game. I have done searches but everything I find is highlights and in Chineese so I can't read.

I would loveto see some live game action, especially thre CBA championship sereis.

I am curious if Wang was bombing 3's on a zone defense or posting Yi up at will on 37 point nights.

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Sure. The teams that passed on Dirk regret it now, but in the same sense, the teams that took Darko and Skita also regret the moves they made.

Like I have said, I haven't seen enough of Yi to have an opinion on him.

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KB I feel more then anyone else I tend to agree with you point of view more times then not. It isn't the sky is falling, its more of a long term whats best for the team. That and your ideas seem to agree with mine, but I don't get this. Hofford to me is exactly what Shelden is. A 6'10 big body to play defense. Shelden was hurt and a rookie last year. In looking at Shelden's workout predraft he is almost identical to Hofford. I like Hofford as a player, but I can't get excited about passing on Yi, for something we have.

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IMO, Horford is more explosive and has more offensive potential in the paint than Shelden. Plus, I think the inch difference in height and the three inch difference in reach is significant.

My thing with Yi is this. I don't want this guy to come in and play defense like Pau Gasol. I'd rather see this guy come in and play defense like Andris Beidrins, battling for rebounds and maintaining his position defensively. I don't like the matador defense that Pau plays, and unfortunately, that's the type of defense I've seen from Yi at this point.

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KB I feel more then anyone else I tend to agree with you point of view more times then not. It isn't the sky is falling, its more of a long term whats best for the team. That and your ideas seem to agree with mine, but I don't get this. Hofford to me is exactly what Shelden is. A 6'10 big body to play defense. Shelden was hurt and a rookie last year. In looking at Shelden's workout predraft he is almost identical to Hofford. I like Hofford as a player, but I can't get excited about passing on Yi, for something we have.

Horford is much faster than Shelden, slighly taller, margianally weaker and not as decorated defender, but he is not significantly better to draft him when a unique talent who is far superior is available.

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exodus, dont know what clip you watched but the most flattering I have seen was linked in a thread on here for the last few days....Yi is in the subject but not sure the exact thread title...

it aint all "put backs", believe me. we are talking swats, 3's, and fadeaway J's.

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Horford is much faster than Shelden, slighly taller, margianally weaker and not as decorated defender, but he is not significantly better to draft him when a unique talent who is far superior is available.

That's the way I feel.

Same reason I don't want Conley at 3. He's not significantly better to the point where it's worth making our 11th pick worthless.

I love Horford as well but we have a chance to get a player a lot more rare than Horford.

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exodus, dont know what clip you watched but the most flattering I have seen was linked in a thread on here for the last few days....Yi is in the subject but not sure the exact thread title...

it aint all "put backs", believe me. we are talking swats, 3's, and fadeaway J's.

I wasn't watching a clip. I was watching a game.

I had already seen that clip.

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exodus the clip you are talking about is in Jerry West sig right above.

I will be a realist and say it is just highlights so you dont see the total package. I beleive that is what he was referring to was this one game he watched. But that video shows he does have skills.

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