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First impression of Yi


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So what does Yi do in the second quarter after he has fouled out trying to guard a center?

Yes. That's a problem.

My memory is fuzzy. Did Chandler foul out a lot in the beginning of his career. I think he didn't get a lot minutes early on. Right? Also he played a lot of small forward. LOL. Can you imagine Chandler playing small forward now?

Chandler isn't a legit comparison because he came into the league out of hs. He was underdeveloped. Yi is several years older and still can't handle the physical play underneath.

Chandler wasn't anything worthy until recently. It takes time for boys to become man. Yi is already heavier than Chandler. Once he gets some American defensive drills drilled into his brain, he'll know how to play real Defense. He just needs some good coaching.

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First YI wont be playing 48 minutes.

He won't last 15 trying to guard centers.


If someone is posting Yi up, I would like to think (have serious doubts) Woody can choose to send a quick double team, or you also have the best help weakside defneder in the NBA right now in Smith.

So the best case scenario for Yi guarding centers is open jumpers for the opposition.


Dallas and Avery Johnson was unwilling until game 4 when it was to late to go to a small lineup.

You got it backwards. They started the series with the small lineup. Neither Diop or Damp started Game 1.


Okur is a PF playing C (i get tired of calling it C, its really 2 PF playing but in todays NBA it works)

Okur has at least 20 pounds on Yi. Boozer is much stronger than Smith and is a pure post player. The Utah comparison doesn't work at all.

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Granted i only watched a half of play but his speed and quickness scream sf.

That's a major problem with Yi. He's so fast people want to pigeon hole him into SF although he is a hybrid of all 3 front court positions. On top of that he grew us as a point guard. Go figure.

hell, make him our point guard....he can stand at the 3 and hold the ball in the air while opposing points jump up and down like kids trying to reach the ball. just shoot over them.....yeah, i'm just kidding but it would be funny.

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I mean the guy is 18 (or 21) if we give Durant a pass for not being able to bench 185, we can't poo poo Yi for not being a beast in the post yet. The point is that his upside is unlimted and unknown. But since there are no true centers available worth taken, and we can all agree that most of the PG prospects are equal, add to the fact that none of them would probably start over Speedy (at least initially) then we almost have to take a chance on Yi at 3. Hell if I am the ASG i'd take Yi at 3 just to be relevant in the NBA again. Do you know how many time Ahmad Rashad will be here to interview Yi for NBA TV? Think about the glut of Chinese media that will be at our Summer league games. We might get a couple of TNT games just because he is on the squad.

Speaking of Summerleague think about our summer frontline




That is going to be sick...loll

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Almost everybody including his agent calls him a SF,

Because that is what he is.


but the game tape shows he plays center.

Because he is tall they play him at c. Who else would they put there? it isn't like the Chinese league is loaded with 7 footers.

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this is what I love, so if I say I want a lineup of JJ, Marvin, Smith, Yi then thats set in stone, cant change, he fouls out thats it.

First if he plays more then 12 minutes in the 1st half I'd be shocked. We are talking about a rookie here lets not get carried away. Secondly if on the nights we do play a big C, could Shell or Lo or somebody not rotate in and out with him. Honestly how many beastly cneters does the east have?????? Howard?? so when we play Orl he cant guard Darko? in 2 to 3 years will Shaq even be playing?

You want to put your players in a position to succeed.

Your Utah example is a perfect illustration of flawed thinking. Okur has 20 pounds on Yi, Boozer has 20 pounds on Smith. how are they comparable?

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Almost everybody including his agent calls him a SF,

Because that is what he is.


but the game tape shows he plays center.

Because he is tall they play him at c. Who else would they put there? it isn't like the Chinese league is loaded with 7 footers.

No. He is a hybrid of all 3 front court positions. Chinese game tapes show that he plays center defensively in their league. Offensively he wants to go to the paint every chance he gets. Tell me why he can't be a better center than Zaza once he learns the defensive drills? To save fouls we could just give him minutes in all 3 front court positions. I see no reason he can't play defense like Chandler in the near future.

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I love when people try to justify their points with what the THINK is right without doing HW.


Okur: listed above 6'11, 249 at age 28

Yi: listed 7'0, 246 at age 22 or 19 thats a crap shoot

So even at age 22 Yi isn't going to put on 3 lbs of muscle in the next 6 years when he is Okur's age? I bet he out weights Okur by opening day in 2008. So where is that 20 lbs you spoke of????????

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Chinese game tapes show that he plays center defensively in their league. Offensively he wants to go to the paint every chance he gets.

He is doing what he is told. It isn't that complicated.


I see no reason he can't play defense like Chandler in the near future.

The i recommend glasses, contacts or Lasik.

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Chinese game tapes show that he plays center defensively in their league. Offensively he wants to go to the paint every chance he gets.

He is doing what he is told. It isn't that complicated.


I see no reason he can't play defense like Chandler in the near future.

The i recommend glasses, contacts or Lasik.

So, that's your way of saying Yi can never be a Chandler type defender. Please do tell what tools Chandler possessed a couple of years ago that Yi doesn't.

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Chad Ford says Yi's wingspan is over 7'4". However another source said he ( ajc ?) said he had a 7'2" wingspan.

Okur is listed as 263 on NBA.com

Boozer is listed at 266.

I said in my first post that Yi didn't looked 246. Considering they didn't take the physical i am sticking with that impression.

Wright was listed at 210 until he actually got weighed officially at 200.

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If Yi's agent could credibly say he projects as a center in the NBA he would because it would dramatically increase Yi's value and draft prospects. Saying he is a SF is a way of devaluing his own prospect - unless it is true and then it builds credibility. A center that can play and chew gum at the same time gets big $$. A SF doesn't get anywhere near the same interest. If Yi could play center his agent would be marketing that with a fury.

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So, that's your way of saying Yi can never be a Chandler type defender. Please do tell what tools Chandler possessed a couple of years ago that Yi doesn't.

He has always been an aggressive, physical player that can handle contact. That is the way he is.

If Chandler was playing here NOBODY would be talking about Yi as a center.

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If Yi's agent could credibly say he projects as a center in the NBA he would because it would dramatically increase Yi's value and draft prospects. Saying he is a SF is a way of devaluing his own prospect - unless it is true and then it builds credibility. A center that can play and chew gum at the same time gets big $$. A SF doesn't get anywhere near the same interest. If Yi could play center his agent would be marketing that with a fury.

I think Yi will have an easier life as a forward. If he fulfills his potential its big $ in any position he plays.

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Team Depth Charts


Atlanta Z. Pachulia

Boston K. Perkins

Charlotte P. Brezec

Chicago B. Wallace

Cleveland Z. Ilgauskas

Dallas E. Dampier

Denver M. Camby

Detroit C. Webber

Golden State A. Harrington

Houston Y. Ming

Indiana J. O'Neal

LA Clippers C. Kaman

LA Lakers K. Brown

Memphis P. Gasol

Miami S. O'Neal

Milwaukee A. Bogut

Minnesota M. Blount

New Jersey J. Collins

New York E. Curry

NO/Oklahoma City T. Chandler

Orlando D. Howard

Philadelphia S. Dalembert

Phoenix A. Stoudemire

Portland J. Przybilla

Sacramento B. Miller

San Antonio F. Elson

Seattle N. Collison

Toronto R. Nesterovic

Utah M. Okur

Washington E. Thomas

Listed above are the listed "C" for NBA teams at the end of the season. This why I hate having defining positions. Al Harrington is not a C, he is just your tallest starter. How many on this list are actualy the prototypical C. ALmost all are PF converted to C. So why can't we use 2 PF. Play pg, sg, sf, pf, pf. Our SG and SF have a height match up on most of the league.

So all of these big bad centers you are worried are going to school Yi if we play with 2 PF. Lets review the East.

Guys that I will give you Yi would struggle against (keep in mind this is in your world were subs and changes arent made liek bringingin Shelden or Lo)

J Oneal





Now to each his own opinion, but the remaining guys listed I feel Yi can hold his own against just as well as ZaZa our current starter.



Wallace (only because he doesnt try to score since this was a defensive ?, clearly better reb)

Ilgaskuas (shooter, doesnt post up that much and when he does its a fad away where Yi's height and reach wold help more then ZaZa






So now we are supposed to draft what most are saying is top 5 talent in the draft because 5 guys in his confrence woudl push him around. Never mind just bringing in Shelden or Lo for those times, or god forbid the fact he is a 20 (go for avg) year old rookie that still has time to grow and put on weight

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If Yi's agent could credibly say he projects as a center in the NBA he would because it would dramatically increase Yi's value and draft prospects. Saying he is a SF is a way of devaluing his own prospect - unless it is true and then it builds credibility. A center that can play and chew gum at the same time gets big $$. A SF doesn't get anywhere near the same interest. If Yi could play center his agent would be marketing that with a fury.

I think Yi will have an easier life as a forward. If he fulfills his potential its big $ in any position he plays.

Agreed. I don't think he has to be a Center to be worthy of the #3 pick. I just don't like all the talk about how Yi must be a center since he is 7' and blocked shots in the CBA.

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So, that's your way of saying Yi can never be a Chandler type defender. Please do tell what tools Chandler possessed a couple of years ago that Yi doesn't.

He has always been an aggressive, physical player that can handle contact. That is the way he is.

If Chandler was playing here NOBODY would be talking about Yi as a center.

That's because Chandler is done with his development. Yi hasn't gone through his first NBA defensive drill yet. Yi is very aggressive and in their type of game he is quite physical. Let him develop a little. Chandler wasn't all that.

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