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Hawks New Colors?


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Sothron, Jaywalker, or anyone else that may know, have you guys heard anything about the Hawks changing their colors?

Lang Whitaker had a blurb in one of his links sections a while back saying that it had gotten out that the Hawks were going back to the red, white, and blue color scheme they had when they first moved to Atlanta.

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About four months ago, I mentioned in passing that the Hawks were getting new uniforms next season, and then was told I wasn’t supposed to know anything about them. Well, I did know about them. And now word is finally starting to filter out to the message boards as people are getting glimpses. The Hawks are finally dumping the yellow/red color scheme, which is waaaay overdue, since it makes them look more like a fast food restaurant than a sports franchise.

The Hawks are going to blue, red and white, which is actually the franchise’s old colors. I know a few people who’ve seen the new uniforms and reactions have been mixed. One person who saw them last week said they were hot. But to me, anything’s better than what we have now. I’m hoping the new jerseys take some cues from their first jerseys in Atlanta.


The Hawks jerseys when they first moved to Atlanta. NOTE: Not the new jerseys.

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scares me....i don't mind those colors shown there but let's be careful on just HOW light blue we go. I do not by any means want to look like the Denver Nuggets and their IT'S A BOY! colored uniform. I cannot stand the yellow uniforms but I was fine with the red and the white. I would have liked to see the pacman uniforms come back because those were tight.

And please for the love of god no gold uniforms and even silver uniforms would look a bit insane. None of that green mess either....

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I don't think it is known if the blue is going to be a powder blue or a navy blue. What Lang stated in his blurb is that the Hawks were going to a blue, red, and white color scheme. He mentioned that he hopes they take a cue from the older Hawks unis.

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i thought for a while they should go gold and black....gt colors...no r/w/b.....

Too many Dawg fans to put them in gold and black. That is why both Hawks and Falcons use RED. Tech can barely support their own teams. They stuggle to sell out their 50,000 seat staduium while UGA sales out a 93,000 stadium vs. Ga. Southern or Middle Tennessee. When Tech host UGA it is over 65&% red in Booby Dodd Stadium. The state wears red not gold / yellow, alwayse has, alwayse will.

The yellow uniforms are plain ugly. Doubt gold is much better.

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I just received an e-mail reply from Lang Whitaker. I asked him if he knew when the Hawks were going to announce the new colors. In his reply, he said that he wasn't sure, but he said they may announce the new colors and jerseys at the draft.

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I'd really just like to see us go back to the Nique jerseys and logo. I hate our logo now, too...busy. Name one logo that you see a lot with that much going on, needs to be simplified. examples- Yankees NY, Braves A, Pretty much all NFL and MLB logos. Bring back PAC MAN!!

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I e-mailed Bernie about this a few months ago, when I first saw Lang's story. Obviously, he couldn't really reveal anything, but he did confirm that the rumor was true.


Nothing can be released at this time - but yes.

Nba controls release time until they have the new merchandise ready.

The draft would seem like a good time to reveal them. I think we might see a color similar to the Thrashers, so they can really push that Blueland angle.

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That would make sense. I just hope they don't try to intermingle the red, orange, and yellow that is in the Thrasher's color scheme. If they are going to a red, white, and blue scheme, I hope they keep it red, white, and blue. Personally, I prefer the deep blue that the Braves have, but I just looked at the Thrashers, and they have a mix of a dark blue and a light blue.

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I say we BOMBARD ASG with E-mails, letters, and maybe even hold a demonstration somewhere demanding that if they make new uni's that they somehow bring the Pacman back! lol

It is SO time. bannana_guitar.gif

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