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More thoughts on Yi


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I've watched another 4 quarters of game footage on Yi. My first impression, that he definitely has the speed for the NBA, is still the main point i have gotten from watching games.

One negative is that he doesn't finish well inside after contact. His shot can get thrown off very easily. I don't know if he is as bad as Marvin when finishing after contact, but he probably isn't much better. The good thing is that, since his body reacts poorly to contact, he will probably draw a lot of fouls. He appears to be a good foul shooter.

But he won't be getting many and1's. He definitely looks weak inside. No way is he 246. I would bet he is close to 230. I don't know if he has done much weight lifting but it sure doesn't look like it. He has a decent frame so he at least looks like he is capable of putting on some muscle.

As far as blocking shots goes he definitely makes a good effort in this area. He doesn't just let guys go. With his quickness and size he will definitely get his share of blocks. It isn't realistic to expect him to get as many blocks as Smith (who is a freak) but i feel confident that if given 30 minutes per game that Yi would be in the top 20 in blocks.

I also expect him to be pretty good on the boards for the same reasons, his quickness and height. He will be able to get a lot of rebouds out of his are because he is so quick and long.

He seems to have a good jumper but i haven't seen a lot of it. His role there is being a big man so he doesn't get a lot of opportunities on the perimeter. When he gets the ball outside he passes most of the time or occassionally takes a jumper when open. But i haven't seen him try to create anything off the dribble. They say he handles the ball well but i really haven't seen him try to do anything off the dribble at all. Again i just think that isn't his role on the team.

People talk about how well he played against the US. I didn't see the game but i would bet he was playing much more on the perimeter than he does in these games.

The only real weakness i have seen in his game is that he just isn't very strong.

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Sounds like you are starting to warm up to Yi, or am I wrong?

I tried to have an open mind when i started watching him. Seeing how fast he is has definitely swayed me. I would say he is faster than any player i have seen him compared to. I would bet he is faster than Bosh by a solid margin.

However i would expect that even if i watch several more games i probably won't have a really good feel for what he can do because of the way he is used. His weakness is his lack of strength and they play him inside. He can probably play center better than anyone on their team but that just doesn't play to his strengths.

On the positive side when he gets someone smaller matched up on him i don't think he will be at all reluctant to post them up since he is used to playing center. Dirk still seemingly refuses to post up smaller players. I don't think Yi will have that problem.

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I've seen two games of his so far, and he comes across as a player with a lot of offensive potential that needs a lot of work as a defender.

I agree with you about his speed and quickness, and I also agree about his lack of strength. It doesn't get exploited as much in the CBA, but it will when he gets to the NBA. Much like Yao Ming though, it probably won't take him long to gain strength when he comes over here, gets on an American Diet, and starts a weight lifting routine.

In comparing him to Pau Gasol, I think he has similar quickness and instincts on blocking shots, but I think he plays defense similar as well because he doesn't body up. His team was playing a zone most of the time though. Yi is much better offensively than Pau is though. Pau is an around the basket scorer who is very weak when stepping outside and is a terrible free throw shooter. Yi can score inside as well as outside, or at least that is what he has the skill level to do at this point.

Overall, he looks like he combines some of Pau's athleticism and inside play with some of Dirk's outside play. Based on what I've seen, I'd have a hard time not ranking this guy as the 3rd or 4th player in the draft. Still, it's only two games, and I want to see more before I put him on my board ahead of Al Horford at this point.

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I am fairly certain Yi's lack of strength is the reason his workouts are solo. if he was playing half court against Horford he would get pushed around pretty easily.

I think it is easy to see that he wouldn't be effective for extended minutes inside right now in the NBA.

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Seeing how fast he is has definitely swayed me.

Ok. Well bottom-line, how would you feel personally if we were to draft him at #3?

I would be fine with it now. Before actually watching him play i was definitely against it.

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Interesting to hear your thoughts on him and how your feelings on him changed after having actually seen him play.

I'm still fully aboard the Mike Conley Jr. train myself, though I feel that train getting less crowded by the minute. Hey, it's getting kinda lonely around here!

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I think the big thing with Mike Conley Jr. right now is that most people simply do not think he is worth the 3rd pick in the draft right now. Chances are, Mike Conley Jr. is going to rank 8th or 9th on most boards, and I think there is a legitimate chance that he will be on the board when the Hawks pick 11th. Sacramento may be the only team ahead of the Hawks that will be a threat to draft him.

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and I think there is a legitimate chance that he will be on the board when the Hawks pick 11th. Sacramento may be the only team ahead of the Hawks that will be a threat to draft him.

Now THAT would be the ultimate of my dream draft scenarios. Seriously, I couldn't think of a much better chain of events falling into place for us.

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Interesting to hear your thoughts on him and how your feelings on him changed after having actually seen him play.

I'm still fully aboard the Mike Conley Jr. train myself, though I feel that train getting less crowded by the minute. Hey, it's getting kinda lonely around here!

I still think Conley would have the biggest impact on our team. Reason being is that the gap between his abilities and the abilities of the pgs we have is greater than the gap between Yi's abilities and the forwards we have.

However i am starting to believe that Yi is the 3rd best prospect in the draft.

When i watch Parker getting to the basket and finishing i see Conley doing the same thing. I also think Conley will do a better job setting other people up than Parker does.

I can't see Law breaking down the defense and getting to the rim like Conley although i think Law will be a good player.

Sactown is definitely the wild card. I am assuming that Artest has worn out his welcome there. Therefore they may take a good look at Thorton who was impressive at the combine. Plus they are undersized on the front line and may go big.

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Agreed Exodus about Conley regards to being similar to Parker. Conley is going to breakdown defenses with his speed when is the last time we had a guard like that? Plus his court vision is better than Law or Crits.I think the 3rd pick is between Horford/Yi and if there is anyway possible to move up and get conley provided he shows that speed in his workouts do it. Isn't that what we need a guy to break defenses down and find the open man? Conley will score just because of this then defenses will be forced to play back making Conley shoot the ball.

I still want to see vs horford and Wright we can talk to we are blue in the face watchig tape you can only tell so much.The last guy I want is Wright no way to skinny will get pushed around. I don't care if we have to trade chills or marvin plus no11 to move up if conloy is a difference maker. We already have to many wingman and if we can solve a position by trading someone do it.

I doubt BK is smart enough to think 2 moves ahead of the competition. Since SW and Marvin are questionable I have no problem drafting Horford/Yi however I am leaning towards Horford if Yi is to scared to play against the competition. We need a guy to clean up the boards and horford can do that better than SW if he plays power forward.

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he is NOW 246, that's because he's been training for months, since the CBA playoffs were over.

I saw a tape of his workout in May for Chad Ford and he looks the same.

He isn't going to put on that much weight in just a few months.

If a guy is going to lie about his age I am certainly not going to take his word on his weight.

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From reports here and what little I've seen, Yi is FAST!!

Some people are quick. Others are not. Smaller players

usually have a lot more quickness - Example: How did

Speedy git his name???

Watching the final, listen to all the talk from the

announcers and read all the sports reporters talking

about what? SPEED!! That's what!

Winning basketball requires speed / quickness. Everyone

has questions about defense. Size inside IS important,

but so is quickness. If you can't get there in time,

your opponent scores. Also, if they simply run over

you because you are too weak to hold your position and

score on you, that's not good either.

Big and tall can get stronger, I would think. Quickness

you can't gain very much. Either you have it or you don't.

Right now, I'm for Chinese Law for our picks. I expect

the other PG's to be gone by 11. I'll be haooy with

Yi and Law.


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Guest Walter


I still think Conley would have the biggest impact on our team. Reason being is that the gap between his abilities and the abilities of the pgs we have is greater than the gap between Yi's abilities and the forwards we have.

It doesn't matter whether and if so to what extent Conley's abilities are better than AJ's, Lue's, Speedy's, or Salim's for that matter. Just like it doesn't matter whether and to what extent Crittenton's or Law's abilities are better than these guys. It matters only whether and if so to what extent Conley's abilities are better than the likely available Pgs at 11 A-N-D whether that difference I-F it is deemed "for" Conley is greater than the difference in talent between the 3rd pick and the 11th pick.

In short, Conley definately has a bigger impact on our team than AJ (duh) but does Conley/BPA at 11 have a bigger impact on our team than Yi/Law or Crittenton. The answer is an unequivacable "NO!".

Exodus, I appreciate your change in position essentially in alignment with mine and others and I'm not trying to gloat, however, don't cover up your change of heart with such nonsense as "Conley will have a bigger impact than AJ". You changed you mind. Big deal. You did it because you sought more information. Great. I wanted Yi over Wright but would have easily accepted Wright. After his weighing in at a measley 200 lbs (among his other less than awesome numbers) I simply would NOT want him! I changed my mind. Before I watched some recent footage of Yi I was willing to trade the pick. NOW I AM NOT! I changed my mind. No, I didn't change my fundamental position (we have a talent need, this draft lends itself to filling our talent need 1st and our Pg need 2nd) like you did (Conley at 3), but don't sell your change of heart as anything less and if you continue to insist it isn't don't use such poor argumentation.


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