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Highlights from Knight on 790


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There's already a post, but just to sum up what he's said today:

-He has sounded very enthusiastic and cheerful the whole time

-He considers Wright and Conley Jr. to be "young," whereas Yi has played professionally and is already on track.

-He wants to give Shelden more minutes next year at the Center position because of the emergence of Josh Smith.

-He received calls from his big 3 players (JJ, Smith, Childress) right after the lottery results

-The Hawks have been receiving calls receiving the picks since the lottery

-He believes we will make a serious run for the playoffs next year.

Very positive review, BK was very friendly, cheerful, optimistic.

Sorry to start the new thread...Just wanted to summarize everything into one post cool.gif

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As much as I would like to add a good vet, I dont like that he hinted at 3, 11 & a young guy for that vet. Now if it was Amare, I don't care but not for Gasol. Thats just me though.

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As much as I would like to add a good vet, I dont like that he hinted at 3, 11 & a young guy for that vet. Now if it was Amare, I don't care but not for Gasol. Thats just me though.

Depending on who the young guy is that is a high price to pay. I would consider it for Amare though. I am not a huge Gasol fan though.

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I'm not willing to move #3, #11 and Josh Smith for Amare Stoudemire. You get one, either #3 or Josh Smith. Josh Smith has a lot of value, IMO. He has 20/10/3 potential AND is still cheap with no serious injuries as of yet. (Knock on wood) Don't get me wrong, if Amare is healthy, he is worth a house but that is a little much. I also don't want to watch Nash / Smith / Yi / (Brewer, Law or Thaddeus) tear up the league.

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Amare make the most sense. I don't think anyone would have any trouble getting Amare at the cost of our draft picks and another young player, especially Josh Smith.

Lets say we do get Amare.Then we still have the same holes at pg and c with no pick next year and fewer assets to trade.

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There is Billups and Mo Williams. Mo is a RFA. However Billups is a UFA. Depends on Billups asking price. His value may not be as high as he want it to be. That could work in the Hawks favor. We can get the Pistons to go along with a trade if we offer a young player or future 1st. One of those or just start dumping salary. We have enough expiring deals and teams might be willing to take on. Clear that capspace and sign Billups outright.

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I'm not willing to move #3, #11 and Josh Smith for Amare Stoudemire. You get one, either #3 or Josh Smith. Josh Smith has a lot of value, IMO. He has 20/10/3 potential AND is still cheap with no serious injuries as of yet. (Knock on wood) Don't get me wrong, if Amare is healthy, he is worth a house but that is a little much. I also don't want to watch Nash / Smith / Yi / (Brewer, Law or Thaddeus) tear up the league.

Yeah I would be against it as well although Amare would be great to have, I just dont want to part with Smith.

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Guest Walter


-He considers Wright and Conley Jr. to be "young," whereas Yi has played professionally and is already on track.

Sounds very much like, as Lascar said, "leaning Yi".

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If you're getting Amare, you HAVE to trade J.Smoove.

Those two players' egos clashing is the equivalent of Shaq + Kobe (although they did get 3 rings).

I wouldn't mind seeing an Amare vs. Smoove fight though. That would be entertaining.

Anyway, if we could get both of these guys on the team together (HIGHLY unlikely) and if they could play cohesively, we could really be working with something there.

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As much as I would like to add a good vet, I dont like that he hinted at 3, 11 & a young guy for that vet. Now if it was Amare, I don't care but not for Gasol. Thats just me though.

You know what.. Maybe Zaza is the "young guy" we trade out.

Remember Zaza is still only 23?.

And he said Shelden will play a lot more center....

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If BK thinks Shelden can log minutes at the C then he is clearly thinking that Horford can do the same and probably have better success at it.

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The problem is that Amare will make $13 million next year. So we will have to give up our cap space or expirers to make the deal work, making any future deals very tough.

And acquisition like Amare would alter things for years to come becasue we will have the young guys cantracts coming up to be redone for the next several years. Don't see how we could afford him and be able to keep the other talent long.

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How about #3, #11, Shelden, and Speedy for Amare, Banks, and one of Phoenix's late first rounders this year? I know all about the argument that Phoenix won't trade with us because they want our draft pick next year to be as low as possible. But, they may see this trade as being worth helping to make our pick next year #20 (for example) instead of #12. I don't think we will be much worse than #10 or #12 next year, whether Phoenix makes this trade or not. We're going to make a trade with someone, or we're going to draft some decent players and get better. If I'm Phoenix I take the bird in the hand vs. the two in the bush.

The salaries/capspace details work.

We would be trading our expensive back-up point guard mistake (Speedy) for theirs (Banks), but Banks might actually be able to play for us.

They get Shelden who can play center/PF for them, and probably Yi (#3) and a back-up point guard (#11) they can groom.

They reduce their salary situation by about $7 million a year and thus avoid the luxury tax.

We play Amare at center (rotating time with ZaZa) and he would be formidable in the East (he already plays Shaq very well). We play Smoove at PF and Marvin at SF.

We then try to trade Lue and the late first rounder for a "decent" starting point guard (Calderon from Toronto or Duhon from Chicago, or Lue/AJ and the late first rounder for Ridnour). We'd still have a bit of a problem at point guard, but we'd be improved with one of those three guys, I believe.

Amare (16 mpg)/ZaZa (32 mpg)/Lo (emergency minutes only) at Center

Smoove (32 mpg)/Amare (16 mpg)/Solomon (emergency only) at PF

Marvin (32 mpg)/Chilz (16 mpg) at SF

JJ (36 mpg)/Chilz (12 mpg)/Salim (emergency) at SG

New point guard (Calderon, Duhon, or Ridnour)(32 mpg)/Banks 16 mpg)/plus whoever is still left after the trades (emergency minutes only)

No one but JJ plays major minutes, but with Amare's injury history, Smoove's foul troubles, and Marvin and Chilz still only deserving around 30 mpg it works out okay. If any of these players actually earn a LOT more minutes, then we may be able to work a trade for Chilz (?) and one of our point guards for a true starting caliber point guard.


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If we did the trade I suggested (above) we would soon have to pay big bucks for Smoove, Marvin, and or Chilz (probably only keep two of them, not all three, not matter if we get Amare or not). We would go over the cap, but we are allowed to do so with our own players. We would probably go over the luxury tax threshold, but may not go over it by much.

Assuming this young, dynamic team was winning and filling up Philips Arena, the ownership might pay the price. That's what it takes to win.

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