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Bingo. People are saying his production is worthless because he plays in the CBA. But it's not his numbers, it's how he moves and plays on the basketball court. He doesn't just move as an elite athlete for the CBA, he has athleticism for his size that would be considered elite in the NBA.

He seems faster than any 7 footer I can ever remember playing. That's why I would love to see his measurements. For if he is truly 7'0 240+... we can't pass on this guy. But it's not just his speed and agility, this guy has great fundamentals. I think it will take a while to put it all together in the NBA, but him at PF is going to be the start of something that could be beyond Dirk. He potentially has what Dirk lacks... a game that allows him to put the ball on the floor from the high post.

Somebody asked, how do you stop a 7 footer with a fall away jumper. A better question is how do you stop a driving 7 footer as fast as Yi with a nose for the basket? If he can dunk on Chris Bosh in the world games, and that was without having played in the NBA, I think that a few months into the NBA, he will be something!!

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I have said for a long time that the difference between Yi and Durant is exposure.

I think Durant has some definite strength issues. If we had the #2 pick, It wouldn't be a no brainer. I think that's the biggest bunch of cokcay that has ever been told. I think Yi is every bit as skilled offensively as Durant plus I think he's faster and he's (supposedly 7'1")... that's huge!!! Moreover, Durant hasn't impressed me one bit with his defense. People talk about Durant as if he was a defensive star... Where?? I watched the Big 12 this year... A lot. I watched Julian Wright have good games (owning) Durant off the dribble. I watched Law crush Texas. I was just not impressed by Durant's defense. Offensively, it's just like his coach says... He has three moves. They are awesome moves though. Unless he works on his low post game, he has the chance to be Rashard Lewis Pt. III... Marvin Being Pt. II.

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Diesel, your last two threads in this post just made me feel a great rush of excitement.

I was the one who asked that question about blocking a fadeaway jumper. This guy also had some ridiculous 3 pters, he will block some shots, plus he'd love our guys (WTF is this talk that he wouldn't want to play in Atlanta--ESPN boards)


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I just don't understand why in todays NBA we are locked into having a "traditinal" center. Why can't a line up of 2 large PF's work?????? Teams like Ind, Det, Phx, have gone to this, why does it have to be he is a center? What is wrong with a starting lineup in a year after Yi has been seasoned of (PG taken at 11 or trade), JJ, Marvin, Josh Smith, Yi. I still don't see with zones and the length of Yi and Smith what the problem is. There are only a handful of "dominat' post up big man now. Shelden will get more then his fair share of minutes in those games, but to say Yi is worthless is not thinking outside the box

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I just don't understand why in todays NBA we are locked into having a "traditinal" center. Why can't a line up of 2 large PF's work?????? Teams like Ind, Det, Phx, have gone to this, why does it have to be he is a center? What is wrong with a starting lineup in a year after Yi has been seasoned of (PG taken at 11 or trade), JJ, Marvin, Josh Smith, Yi. I still don't see with zones and the length of Yi and Smith what the problem is. There are only a handful of "dominat' post up big man now. Shelden will get more then his fair share of minutes in those games, but to say Yi is worthless is not thinking outside the box

Well there's a few reasons:

1) Smoove is not a "large" PF...He is undersized for the position (plays it very well, though).

2) There are MAJOR doubts that Yi can play PF in the NBA...Scouting reports say he gets pushed around in the post (understand that is in the CHINESE basketball league, LOL) and might not have the strength to be a PF...Which is pathetic when you are 7'0 240 lbs.

3) We don't need an ELITE C, but we do need someone that is going to get down and dirty and play some damn defense...Zaza is already a fine scorer from there, IMO, but if someone like Gasol became available, we would have to jump at that opportunity.

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Guest Walter


you've got the best player on the team in Josh Smith or the #2 and BK's boy Marvin going to the bench now? that doesn't make any sense, whatsoever.

with the #3 you have to pick someone who will be able to play 35 minutes a game. those minutes aren't available at the F position.

GSUteke, you drafted SW in order to bench HIMSELF or either JS or MW? Where did you think he was going to play? He's 6' 7.5" with a very short reach! What were you thinking then?

The point is not only is this sentiment of "where do we play Yi?" dissengenuous based upon your feelings about SW last year (and it is ironic, sad, even painful that only 1 year later you seem at least resigned to the fact that our 5th pick YOU WANTED 100% is not even a part of the equation) it overlooks some VERY basic facts.

First, we MUST trade for a center if we are to get a center. That means a trade must occur. Where else do we trade from but the forward position since it's already an area of strength. Players we should consider. Darko Milicic (resigned), NeNe or Camby, Pryzbilla, Dalembert, Robert Swift, Sene, or Petro in Seattle, Beidrins (if available), Bynum (if we have enough to trade from our extra capitol, Diop...Unlike with JS and MW at the forwards, Yi and JS do not require the biggest, baddest, potentially dominant 2-way center we can find. Trade MW or JC maybe and/or SW and get one of these players in return. Perhaps we can combine enough talent together and get a center (prospect) while also getting rid of Speedy's contract.

I would combine MW or JC and SW for ONE PLAYER as we are simply NOT going to be able to resign all these prospects. My first choice would be Bynum but what about JC/SW/Speedy for a resigned Milicic/Garrity (ending deal next season)/Bogans (2 yrs) or Outlaw (0 yrs) both depending upon/39th pick (Dudley or overseas and stash). No, it's not an equal trade talent-wise but we get rid of Speedy's deal freeing us up to resign players after next year, fill the center position, and remember, there is NO WAY IN HELL we can afford to resign both JS and JC next season anyhow (and expect to resign MW). We've GOT to consider something like this. Maybe MW and SW can get us Beidrins. Maybe. My point? We need a center, one can only be acquired through a trade, and WE NEED TO CONSIDER A TWO FOR ONE TRADE!

It's not just about value as a player. It's about value to the team. If we can't expect to resign a player, especially in our ownership postition through which we cannot even bluff well, we have to think about such things.

Second, MW simply isn't so talented that the 4th worst team in the league with it's 2 best players being considerably less than the top 10 team's 2 best players can concern itself with whether or not he is "benched". If we happen to trade JC instead of MW (not my preference because I believe MW's trade value could net us a considerably better center) and draft Yi, TOUGH on MW. We've got a team to think about first, not him.


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Guest Walter


Marvin...absolutely had more "potential" when he was drafted.

Like hell he did or does. Just insane. Yi would punk MW right now frankly. Hard to imagine but Yi has more aggressiveness coming out of China's culture than MW does. Name one offensive move of Yi's that MW can stop. MW gets his shot blocked more than I do at a gigantism convention and Yi contests and blocks a lot of shots. It would be "no contest" frankly.

Yi is also reportedly younger than MW now I believe.


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Guest Walter


We don't need another SF.

...and those come infrequently and don't come cheap...we COULD use a Pf, and since we are going to have to make a trade for a center we might as well trade from MW/JC/SW to get one.


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Because there is no evidence that he is the new Pau Gasol...Gasol can play C, Yi can absolutely NOT play center...And that is all that is relevant to our needs.

We don't need another SF.

since i am probably sure you have never seen him live, you seem really certain that he can't play center.

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Because there is no evidence that he is the new Pau Gasol...Gasol can play C, Yi can absolutely NOT play center...And that is all that is relevant to our needs.

We don't need another SF.

since i am probably sure you have never seen him live, you seem really certain that he can't play center.

He is getting pushed around like a rag doll against Chinese centers. I like Yi but he just isn't a center right now.

If he gains some muscle mass he could be effective at the 4. I don't see him ever being effective at C.

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Is the Chinese league inferior to the NCAA? Yi didn't get pushed around much in international competitions. But before you exclaim that the Chinese league isn't more than a glorified rec league, consider that we have been getting our asses kicked in internation comp for the past 10 years. I am not to willing to think that our college kids are better than anybody in the world at this point.

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We don't need another SF.

...and those come infrequently and don't come cheap...we COULD use a Pf, and since we are going to have to make a trade for a center we might as well trade from MW/JC/SW to get one.


Why on earth would you trade MW over Yi??

Yi is older, has no NBA experience, and Marvin had even more potential coming into the draft.

Trade #3.

We don't need to start ALL OVER with another "could be superstar" at SF...We need to develop the talent we already have, and fill positions where we don't have it.

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Every single scouting report I've read has said that he gets pushed around in the post (embarassingly awful when you are 7'1 240) and there are very serious doubts whether he could even play PF in the NBA.

What on earth would compel you to think he could play C???

Especially immediately.

I think we are unfairly expecting Yi to be further along than any of the other players that we could potentially draft. I mean he isn't supposed to walk on the court as an all star player.

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