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Why not Camby?


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There's been TONS of articles suggesting how Denver is looking to avoid luxury tax next season, and that Camby is the most likely to go. Even Denver fans pretty much realize he needs to go. Carmelo's max deal kicks in next season, Nene makes over 11 million, and Iverson will be making 20 million. And don't forget K-mart's 14 million.

Camby is only making ~8 million for the next 3 years, and he could be had for the right deal. Why not something like Shelden/filler or Childress/filler and #11? It would be much more reasonable than a big offer for Gasol, he's cheaper, is much better on defense, and would give us a much better chance at resigning our own prospects. Camby and Smith down low would be scary for opposing player's driving to the basket. I realize Camby's overrated defensively, but he's still a good defender, he's much cheaper, and paired with Smith would be dangerous. Not to mention he's a GREAT rebounder.

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In an ideal world, I'd like to keep the #11 pick...Then I would be all for taking the BPA at 3 and a PG at 11.

I'm not sure what kind of package we could put together...Shelden/Salim/Lue???

I don't think that would get it done...But as long as we keep 3,11, Smoove, Marvin, JJ, and in an ideal world Childress (even though I realize he'd prob be gone).


JJ/Free Agent




I like that team.

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