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I think Jack and Gasol will be Hawks in 07


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Simply based off of statements that have been made by representatives of the team that we are looking at acquiring veteran players with either/both of our picks. I think that we are trying to build up interest in our picks by acting so interested in a few of the players that will be available to us in those spots.

Here are 2 undeniable facts though.

1. BK LOVES Gasol. He traded for him once and has always spoken highly of him. If 3/Childress/Lo/AJ is enough to get it done I think we will see it happen. No way do I see BK parting with JJ, Smoove, Marvin, or Shelden for Gasol in addition to the 3 and Childress.

2. BK LOVES Jack. He tried hard to get him in the draft. He has tried to trade for him ever since he got into the league and it is no secret that he likes Jack so much. Jack is a big, physical, defensive minded young veteran PG that can run the team without taking away from JJ being the leader.

Now, BK has also made it public knowledge that he believes Shelden can, should, and will play the 5 quite a bit more this year. We all know that Gasol isn't a true 5 and thrives at the 4. We also know that Shelden will need a tall 4 with shot blocking skills to allow him to anchor the 5, which I think he can do with a PF like Gasol next to him and even more so with a SF like Smoove running around helping out. Jack for the 11th pick gets it done.

Take a look at our new starting 5.

Jack - big, defensive PG

JJ - big, defensive SG

JS - big, shot blocking SF

PG - tall, shot blocking PF

SW - big, positional defensive C

That gives us 5 guys in the starting lineup that in some shape or form brings something positive to the table defensively. That also gives us 5 excellent rebounders for their positions. On top of that, we have an almost unguardable from the outside SG and a guy who can almost score at will in the post. Jack shoots well enough to keep the defense honest and Smoove can spend his days as he did as a rookie cutting to the basket looking for lobs because the oppositions best 2 defenders will be on JJ and Gasol. Talk about plenty of cheap baskets for Shelden and Smoove.

Finally, our new lineup with depth:




Gasol/mid-level FA, David Anderson, or maybe Batista?


Obviously we still have holes at the backup 2 and 4, but Salim has shown that he can play in this league when he is given a chance and when he gives 110%. I don't like him as a permanent fixture there, but he could hold it down for us enough. Lue could also see plenty of time on the floor with Jack or with Speedy. I would definitely look at signing the best FA PF I could with our MLE or remaining cap room.

Unless a major deal comes along that requires us to trade Smoove and gets us back someone significantly better than Gasol (ie Garnett) I think this is the best we can hope for this year. Gasol/Jack are both known players that can succeed in the NBA. Yi,Horford,Noah,Wright/Conley,Law,Critt are all guys with big potential that might end up better than Gasol/Jack, but I honestly don't believe any 2 of those guys can match what Gasol/Jack will do for us this year or the next few years at the minimum. Gasol/Jack locks us into the playoffs this year and both are plenty young enough for us to grow this corp together for the next 5+ years.

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Though, with the one caveat that I think the one underrated item on BK's wishlist is an 08 draft pick... I don't conceive where it can come from, but I'm convinced from past history and past quotes, it's on his list.

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If Gasol works out for us and we prove that we can win with him and if Solomon continues to grow and can become a poor man's Camby I see no reason that we couldn't trade ZaZa, who will still be a major steal at his age/salary/production level, to someone for a 1st rounder in 2008. Some team will be looking for a starting caliber center and ZaZa can certainly be that guy for the right type of team. Put him next to a guy like Elton Brand and he could be very successful.

Honestly though if our team gets assembled as I mentioned above or similarly I can't imagine us not making the playoffs and being a force (barring injuries). At that point we will have a young Jack, Marvin, Smoove, and Shelden looking at new contracts in the very near future. Plus JJ and Gasol already making good money so there might not be a bad idea for us to sit out 2008 and gain a little financial help from it.

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>>>To Atlanta<<<

- Pau Gasol (MEM, 13.7)

- Jarett Jack (PTL, 1.2)

- 2008 1st Rd Pick (from PTL, restricted from 1-10)

Total projected 07-08 salaries: 53.0 mil

>>>To Memphis<<<

- Zach Randolph (PTL, 13.3)

- Josh Childress (ATL, 3.6)

- Tyronn Lue (ATL, 3.5)

- #11 pick (ATL, 1.6)

Total projected 07-08 salaries: 44.1 mil

>>>To Portland<<<

- #3 pick (ATL, 3.1)

- Mike Miller (MEM, 8.2)

- Lorenzen Wright (ATL, 3.6)

Total projected 07-08 salaries: 53.0 mil


Why ATL does it: As has already been well-established, Gasol would become the low-post force and star that BK might be craving, while Jack is annointed the big PG who can play defense. Too, BK isn't left wanting for a slot in the 2008 draft.

Why ATL does NOT do it: They value one or both of their 1st round picks more highly than this.

Why MEM does it: Randolph effectively replaces Gasol, Childress is penciled in at either SG or SF, depending on what MEM does with their #4 and #11 picks. Lue is generally filler, but gives them a legit temporary #2 behind Stoudamire.

Why MEM does NOT do it: They make up with Gasol, and decide to re-build around him.

Why PTL does it: First, if not foremost, their well-rumored desire to jettison Randolph from the payroll gets done; plus they gain an established SF in Miller such as conventional wisdom says they're seeking; plus they get the #3 pick, for which they supposedly offered Randolph + Jack in the first place. Moreover, their payroll decreases to something just under the salary cap.

Why PTL does NOT do it: They do not covet the #3, and they do not covet Mike Miller.


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Alright, running with this idea, I checked for possible 3-way trade scenarios with us netting Gasol and Jack to see what might work for everyone involved. Ya'll tell me what you think.

Atlanta Outgoing:

Tyronne Lue

Lorenzen Wright

Salim Stoudamire

Josh Chilldress

#3 pick

#11 pick


Pau Gasol

Jarret Jack

Alexander Johnson

Memphis Outgoing:

Pau Gasol

Alexander Johnson


Tyronne Lue

Lamarcus Aldridge

Lorenzen Wright

#11 pick (Javaris Crittendon or Acie Law)

#37 pick

Portland Outgoing:

Lamarcus Aldridge

Jarret Jack

#37 pick


#3 pick (Mike Conley, Jr.)

Josh Chilldress

Salim Stoudamire

Why Atlanta does it? Atlanta fills both needs at PG and PF/C by adding Gasol and Jack. Johnson is just filler, but being a Georgia native himself, he adds another big body down in the paint.


Why Memphis does it? They net a young stud replacement for Gasol while adding vet leadership with expiring contracts. They also get a 2nd round pick in a very deep draft which could net them another valuable piece.

Critt or Law/Miller/Gay or Warrick/Horford/Aldridge

Why Portland does it? They'd rather have Zach Randolph in this equation, but few teams want him so they have to suffer with moving Aldridge instead. Despite their desire to move Randolph, having him next to Oden makes up for his defensive deficiency. They now have the #3 pick to secure Oden's teammate and best friend Mike Conley, Jr. They also pick up a shooter to come off the bench which and a versatile player in Josh Chilldress. They are also able to rid themselves of one of their 4 2nd round picks.

Conley Jr./Roy/Chillz/Randolph/Oden (that's probably a playoff team right there)

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You and I are usually on the same page, Sturt, but I think this 3-way trade is way off.

I don't think there's any way Memphis moves Gasol without getting the No. 3 pick -- even if they're getting a 20/10 guy in ZeBo (who I don't see them wanting anyway). Then when they have to "throw in" their only legit #2 scorer in Miller, it makes it even worse for the Grizz.

I think the Hawks and Blazers would be all over the trade. But the Grizzlies would likely respond with a giant "WTF!!"

Nice effort, though.

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He is 6'9". I live in Albany and I'm also a big Noles fan so I've seen him play through high school and college. He absolutely schooled Shelden Williams both times they played Duke his last year at FSU. He played Center in high school and most of the time at FSU. He's a strong player, but not a game changer or anything. At best, he'd be near the end of the bench. I threw him into the equation to make the money match up, plus he's a local kid so I liked him for my trade. I wouldn't see him taking minutes away from Solo or Shelden (despite that schooling in college)

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You and I are usually on the same page, Sturt, but I think this 3-way trade is way off.

I don't think there's any way Memphis moves Gasol without getting the No. 3 pick -- even if they're getting a 20/10 guy in ZeBo (who I don't see them wanting anyway). Then when they have to "throw in" their only legit #2 scorer in Miller, it makes it even worse for the Grizz.

I think the Hawks and Blazers would be all over the trade. But the Grizzlies would likely respond with a giant "WTF!!"

Nice effort, though.

Thanks, kelston.

Just fyi, I came to the whole idea based on some extended reading of Memphis fans' opinions last night... so, I don't know, maybe you're right about what the MEM front office would say, but if the MEM internet fans are any measure, the indications I get are:

1) They aren't motivated to move Gasol because it's production they'd have to replace... so any deal would need to include a sure-fire replacement or with demonstrated potential, plus some draft benefit, and lastly a ready player to fit at SG.

2) In spite of Miller being their #2 option, at least from the fans who wrote, there seemed to be an open inclination (if not a desire) to letting him go, partially in view of the three years remaining on his contract, and partially in view of what they may be able to get in return.

My own reasoning, then, birthed the rest... you could be right that they would be stone-cold determined that they should get the #3 instead of Portland, but I can't see it.

Why? Gasol and Randolph represent an equal trade-off... in fact, Randolph is a year younger;

Then for the other part, they're letting go of Miller and getting both Childress plus a 1st round draft pick... if anything, that seems a little pricey to me.

You may retort, "Okay, but they're also taking on Lue's salary"... and the counterpoint is, "Yes, but (a) his salary on their payroll doesn't really do any damage, (b) it's only one year, and © currently, their only PG on next season's roster is Stoudamire.

In fact, the one aspect of this trade that I labored over the longest was whether ATL should get the 1st Rd pick from PTL or from MEM.

At one point, I thought it should just be left that both would have some share in that asset, and that, the pick should be written into the deal as the lesser of MEM or PTL's 08 pick... but that's so likely to be PTL's anyhow, I just decided that was simpler to leave it that way.


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Creative... but a central premise for the trade is that Pritchard is keen on trading Randolph, not Aldridge. If it matters what I think, I think if Aldridge is on the table, BK wants to be the recipient... in truth, Aldridge represents almost exactly what BK wants to come out of this draft with, but that would come with a price that may be more difficult to satisfy.


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I agree we'd want to be the recipient of Aldridge if Portland does trade him, but alot of the articles I've read, grant it was speculation, has said that with potential suitors for Randolph being very, very limited, Portland may have no other alternative to deal Aldridge rather than Randolph and for him, there would lines of teams waiting to offer them something. Look at what we could offer them for Aldridge. What would everyone be comfortable with?

#3, #11, Chilldress for Aldridge/Jack? Portland gets much younger, albeit with amazing talent, but with so many picks already in the 2nd round and the #1 overall pick, they'll have tons of players hitting FA at the same time. What kind of young team could they have?


That's a great young starting core, but that team probably doesn't win more than 30 games this season. I think Portland came so close last year, they're thinking Oden puts them over the top and into the playoffs this year. If they deal away their best post scorer and a legit 20/10 guy on the hopes that Aldridge plays all season like he did the last 20 games or so of the season, then they're taking a big chance this year. I think they might bite the bullet and do that deal.

BK loves Gasol. He traded for him once in his career and he offers a bona-fide All-star post presence and talent to go with JJ and Smoove. Atlanta instantly becomes a legitimate playoff team and can make some noise doing it. BK and Woody are in "win now" mode. They know their jobs are on the line and Aldridge might be the better fit long term but does he make the team better right now?

That's why I think a deal like this could happen.

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