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The Hawks ready to Bust out!!!


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Enthusiasm is what this offseason should bring to every Hawks fan.

I have it. I hope we have an injury free season. IF we do and BK doesn't rock the boat too much, I think we will be sitting in a perfect spot.

Here's where I think BK will go:

Yi or Horford and Jarrett Jack.

I won't be mad with Jack but I think that the PGs avaiable at 11 may be better.

BK will not even look at Conley Jr. Conley Sr. trick has ran it's course. NBA GM's have really talked and Conley Jr's stock is dropping as we speak. Plus, BK won't look at a PG below 6'3". I believe that if we kept 11, BK would definitely go with Critt (not my boy Law)... I don't understand his problem with Law, Law is the best PG in the draft. However, I can live with Jack. We'll have 2 JJ's and 2 Josh's AND 2 Williams'.

But why we should be enthused has nothing to do with our draft picks. They are going to be good but they are really future events.

I think our enthusiasm should start with us getting healthy and us getting a good PG.

With JJ, JSmoove, and Shelden all healthy, I think we become a very formidable team. I was watching Cleveland. Cleveland is not that good. Just Lebron. He has no help and I don't know how he got past the Pistons. I want to say Ref assisted but I think it was more internal breakdown with the Pistons. Uncle Joe told me that he's going to keep the team together. I was shocked. I told Uncle Joe you ought to consider getting Artest and trading for Camby. Uncle Joe told me that Rasheed is the best thing that ever happened for the Pistons. I asked Uncle Joe about Billups. He said it all starts with Billups so they will try to keep him too.

With that mentality, I can see us being better than Both Detroit and Cleveland. There are two teams that owned us in the East. Chicago and Miami. Both owned us by stopping our 3 pt shooting. In fact, against those two teams, they exposed our greatest weakness, 3 pt shooting and ball movement. IN short, for us to win, we need a PG who can move the ball and who can bury the shot. I believe everybody but MCJ can do that. A lot of Hawks fans cry about things we don't have, but really when you look at how we play, they are not immediate needs.

1. Low post Center. It would be nice to have one if we're going to play walk it up halfcourt basketball, but we don't need one.

2. Penetrate and dish PG. Again, it's a nice thought, but I would rather have a good PG who can keep turnovers low, make plays and hit a 3 when we need it.

3. Defensive force. Again, a very nice want, But I don't think we should mortgage our team for Ben Wallace or Tyson Chandler (although, he would be nice)... I just think we need to learn to play team defense and that starts with rebounding and boxing out and double teams.

As I watched Lebron last night, run and Jump into team Duncan, and draw the foul, it became evident that having one umber defensive player is nothing in this league. A Dikembe couldn't excel in the way the league is going. We need several defensive minded players. And more importantly, we need to be able to score no matter what!!

I'm excited because I think if we're healthy, we're one of the best in the East. Let's go Hawks!!

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Diesel, while I have laughed at a lot of your offseason plans from last month (I believe), you have been dead-on lately.

I'd love to get a Marcus Camby in here if we could ever do that. T. Lue + Shelden (from Sekou's suggestion) would be pure brilliance on BK's part.


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If we take Brandon Wright I expect a trade on draft day to another team that is taking someone we actually need and getting another player or pick. If not then we need to start a riot at Phillips arena. Wright cannot be on this team period!

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I think the only thing that could kill this enthusiasm would be for a bonehead LF draftee with the #3 pick like Al Thornton or something. At my church, we talk alot about speaking positive things in your life so I'll make a statement about BK making great decisions for this team and the ownership situation not causing any problems. Of course, this is a huge statement of faith. lol.

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