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Ric Bucher: Hawks talking trade?


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I hope this is just a smokescreen. I really do not like Charlie V or his utter lack of anything resembling defense. He's like a third rate version of Zach Randolph: less talent, less moves, less scoring, less defense. Not as crazy but also more injury prone.

Zach Randolph is a midget and Charlie V is more athletic than him and less of a headcase.

He would be instant offense off the bench.

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As much as I disklike Shellhead I have to say Haywood has done nothing in the NBA except be a seven foot tall scrub level talent. I would rather dump Shellhead to Philly for Stephen Hunter if we're that desperate for a true center.

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We already have enough forwards. If we trade we need to bring a major impact PF like Gasol or draft one in Yi that may be the next Gasol. Why move down for a guy with ZERO and I mean ZERO defense in Charlie V with his injury history?

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Trust me, I'm not trying to defend Shellhead here. I'm just that down on a guy who has never shown anything other than being at best a backup center. If we want one that bad call up Billy King and see if they would move Hunter.

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As much as I disklike Shellhead I have to say Haywood has done nothing in the NBA except be a seven foot tall scrub level talent. I would rather dump Shellhead to Philly for Stephen Hunter if we're that desperate for a true center.

You guys are underrating Haywood big time. I live near DC and have seen plenty of Wizards games and he is a very tough defender, a light year better than anyone we have defending at C. And his contract isn't bad at all.

What is Shelden going to do for us? Not much.

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i would NOT do chill/3 for villa/6

however, i would do 3 for villa/6

i'd take pg at 11 still...

at 3 they'd take horford

so 4-5 would have to dodge yi...maybe memphis takes conley and boston wright?

if we could get yi/villa/law(critt) for just our 3/filler/11, i'd love that

but yi may not last until 6

You wouldn't trade Chill for Kobe. Any trade scenario involving Chill you will reject automatically.

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why on earth do people here want to throw in chillz???

No one *wants* to, they're just speculating it evens out the trade a little bit. Personally, I think the Hawks should refuse to add anything else.

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Both of these trades are so-so for me. I guess if we move down to 6 we'll be targeting Conely? That would be fine with me, plus Villenuava isn't bad...and then we'd still have the 11 pick, where I actually think we could get a pretty good player. I really like Horford a lot though. I'm not sure if I'd rather have Horford and Critt - or Conely, Villenuava, and BPA. Depends on how good Conely is, I guess.....if Conely is really in Chris Paul or Tony Parker's league I'd be happy about it.

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How does that even out the trade???

I would rather have Chillz over Villanueva any day of the week.

Chillz scores more, rebounds more, plays better defense...and that is all from the SG/SF position!!!

We are losing on both parts of that trade, I can't comprehend that ever going through.



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If we trade Shelden for Haywood I will walk to Atlanta from Houston just so I am extra pissed off from the walk to kick BKs ass. There is absolutely no way we are seriously considering this, are we? What has Haywood ever done other than be 7' tall?

He's not afraid to mix it up with other centers....unfortunately the other center is Etan Thomas...

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