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I guess, JJ has joined in on the conspiracy to get Yi. I mean after playing him first hand, JJ vouched for him... He should be our pick.

This is ridiculous. Team USA always says a few nice words about the team they just destroyed by 40 points. Half of them didn't even know his name. That's very different from vouching for your team to draft a guy.

JJ has said over and over that he wants to win now, I'm sure he's all for us trading the pick(s) for a veteran like Gasol. Taking a guy who is too light to do anything in the post for a long time and just takes time away from our other young guys until he does is pretty much the exact opposite from the win-now philosophy JJ has clearly expressed.

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Too Light?

Yi is listed at 7'0 246.

Many of you wanted Aldridge who is 230.

Horford is 6'10 244.

Spencer Hawes is 7'0 244.

It's not about being "light". Yi is a player with good offensive skills right now. He's is not Years away, Yi can come in and make an impact right now. He has played the best and he played good.

I think I have heard every stereotype ever made about a chinese player since Yi has been in the draft. He's too light. He is not a post player. He's a Sf. He's 2-3 yrs away. He's unknown. He's the invention of hype. It's obvious that these are just stereotypes. Yi is probably the most visible guy in the draft thanks to the internet.

If you think Yi can't play in the post, you have fooled yourself. I guess the take home lesson here is just because a guy is fast doesn't mean that he's not a good post player. Yi has soo much potential that I think he honestly scares the rest of you who would rather get a guy who you know will never be allstar quality.

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Yi could have scored 46 pts, 15 rebs, 7 blocks, 89% from the field, Dunking on Howard and Brand Holding his nuts, and these guys would say:

Team USA wasn't really trying, their strategy was to let him score and stop the rest of the team.

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Why don't yall just come out and say it? "Those "chinks" can't play basketball, their league isn't better than our Church league teams and that Yi only played well against our USA players because they were bored."

You folks are as ridiculous and the above statement.

Brandon Crump is the best player in the league for Heaven's sake...There is no way he could EVER make it in the NBA.

Face it, it is an awful, awful league.

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Specifically the schedule that many of these guys Horford played?

11/10 Samford

11/14 North Florida

11/16 Jacksonville

11/18 UT-Chatt

11/21 PV A&M

11/24 W Kentucky

11/25 Kansas

11/28 Southern

12/3 @Florida St

12/6 Providence

12/17 @Florida A&M

12/20 Stetson

12/23 Ohio St

12/30 UAB

1/2 Liberty

1/6 Georgia

1/9 Arkansas

1/13 @S Carolina

1/20 Ole Miss

1/24 @Miss St

1/27 @Auburn

1/31 Vanderbilt

2/3 Tennessee

2/7 @Georgia

2/10 @Kentucky

2/14 Alabama

2/17 @Vanderbilt

2/21 S Carolina

2/24 @LSU

2/27 @Tennessee

3/4 Kentucky

3/9 Georgia

3/10 Ole Miss

3/11 Arkansas

3/16 Jackson St

3/18 Purdue

3/23 Butler

3/25 Oregon

3/31 UCLA

4/2 Ohio St

Crump would be the best player on all of those teams with the exception of Ohio St.

Moreover, when Horford played good teams, he did NOTHING offensively or defensively.

The only game worth talking about is the second OSU game.. .and in that game, Oden went for a career high in points!

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Have you ever thought about style of play? Some players thrive in the international style of play. USA sucks in the international style of play. We get our azz kicked daily yearly by players who would be stiffs in the NBA. But Yi fans are saying that Yi also has skills that will translate. IF you are 7'0 and can hit jumpshots, you can hit them anywhere. 7 footers can hit hook shots in any league. 7'0 can probably rebound in every league. Fast in Bejing is fast on Bankhead. It is no different than Oden playing against highschool players last year, or against the weak Big 12 this year. His skills translate.

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Not only that Diesel but I'm guessing that the Chinese league is better than the Indiana H.S. league that Oden played in and we all would have taken Oden first last year. Most of you all are comparing the Chinese league to the NBA which is irrelevant. A more valid comparison would be the NCAA. Hell if Yi played at Div III school Presbyterian College we would be calling him an elite prospect.

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This is the new NBA. There are no centers. What's the difference between C and PF on the offensive end? On the defensive end our 'Center' will be manning the opposing Center. Are there so many massive centers in the league that we have to find a 7 foot 350 pound guy or we will get destroyed?

Who had the better true Center in the finals? Who got swept?

We played the whole year with one center who people around here says plays no defense at all. And we all agree he can't even jump. And we were supposedly a borderline playoff team.

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JohnyB, I have seen some really stupid posts from you in the past but your "chinks" comment is as low as you can get.

Low class, trash post.

Diesel, sorry but Yi did NOT score 46 points against us. Your "logic" in this thread describes a fan that will do anything to sell his man.

The Yi bandwagon gets smaller everyday and for good reason. He is an OK prospect. That's all. He has a huge bust factor because he plays in a second class basketball country. The Chinese are not very good. Period.

Lascar hit the nail on the head about guys giving hollow compliments to guys they just pounded. JJ does not want another project SF on this team. If you don't understand that then thats too bad.

Yi has no business being a Hawk and won't be unless BK wants an international gate attraction. That wont last long when the Hawks keep losing.

They need defense in the paint and a PG. Anything other than those two areas is just wasting time and draft picks.

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If you watch international competition what really kills China is not their big men but their guards. Their guards are either too small or too slow and it lets in way too much penetration into the lanes.

I will say this about Yi: you can't coach aggression and instinct. If someone knows they are going to drive to the basket and either dunk it or get fouled then that player's worth is *to me* much more higher than someone with perhaps a better game or body but is unwilling to use it.

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They need defense in the paint and a PG. Anything other than those two areas is just wasting time and draft picks.

I have no idea how Diesel went from understanding this concept perfectly the last two (drafts) years; and now its like he developed amnesia and forgot who he was...

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JohnyB, I have seen some really stupid posts from you in the past but your "chinks" comment is as low as you can get.

Low class, trash post.

Exactly! The idea that racism/prejudice is lowering our judgement of NBA players is just absurd, and it's just a weak way of trying to end discussion. If anything, the 'international' label makes us value prospects more! And didn't a French dude just win Finals MVP?

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JohnyB, I have seen some really stupid posts from you in the past but your "chinks" comment is as low as you can get.

Low class, trash post.

Exactly! The idea that racism/prejudice is lowering our judgement of NBA players is just absurd, and it's just a weak way of trying to end discussion. If anything, the 'international' label makes us value prospects more! And didn't a French dude just win Finals MVP?

The same year a German won the MVP. Europe is invading!

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JohnyB, I have seen some really stupid posts from you in the past but your "chinks" comment is as low as you can get.

Low class, trash post.

Exactly! The idea that racism/prejudice is lowering our judgement of NBA players is just absurd, and it's just a weak way of trying to end discussion. If anything, the 'international' label makes us value prospects more! And didn't a French dude just win Finals MVP?

The same year a German won the MVP. Europe is invading!

But hey, "frogs" and "krauts" can't play basketball, right?

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